11126 Repositories
Modern, lightweight & standard-compliant bitcoin wallet runtime & cli without rust-bitcoin dependencies
Bitcoin protocol command-line wallet & tools Modern, minimalistic & standard-compliant cold wallet from LNP/BP Standards Association. Contributing Con
Synchronization primitives for both web and native.
wasm_sync wasm_sync offers synchronization primitives that work in both browser and native contexts. In web browsers, use of atomic wait instructions
SQLite Extension adding various hashing functions like MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, etc.
sqlite-hashes Use this crate to add various hash functions to SQLite, including MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512. This crate uses rusqlite to add user-de
temp - building custom deb
PL/Rust: A Trusted Procedural Language Handler for Rust PL/Rust is a loadable procedural language that enables writing PostgreSQL functions in the Rus
SOCKS5 implement library, with some useful utilities such as dns-query, socks5-server, dns2socks, udp-client, etc.
socks5-impl Fundamental abstractions and async read / write functions for SOCKS5 protocol and Relatively low-level asynchronized SOCKS5 server impleme
A Framework for Production-Ready Continuous Machine Learning
CML "Domain generalization is dead, Continuous Machine Learning lives forever." —— an iKun CML is a framework for production-ready continuous machine
Example implementation of a 3d hexagon tile-based map editor using bevy
bevy-hex-sandbox Example implementation of a 3d hexagon tile-based map editor using bevy v0.10. smol.mov This is not a maintained project. Instead, th
This repository brings together my studies in the Rust language.
Studying_Rust This repository brings together my studies in the Rust language. Study schedule in 90 days start date: 7/24 end date: 10/24 Each topic w
A simple (but really fast!) CLI tool to convert an epub into a text file.
epub_to_txt A simple (but really fast!) CLI tool written in Rust to convert an epub into a text file (in Markdown format). Usage epub_to_txt filename.
My create new project simply (originaly in bash), in rust !
CNPS-Rust CNPS (Create new project simply) is a powerful tool built in Rust that simplifies the process of creating projects in various programming la
A standalone yjs server with persistence to blob storage.
y-sweet: a Yjs server with persistence and auth y-sweet is an open-source server for building realtime applications on top of the Yjs CRDT library. Fe
lla - The Elegant ls Alternative
lla - The Elegant ls Alternative Overview lla (Lightweight ls Alternative) is an elegant and efficient command-line utility written in Rust, designed
Terminal command correction, alternative to thefuck written in Rust
Pay Respects Typed a wrong command? Pay Respects will try to correct your wrong console command by simply pressing F! 🚀 Blazing fast suggestion: You
Cargo features alignment tool.
Cargo Featalign Cargo features alignment tool. Introduction The original version of this project can be found at subalfred check features. Upon furthe
The lambda-chaos-extension allows you to inject faults into Lambda functions without modifying the function code.
Chaos Extension - Seamless, Universal & Lightning-Fast The lambda-chaos-extension allows you to inject faults into Lambda functions without modifying
Parse, edit and merge Prometheus metrics exposition format
promerge Promerge provides minimalistic and easy to use API to parse and manipulate Prometheus metrics. A simple usecase could be collecting metrics f
Navigate in the world of ESP32 with easy. Tool for maintaining development environment.
ESP Helm Get all important information for Embedded Development with ESP32 and mainitain the development environment. Check out releases for binary ve
TinyTodo is a Cedar Agent example, with a server in Rust and client in python
TinyTodo - OPAL and Cedar Agent Demo TinyTodo is a simple application for managing task lists. It uses OPAL and Cedar Agent to control who has access
A piet frontend for tiny-skia
piet-tiny-skia A piet frontend for the tiny-skia framework. tiny-skia is a very high-quality implementation of software rendering, based on the algori
Open-source Rewind.ai clone written in Rust and Vue running 100% locally with whisper.cpp
mind-overflow Open-source Rewind.AI clone built with Tauri and Vue. Leverages whisper.cpp for Speech-to-Text and (wip: llama.cpp for Text generation a
The open source distributed web search engine that searches by meaning.
DawnSearch DawnSearch is an open source distributed web search engine that searches by meaning. It uses semantic search (searching on meaning), using
A Bevy plugin to easily create and manage windows that remember where they were.
bevy-persistent-windows A Bevy plugin to easily create and manage windows that remember where they were. Background When you're developing a game, thu
Library uses file-based mmap to store key-values
Library uses file-based mmap to store key-values This is a Rust version of MMKV. By default, this lib uses CRC8 to check data integrity. If include fe
A zero-config leptos component to display markdown
A port of yew-markdown using leptos ! Usage You can use this component to render both static and dynamic markdown. Static markdown use leptos::*; {
A simple demo to bind a TCP port with k8s exec channel.k8s.io websocket API.
k8s-webterm-connector Tired with web terminals? Let's use it with CLI! This is just a simple demo to bind a TCP port with k8s exec websocket API, whic
Logging and Telemetry exporters for Tembo.io applications
Tembo Telemetry Logging and Telemetry exporters for Tembo.io applications. Overview Tembo Telemetry is a Rust crate designed to easily integrate loggi
Create Bitcoin double-spend discouraging bonds on Liquid.
doubletake A tool for creating Bitcoin double-spend punishment bonds on Liquid. WARNING: Don't use this tool for real use cases yet. There are still a
SDK for the Portfolio protocol written in rust.
portfolio-rs Minimalist toolkit for building rust applications on top of the portfolio protocol. Installation [Required] Foundry. Source. If not insta