A ln scraper to read light novels and watch anime in your terminal (Written in rust)

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Command-line kami


Table of content

  1. Why use kami
  2. Dependencies
  3. Install
  4. Honorable mentions

Why use kami

Well its a fast and easy way to watch anime and read light novels right in your terminal no need to open a browser. Also rust is fast as fuck boiiiii. It can keep your anime tracking up to date with anilist.


  1. bat
  2. mpv
  3. gitbash(if on windows)

I will be explaining how to install them.



  1. install bat and mpv with your package manager(homebrew if on mac)
  2. Clone the repo for kami.
    git clone https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami.git && cd kami
  3. install Rust
  4. Build kami using cargo.
    cargo build --release
  5. Copy kami to your path.
    cp target/release/kami /usr/local/bin/kami


  1. install scoop
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
    irm get.scoop.sh | iex
  2. install git
    scoop install git
  3. install mpv
    scoop bucket add extras
    scoop install mpv
  4. install bat
    scoop install bat
  5. install Rust
  6. (Optional but I highly recommend it) adding bash to windows terminal.
    1. install windows terminal from the Microsoft store.
    2. open the terminal.
    3. open settings.
    4. click “Add a new profile”
    5. click “New empty profile”
    6. Click on “name” and rename it to “Git Bash”
    7. Click on “Command line” and click “Browse…”
    8. if you installed git using scoop then follow this(else the steps are mostly the same just a different path) navigate to C:\User\USERNAME\scoop\apps\git\2.37.1.windows.1\bin\bash.exe Where USERNAME is your username note that the name 2.37.1.windows.1 might be slightly different on your system
    9. click “Open”
    10. Click “Starting directory” and uncheck “Use parent process directory”
    11. Click “Save”
    12. now you can open gitbash from windows terminal
  7. Clone the repo for kami
    git clone https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami.git && cd kami
  8. Build kami using cargo
    cargo build --release
  9. copy kami to path
    cp target/release/kami.exe /usr/bin/kami
  10. open kami by using kami

Honorable mentions

  • ani-cli Just a bunch of fucking nice people.
  • rust docs Honestly its just so useful.
  • flix-cli For forcing me to make a release.
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  • v0.5(Aug 3, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • refactor: restructure by @justchokingaround in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/1
    • Soft wrap text with fold and tput cols by @newbee1905 in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/3
    • refactor: improved file hierarchy by @justchokingaround in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/5
    • added menu by @SKYICE01 in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/6

    New Contributors

    • @justchokingaround made their first contribution in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/1
    • @newbee1905 made their first contribution in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/3
    • @SKYICE01 made their first contribution in https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/pull/6

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/mrfluffy-dev/kami/commits/v0.5

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    kami(7.98 MB)
    kami-x86_64.AppImage(3.58 MB)
    kami.exe(3.06 MB)
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