A top-down arena shooter roguelite in which you're a mythical marshmallow god fighting against peasant munchies such as chocolates, jellies, or candies!



A top-down arena shooter roguelite in which you're a mythical marshmallow god fighting against peasant munchies such as chocolates, jellies, or candies!


Mythmellow is created after playing excessive amount of Brotato as a Rust developer. The purpose is to learn how to develop a game from start to end with Bevy using the best practices, and share it with the community as an example.


Mythmellow is free and open source! It'll be released on Steam and Epic Games Store in the future for those who want to donate or want to have the convenience of having the game on a gaming platform.

At the time being, the only way to play is to build the game yourself. The game is still in its infancy, so the release process is non-existent.


Coming soon...

Epic Games

Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


You need Nightly Rust Toolchain, Bevy OS Dependencies and LLD or Mold Linker to build the game.

Native (Debug)

To build the game for development in your native platform, you can run:

cargo build --features native,development,bevy/dynamic_linking

Native (Release)

To build the game for release in your native platform, you can run:

cargo build --features native --release

WebAssembly (Debug)

To build the game for development in WebAssembly, you can run:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features wasm,development

WebAssembly (Release)

To build the game for release in WebAssembly, you can run:

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --features wasm --release


CLI Options

--configuration <PATH>

Sets the configuration directory.

  • In native:
  • In wasm:
    • defaults to session/configuration which means browsers session storage will be used

--data <PATH>

Sets the data directory.

  • In native:
  • In wasm:
    • defaults to session/configuration which means browsers session storage will be used

--seed <SEED>

Sets the seed for random number generation in the game.

If not set manually, a random seed will be used.

Warning: This flag is only for debugging purposes. Same seed can result in a different game, in different versions of the game.


Starts the application in the game, skipping menus.

--mode <MODE>

Sets the game mode when starting the application in the game.

Available modes:

  • Survival

If not set manually, a random game mode will be selected.


API Documentation

To view the API documentation, you can run:

cargo doc --features native,development --open

Design Documentation

To view the design documentation, you can run:

mdbook serve --open

(requires mdbook).


Mythmellow is free, open source and permissively licensed!

All code in this repository is dual-licensed under either:

This means you can select the license you prefer!

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  • Pause on losing focus

    Pause on losing focus

    Game should be paused automatically when primary window focus is lost, to prevent users from accidental Alt + Tabs.


    • https://docs.rs/bevy/latest/bevy/window/struct.WindowFocused.html
    enhancement ux 
    opened by umut-sahin 0
  • Support multiple languages

    Support multiple languages

    Staring with:

    • English
    • Turkish

    And for later:

    • French
    • German
    • Spanish
    • Italian
    • Dutch
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Traditional Chinese
    • Hindi
    • more?
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  • Improve camera

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    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdWFzpgnljs
    • https://store.steampowered.com/app/1942280/Brotato/ (the first video)

    I'd recommend playing Brotato and observing its behavior as well.

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