Terminal command correction, alternative to thefuck written in Rust


Pay Respects

Typed a wrong command? Pay Respects will try to correct your wrong console command by simply pressing F!

  • 🚀 Blazing fast suggestion: You won't notice any delay for asking suggestions!
  • ✏️ Easy to write rules: You don't need to know Rust. The rules are written in a TOML file that is simple to work with and evaluated to Rust code upon compilation!
  • 🪶 Tiny binary size: Not even 1MB!




How to Pay Respects

The binary is named pay-respects, by adding an alias to your shell configuration:

# Note: You may need to have the binary exposed in your path
alias f="$(pay-respects <your_shell_here>)"

# for example, using `zsh`:
alias f="$(pay-respects zsh)"

# Alternatively, you can also use the following initialization in your config file
# for bash and zsh
eval "$(pay-respects <shell> --alias)"
# for fish
pay-respects fish --alias | source

# for `nushell`, the alias can be added automatically with:
pay-respects nushell

You can now press F to Pay Respects!

Currently, only corrections to bash, zsh, and fish are working flawlessly.

nushell has broken aliases, therefore it has following 2 limitations:

  • You have to manually add the output of pay-respects nushell to your configuration as alias
  • Aliased commands cannot be expanded to their original command


If you are using Arch Linux, you can install from AUR directly:

paru -S pay-respects

Alternatively, you can download Linux binary from releases.

Otherwise, you can use cargo to compile the project:

cargo build --release

and the binary can be found at target/release/pay-respects.

Rule Files

Rule files are parsed at compilation. Everything in rule files is converted to Rust code before compiling. You don't have to know the project structure nor Rust to write the rules!

Syntax of a rule file (will be read by simply placing the file under rules):

# this field should be the name of the command
command = "world"

# you can add as many `[[match_err]]` section as you want
# the suggestion of this section will be used for the following patterns of the error output
# note that the error is formatted to lowercase without extra spaces
pattern = [
	"pattern 1",
	"pattern 2"
# this will change the first argument to `fix`, while keeping the rest intact
suggest = [
	"{{command[0]}} fix {{command[2:]}}",

pattern = [
	"pattern 1",
# this will add a `sudo` before the command if:
# - the `sudo` is found by `which`
# - the last command does not contain `sudo`
suggest = [
#[executable(sudo), !cmd_contains(sudo)]
sudo {{command}}

The placeholder is evaluated as following:

  • {{command}}: All the command without any modification
  • {{command[1]}}: The first argument of the command (the command itself has index of 0)
  • {{command[2:5]}}: The second to fifth arguments. If any of the side is not specified, them it defaults to the start (if it is left) or the end (if it is right).
  • {{typo[2](fix1, fix2)}}: This will try to change the second argument to candidates in the parenthesis. The argument in parentheses must have at least 2 values. Single arguments are reserved for specific matches, for instance, path to search all commands found in the $PATH environment, or the {{shell}} placeholder, among others.
  • {{opt::<Regular Expression>}}: Optional patterns that are found in the command with RegEx (see RegEx crate for syntax). Note that all patterns matching this placeholder will not take a place when indexing.
  • {{cmd::<Regular Expression>}}: Get the matching pattern from the last command. Unlike {{opt}}, this won't remove the string after matching
  • {{err::<Regular Expression}}: Get the matching patterns from the error message.
  • {{shell(<shell commands>)}}: Replace with the output of the shell command. This placeholder can be used along {{typo}} as its only argument, where each newline will be evaluated to a candidate.

The suggestion can have additional conditions to check. To specify the conditions, add a #[...] at the first line (just like derive macros in Rust). Available conditions:

  • executable: Check if the argument can be found by which
  • cmd_contains: Check if the last user input contains the argument
  • err_contains: Check if the error of the command contains the argument

Current Progress

Current option to write rules should cover most of the cases.

We need more rule files, contributions are welcomed!

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    What happened?

    I am using ArchLinux with zh_CN.UTF-8 locale, however, when this program runs corrected command, environment variables such as LANG are not passed to the corrected command.

    The command and output

    Note: this log contains non-English words:

    # zhanghua @ archlinux in ~ [12:38:59]
    $ pacman -S
    错误:非 root (根用户) 无法执行指定操作。
    # zhanghua @ archlinux in ~ [12:39:02] C:1 
    $ f
    sudo pacman -S
    Press enter to execute the suggestion. Or press Ctrl+C to exit.
    [sudo] password for zhanghua: 
    error: no targets specified (use -h for help)
    # zhanghua @ archlinux in ~ [12:39:10]

    The sudo command called by pay-respects seems that it does not have the proper LANG environment variable so its outputs becomes English

    No similar issue

    • [X] I have searched the issue list and there is no similar issue found
    opened by zhanghua000 1
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