Ryze: An experimental Rust Web Framework
Ryze is a minimal web framework for Rust inspired by Hertz and written by GPT4.
Here is a simple example of using the Ryze framework:
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use hyper::Body;
use hertz::{Hertz, RequestContext};
mod hertz;
// Index handler
fn index(ctx: &mut RequestContext) {
let query = ctx.req.uri().query().unwrap_or("");
let body = query.chars().map(|b| b.to_ascii_uppercase()).collect::<String>();
*ctx.resp.body_mut() = Body::from(body);
// Hello (or ping) handler
fn hello(ctx: &mut RequestContext) {
*ctx.resp.body_mut() = Body::from("Pong!");
async fn main() -> hyper::Result<()> {
let mut h = Hertz::new();
// middleware 0
h.use_fn(Arc::new(|req_ctx| {
println!("pre-handle 0");
println!("post-handle 0");
// middleware 1
h.use_fn(Arc::new(|req_ctx| {
println!("pre-handle 1");
println!("post-handle 1");
// route registry
h.get("/query", Arc::new(index)).await;
h.get("/ping", Arc::new(hello)).await;
// run forever
h.spin(SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8000))).await