11126 Repositories
A bare metal STM32F103C8T6/STM32F103 MCU program written in pure Rust
A bare metal (register level) STM32F103C8T6/STM32F103 MCU program written in pure Rust without any IDE, SDK, HAL or library, and no assembly code, the only tool required is the Rust compiler.
Another approach to thread stack spoofing.
Description This Twitter thread inspired the creation of this tool. Unwinder is a PoC of how to parse PE's UNWIND_INFO structs in order to achieve "pr
A GB emulator that is written in Rust 🦀!
Boytacean A Game Boy emulator that is written in Rust 🦀 . This emulator has been written for educational purposes and shouldn't be taken too seriousl
zero-dependency 3d math library in rust
dualquat A lightweight, zero-dependency 3d math library for use in Dual Quaternion based physics simulation. Capable of representing and transforming
Provides filesystem access for the Rhai scripting language.
About rhai-fs This crate provides filesystem access for the Rhai scripting language. Usage Cargo.toml [dependencies] rhai-fs = "0.1.2" Rhai script //
A simple example showcasing how to use Bevy to display a square with acceleration (controllable with your keyboard) that wraps around the screen!
Bevy Wrapping Square example A simple example showcasing how to use Bevy to display a square with acceleration (controllable with your keyboard) that
High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations
High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations. Used mainly as a dependency of `barter-rs` project
Universal Windows library for discovering common render engines functions. Supports DirectX9 (D3D9), DirectX10 (D3D10), DirectX11 (D3D11), DirectX12 (D3D12).
Shroud Universal library for discovering common render engines functions. Supports DirectX9 (D3D9), DirectX10 (D3D10), DirectX11 (D3D11), DirectX12 (D
A Rust doubly-linked intrusive list with Miri tests
Intrusive stack-allocated doubly-linked list example Quickstart cargo test Or to run the tests under Miri: rustup toolchain install nightly # if y
A workflow tool for quickly running / testing something you are working on
runfast What is it? This is a program intended to be run in a project directory to set up a project run command, and remember it so we dont have to ty
Interpreted, optimized, JITed and compiled implementations of the Brainfuck lang.
Interpreted, Optimized, JITed and Compiled Brainfuck implementations This repo contains a series of brainfuck implementations based on Eli Bendersky b
Stockbook embeds 1-bit raster images in your code at compile time
stockbook Stockbook embeds 1-bit raster images in your code at compile time. Designed primarily for #![no_std] usage, in embedded or other program-mem
Simplistic complier~virtual-machine that transforms AST into a Rust function, with basic type checking
rast-jit-vm rast-jit-vm is a simplistic, proof-of-concept~ish compiler / virtual machine that transforms syntax tree into a Rust function, type-checki
Demo Rust Cursive crate for terminal user interface (TUI)
Demo Rust Cursive Demonstration of the Rust programming language and Cursvie crate for terminal user interface (TUI). Setup Create: cargo new demo Add
Technically, this does exactly what sleep does but completes much faster!
hypersleep Technically does everything that sleep does but it is "blazingly fast!" For example, $ time sleep 1 real 0m1.005s user 0m0.001s sys
Structured Exception Handling (SEH) for Rust
MicroSEH ❌ MicroSEH is a small library for Structured Exception Handling (SEH) in Rust that can catch and handle hardware exceptions. Isn't Rust suppo
Play it here: https://ebbdrop.com/AoCropeSnake/
AoC Rope Snake A snake clone based on the rope physics from the day 9 puzzle from Advent of code 2022. The code is based of the snake example from mac
Command-line tool to convert Apple HealthKit data to a SQLite database.
healthkit-to-sqlite Command-line tool to convert Apple HealthKit data to a SQLite database. Getting Started Open the Health app on your iOS device. Cl
Determine the Unicode class of a mathematical character in Rust.
unicode-math-class Determine the Unicode class of a mathematical character in Rust. Example use unicode_math_class::{class, MathClass}; assert_eq!(cl
A cosmic, polyphonic, additive FM synthesizer.
🪐 Orbital 🪐 A cosmic, polyphonic, additive FM synthesizer. Features Relative (to the oscillator frequency) and absolute frequency modulation: This a
Lesson 1 - Fundamental structure of smartcontract of near protocol
NEAR CONTRACT dev-1672293046853-49717456344735 pnpm run deploy [email protected] deploy /Users/vudangquang/Courses/VBI-Courses/rs-contract cd co
Mypyc DSL grammar for tree-sitter
tree-sitter-mypyc Mypyc DSL grammar for tree-sitter. Installing (Neovim) This is based on the Neovim Tree-sitter docs for adding new parsers. Basicall
A micro crate that simplifies a bit the use of the std macro thread_local!.
with-thread-local A micro crate that simplifies a bit the use of the std macro thread_local!. extern crate regex; use with_thread_local::with_thread_
Styling framework for Yew ✂
💇♂️ + 🦀 - Hallings - components for Yew ❓ Purpose What if there existed a couple of pre-built components for yew like password strength checker or
This is an implementation of "Game of Life" by Horton Conway in Rust using raylib.
Game-of-Life This is an implementation of "Game of Life" by Horton Conway in Rust using raylib. What is Game of Life? The Game of Life, also known sim
Simple Rust derive-macro that simplifies integral enum creation
Integral enum A simple way to define integer-like enums. This macro implements bunch of traits that are usually implemented via looooong derive(..) at
Kotlin bindings for yrs.
ykt Kotlin bindings for yrs. Getting started import uniffi.ykt.Doc fun main() { val doc = Doc() val text = doc.getText("my_text") val tx = doc
CLI to create redirections in CloudFlare to Zoom meetings.
boteco boteco is a CLI to create redirections in CloudFlare to Zoom meetings. Requirements CloudFlare page rules In the domain you want to use, you ne