A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.


💯AI00 RWKV Server

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AI00 RWKV Server is an inference API server based on the RWKV model.

It supports VULKAN inference acceleration and can run on all GPUs that support VULKAN. No need for Nvidia cards!!! AMD cards and even integrated graphics can be accelerated!!!

No need for bulky pytorch, CUDA and other runtime environments, it's compact and ready to use out of the box!

Compatible with OpenAI's ChatGPT API interface.

100% open source and commercially usable, under the MIT license.

If you are looking for a fast, efficient, and easy-to-use LLM API server, then AI00 RWKV Server is your best choice. It can be used for various tasks, including chatbots, text generation, translation, and Q&A.

Join the AI00 RWKV Server community now and experience the charm of AI!

QQ Group for communication: 30920262


  • Based on the RWKV model, it has high performance and accuracy
  • Supports VULKAN inference acceleration, you can enjoy GPU acceleration without the need for CUDA! Supports AMD cards, integrated graphics, and all GPUs that support VULKAN
  • No need for bulky pytorch, CUDA and other runtime environments, it's compact and ready to use out of the box!
  • Compatible with OpenAI's ChatGPT API interface


  • Chatbots
  • Text generation
  • Translation
  • Q&A
  • Any other tasks that LLM can do


Installation, Compilation, and Usage

📦Direct Download and Installation

  1. Directly download the latest version from Release

  2. After downloading the model, place the model in the assets/models/ path, for example, assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st

  3. Run in the command line

    $ ./ai00_rwkv_server --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st
  4. Open the browser and visit the WebUI

📜Compile from Source Code

  1. Install Rust

  2. Clone this repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/cgisky1980/ai00_rwkv_server.git $ cd ai00_rwkv_server
  3. After downloading the model, place the model in the assets/models/ path, for example, assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st

  4. Compile

    $ cargo build --release
  5. After compilation, run

    $ cargo run --release -- --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st
  6. Open the browser and visit the WebUI

📝Supported Arguments

  • --model: Model path
  • --tokenizer: Tokenizer path
  • --port: Running port
  • --quant: Specify the number of quantization layers
  • --adepter: Adapter (GPU and backend) selection options


The server listens on port 3000, loads the full-layer quantized (32 > 24) 0.4B model, and selects adapter 0 (to get the specific adapter number, you can first not add this parameter, and the program will enter the adapter selection page).

$ cargo run --release -- --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st --port 3000 --quant 32 --adepter 0

📙Currently Available APIs

The API service starts at port 65530, and the data input and output format follow the Openai API specification.

  • /v1/models
  • /models
  • /v1/chat/completions
  • /chat/completions
  • /v1/completions
  • /completions
  • /v1/embeddings
  • /embeddings

📙WebUI Screenshots



📝TODO List

  • Support for text_completions and chat_completions
  • Support for sse push
  • Add embeddings
  • Integrate basic front-end
  • Parallel inference via batch serve
  • Support for int8 quantization
  • Support for SpQR quantization
  • Support for LoRA model
  • Hot loading and switching of LoRA model

👥Join Us

We are always looking for people interested in helping us improve the project. If you are interested in any of the following, please join us!

  • 💀Writing code
  • 💬Providing feedback
  • 🔆Proposing ideas or needs
  • 🔍Testing new features
  • ✏Translating documentation
  • 📣Promoting the project
  • 🏅Anything else that would be helpful to us

No matter your skill level, we welcome you to join us. You can join us in the following ways:

  • Join our Discord channel
  • Join our QQ group
  • Submit issues or pull requests on GitHub
  • Leave feedback on our website

We can't wait to work with you to make this project better! We hope the project is helpful to you!

Thank you to these awesome individuals who are insightful and outstanding for their support and selfless dedication to the project


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Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

  • The server crashed

    The server crashed

    Hi, Since the precompiled version doesn't work as mentioned in https://github.com/cgisky1980/ai00_rwkv_server/issues/15, I compiled the source code and run it, but it crashed after I submit any text in web user interface. Here is the messages in the console:

    $ cargo run --release -- --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st 
        Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1.53s
         Running `target/release/ai00_server --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st`
    2023-08-01T01:24:06.717Z WARN  [wgpu_core::instance] Missing downlevel flags: DownlevelFlags(SURFACE_VIEW_FORMATS)
    The underlying API or device in use does not support enough features to be a fully compliant implementation of WebGPU. A subset of the features can still be used. If you are running this program on native and not in a browser and wish to limit the features you use to the supported subset, call Adapter::downlevel_properties or Device::downlevel_properties to get a listing of the features the current platform supports.
    WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
    2023-08-01T01:24:06.768Z INFO  [ai00_server] AdapterInfo {
        name: "llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits)",
        vendor: 65541,
        device: 0,
        device_type: Cpu,
        driver: "llvmpipe",
        driver_info: "Mesa 21.2.6 (LLVM 12.0.0)",
        backend: Vulkan,
    2023-08-01T01:24:08.293Z INFO  [ai00_server] ModelInfo {
        num_layers: 24,
        num_emb: 1024,
        num_vocab: 65536,
    2023-08-01T01:24:08.554Z INFO  [ai00_server] server started at
    2023-08-01T01:24:21.065Z TRACE [ai00_server] Sampler {
        top_p: 0.5,
        temperature: 1.0,
        presence_penalty: 0.3,
        frequency_penalty: 0.3,
    2023-08-01T01:24:21.065Z TRACE [ai00_server] state cache miss
    2023-08-01T01:24:21.065Z TRACE [ai00_server] User: 现在的时间是2023 8月 1日 星期二 早上
    Assistant: 好的我知道了!
    User: 你是谁?
    Assistant: Hello, I am your AI assistant. If you have any questions or instructions, please let me know!
    User: test
    Segmentation fault
    opened by cahya-wirawan 3
  • 前端界面文字标准化的一些意见和建议



    1. 建议使用标准现代汉语“愉快地聊天吧!”
    2. 此处可使用/models接口获取真实模型名称
    3. 此处也可标准化成"Max Tokens"、"Top P"、“Presence Penalty”以及"Frequency Penalty",体现专业性
    good first issue 
    opened by cryscan 3
  • `GLIBC_2.33' not found

    `GLIBC_2.33' not found

    Hi, I tried the compiled version and run ./ai00_server --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st but I get following error message:

    $ ./ai00_server --model assets/models/RWKV-4-World-0.4B-v1-20230529-ctx4096.st
    ./ai00_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by ./ai00_server)
    ./ai00_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ./ai00_server)
    ./ai00_server: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by ./ai00_server)
    opened by cahya-wirawan 0
  • wgpu库进行计算着色器(Compute Shader)编译时出现了错误

    wgpu库进行计算着色器(Compute Shader)编译时出现了错误

    2023-08-18T04:24:01.957Z WARN [wgpu::backend::direct] Shader translation error for stage ShaderStages(COMPUTE): HLSL: Unimplemented("write_expr_math Unpack4x8unorm") 2023-08-18T04:24:01.958Z WARN [wgpu::backend::direct] Please report it to https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga 2023-08-18T04:24:01.958Z ERROR [wgpu::backend::direct] Handling wgpu errors as fatal by default thread 'main' panicked at 'wgpu error: Validation Error

    Caused by: In Device::create_compute_pipeline note: label = matmul Internal error: HLSL: Unimplemented("write_expr_math Unpack4x8unorm")

    ', C:\Users\runneradmin.cargo\registry\src\index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f\wgpu-0.16.3\src\backend\direct.rs:3019:5 note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace

    以下为openai给出的解释: 根据您提供的错误消息,看起来是在使用wgpu库进行计算着色器(Compute Shader)编译时出现了错误。

    错误消息中指出了一个HLSL(High-Level Shading Language)编译错误,具体是关于未实现的功能:"Unimplemented("write_expr_math Unpack4x8unorm")"。这可能表示您的计算着色器中使用了HLSL中尚未实现的操作或函数。


    1. 报告问题:根据错误消息中的提示,您可以将此问题报告给wgpu库的开发者,以便他们了解到该功能尚未实现,并可能提供修复或解决方案。您可以访问https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga并提交一个新的issue。

    2. 检查计算着色器代码:检查您的计算着色器代码,特别关注使用了"Unpack4x8unorm"操作或函数的地方。如果可能,尝试使用其他可用的操作或函数替代。

    3. 版本更新:确保您正在使用wgpu库的最新版本。可能已经有人报告了这个问题,并且在更新的版本中可能已经得到修复。

    4. 回溯信息:根据错误消息中的提示,您可以设置环境变量RUST_BACKTRACE为1,以显示完整的回溯信息。这可能会提供更多关于错误发生位置的信息,帮助您进行故障排除。


    opened by TralMac 1
  • GPTQ quantification support.

    GPTQ quantification support.

    For some low performance devices, using GPTQ for 4Bit quantization is very important.

    Do you have any plans to add GPTQ quantification support?

    Here is a GPTQ quantification project that can be run on a computer: https://github.com/3outeille/GPTQ-for-RWKV

    opened by Pevernow 1
  • Mobile platform support?

    Mobile platform support?

    This project seems to use Vulkan to provide hardware acceleration, which means it can be easily ported to mobile platforms. Do you currently support mobile platforms, or do you have plans to support them in the future?

    opened by Pevernow 2
  • Add a text conversion API  增加文本转换API

    Add a text conversion API 增加文本转换API

    增加文本转换API,把常见的docx、pdf等文档转化为txt, 方便后续 对文档对话、个人知识库等功能的开发。

    可以说一下 还有那些文档格式的支持, 欢迎Pr

    Add a text conversion API to convert docx and PDF documents into txt,

    Facilitate the development of functions such as document chat and personal knowledge base in the future.

    Needs Pr

    good first issue 
    opened by cgisky1980 0
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