library that provides high-level APIs for obtaining information on various entertainment media such as books, movies, comic books, anime, manga, and so on.

Overview is a library which provides high-level APIs to get information about several entertainment mediums like books, movies, comics, anime, manga, etc.

Checkout the original consumet.ts

Credits to the beautiful people who wrote the original api consumet

Clippy Test GitHub Official Discord

Table of Contents

Quick Start


To use consumet-api-rs in your project, run:

cargo install consumet-rs


Example - searching for a movie using the flixhq provider.

use consumet_rs::providers::movies;

// Create a new instance of the FlixHQ provider
let flixhq = movies::FlixHQ;
// Search for a movie. In this case, "Vincenzo"
let data ="Vincenzo", None).await?;
println!("{:#?}", data);

Do you want to know more? Head to the Getting Started.




You can contact the maintainer of consumet-api-rs via email, or join the official discord server (Recommended).


Licensed under GPL-3.0.

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