11126 Repositories
What if we could check declarative macros before using them?
expandable An opinionated attribute-macro based macro_rules! expansion checker. Textbook example rustc treats macro definitions as some opaque piece o
Catch Tailwindcss Errors at Compile-Time Before They Catch You, without making any change to your code! Supports overriding, extending, custom classes, custom modifiers, Plugins and many more ππ₯π¦
twust Twust is a powerful static checker in rust for TailwindCSS class names at compile-time. Table of Contents Overview Installation Usage Statement
A collection of serverless apps that show how Fermyon's Serverless AI
A collection of serverless apps that show how Fermyon's Serverless AI (currently in private beta) works. Reference: https://developer.fermyon.com/spin/serverless-ai-tutorial
HTTP client/libcurl TUI front end in Rust, with request + key storage
Rust TUI HTTP Client with API Key Management This project is still in active development and although it is useable, there may still be bugs and signi
Configurable, smart and fast CSS/SCSS/Sass/Less formatter.
π· Malva Malva is a configurable, smart and fast CSS/SCSS/Sass/Less formatter. Why? Configurable Malva is configurable. It provides several configurat
Human-friendly indexed collections
Indexical: Human-Friendly Indexed Collections Indexical is a library for conveniently and efficiently working with indexed collections of objects. "In
Counter-Strike 2 Offset Dumper
cs2-dumper An external offsets/interfaces dumper for Counter-Strike 2, written in Rust. Usage You can either download the latest release from Releases
A reasonable web framework. Others are faster, but this is likely to be more economical.
intercity A web framework for people wanting to build microservices good and build other stuff good too. Intercity is a reasonable web framework. Othe
serde support for http crate types Request, Response, Uri, StatusCode, HeaderMap
serde extensions for the http crate types Allows serializing and deserializing the following types from http: Response Request HeaderMap StatusCode Ur
zink! is a library for developing ink! smart contracts with useful Rust macros that extend functionality and reduce boilerplate code.
zink! Smart Contract Macros This is a helper library for developing ink! smart contracts. It contains useful Rust macros that extend functionality and
An implementation of Messaging Layer Security (RFC 9420)
mls-rs β An implementation of the IETF Messaging Layer Security end-to-end encryption (E2EE) protocol. What is MLS? MLS is a new IETF end-to-end encry
This is the github repo for the Spot Lite protocol.
spot-contract This is the github repo for the Spot Lite protocol. Set up local Sei Please follow the documentation on the official Sei doc to set up y
A small CLI utility for helping you learn japanese words made in rust π¦
Memofante (Clique aqui ver em portuguΓͺs) Memofante is here, a biiiig help: Do you often forget japanese words you really didn't want to forget? Do you
A tilemap library for Bevy. With many algorithms built in.
Bevy EntiTiles A tilemap library for bevy. Notice that the crate is still in need of optimization. So don't use this in your formal projects. Strongly
Proof-of-concept Typst webapp alternative
Proof-of-Concept Typst Webapp Alternative With the following features: Collaborative editing (using operational-transform and referenced from ekzhang/
Map for WASM. Inspired by leaflet
Kapta Inspired by leaflet Examples and Usage Integrate leptos Cargo.toml kapta = {version = "0.0.2"} leptos_kapta = {version = "0.0.2"} leptos = {vers
A rust chess implementation using a neural network scoring function built on huggingface/candle + rust + wasm
Rusty Chess What is it? Rusty Chess aims to be a high quality embeddable chess engine that runs entirely locally in the browser (no backend required).
Channel some Ki with Lua scripts for sending transactions to Starknet, powered by Rust.
Kipt Kipt is leveraging the simplicity of Lua scripts to manage Starknet contracts using starknet-rs under the hood. With few lines, you can declare,
A top-down arena shooter roguelite in which you're a mythical marshmallow god fighting against peasant munchies such as chocolates, jellies, or candies!
Mythmallow A top-down arena shooter roguelite in which you're a mythical marshmallow god fighting against peasant munchies such as chocolates, jellies
auto-epp-rs is a program that manages the energy performance preferences (EPP) of your AMD CPU using the AMD-Pstate driver.
auto-epp-rs is a program that manages the energy performance preferences (EPP) of your AMD CPU using the AMD-Pstate driver. It adjusts the EPP settings based on whether your system is running on AC power or battery power, helping optimize power consumption and performance. This project is a rewrite of the original Python version jothi-prasath/auto-epp in Rust, aiming to improve memory efficiency and overall performance.
API based replacement for carbon.now.sh
Inkify Unfortunately Carbon has been without an API for too long, and I've run into a few cases where one would be useful for a project. So I present
Tool that mirrors questions and resolutions from other forecasting platforms to Manifold.
Tool that mirrors questions and resolutions from other forecasting platforms to Manifold. Managram commands People can interact with the bot by sendin
Speech-to-text lib for Melba Toast
Melba-stt A rust discord bot that joins a voice channel and transcribes spoken audio from each user. Running Install the rust toolchain With CUDA and
String processing with file/line/col information and the regular rust `str` API
Simple span handling for str and &[u8] This crate exposes some of the methods that exist on str or bstr. If you are missing any you need, please open
A rust crate can find first `Err` in `IteratorResultT, E` and iterating continuously, without allocation.
Api Document first-err Find the first Err in IteratorResultT, E and allow iterating continuously. This crate is specifically designed to replace t
A Password Manager Using age for Encryption
A Password Manager Using age for Encryption Contents Features Usage Install Import from pass How It Works Features It is inspired by pass. senior's fe
Lets you tweak Assassin's Creed Mirage in various ways.
Mirage Tweaks Lets you tweak Assassin's Creed Mirage in various ways. Currently supports adjusting the eject height and sprint speed. Usage Get the la
A binary that bootstraps a Leptos application with client side rendering, tailwind, and vercel
create-leptos-csr-tw This CLI provides a quick setup to start building web applications using the Leptos web framework integrated with TailwindCSS. It