rast-jit-vm is a simplistic, proof-of-concept~ish compiler / virtual machine that transforms syntax tree into a Rust function, type-checking it on the way:
use rast_jit_vm::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let mul2 = Program {
input: Type::Int,
output: Type::Int,
body: Node::Mul {
lhs: Box::new(Node::Var("input")),
rhs: Box::new(Node::Const(Value::Int(2))),
let mul2 = vm::compile::<_, i32>(mul2);
println!("{}", mul2(15));
Instead of transforming AST into bytecode, rast-jit-vm uses a bit lesser known technique that's oriented around thunks - basically, instead of doing:
fn eval(node: Node) -> Value {
match node {
Node::Add { lhs, rhs } => lhs + rhs,
/* ... */
... what rast-jit-vm does is:
type Thunk = Box<dyn Fn() -> Value>;
fn compile(node: Node) -> (Type, Thunk) {
match node {
Node::Add { lhs, rhs } => {
let (lhs_ty, lhs) = compile(lhs);
let (rhs_ty, rhs) = compile(rhs);
match (lhs_ty, rhs_ty) {
(Type::Int, Type::Int) => {
let ty = Type::Int;
let thunk = Box::new(|| lhs() + rhs());
(ty, thunk)
(lhs_ty, rhs_th) => {
panic!("unsupported op: {:?} + {:?}", lhs_ty, rhs_ty);
/* ... */
This allows not only to type-check all of the code up-front, but also to perform otherwise impossible optimizations such as preallocating variables into stack-slots:
struct CompilationContext {
stack: Vec<Type>,
vars: BTreeMap<String, usize>, // var-name => stack-slot
struct RuntimeContext {
stack: Vec<Value>,
type Thunk = Box<dyn Fn(&mut RuntimeContext) -> Value>;
fn compile(ctxt: &mut CompilationContext, node: Node) -> (Type, Thunk) {
match node {
/// `let name = value`
Node::Let { name, value } => {
let (ty, value) = compile(ctxt, value);
let id = ctxt.stack.len();
ctxt.vars.insert(name, ty);
let thunk = Box::new(move |ctxt: &mut RuntimeContext| {
// Voilà, no HashMap / BTreeMap needed at runtime!
ctxt.stack[id] = value(ctxt);
(Type::Unit, thunk)
/// `name`
Node::Var(name) => {
let id = *vars.get(name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
panic!("variable not defined: {}", name);
let thunk = Box::new(move |ctxt: &mut RuntimeContext| {
// Voilà, no HashMap / BTreeMap needed at runtime!
(ty, thunk)
/* ... */
Thanks to this approach, an interpreter / a virtual machine written in this way can be faster than a typical one, because the "compiled" program doesn't have to perform any var-name => var-value
map-based lookups anymore - to read or write a variable, it simply accesses it by its index!
Running locally
$ git clone https://github.com/Patryk27/rast-jit-vm
$ cd rast-jit-vm
# Uses the compilation technique as described above:
$ cargo run --bin mandelbrot-compile
# Uses just a regular interpreter-based evaluation approach:
$ cargo run --bin mandelbrot-eval
# Note that printing Mandelbrot fractal at this scale is pretty fast, so if you
# want to see a difference in the times, compare:
$ cargo run --release --bin mandelbrot-compile-100k
$ cargo run --release --bin mandelbrot-eval-100k
Using the Mandelbrot fractal as a benchmark, tuned to 100k iterations for extra synthetic-benchmarking-juice, I've been able to obtain the following times:
- Rust¹: 1.5s
- rast-jit-vm, compiled²: 50s
- Python³: 115s
- rast-jit-vm, evaluated⁴: 130s
(technology: time to render the fractal; less is better)
¹ cd benches && rustc -O mandelbrot.rs && ./mandelbrot
² cargo run --release --bin mandelbrot-compile-100k
³ cd benches && python3 ./mandelbrot.py
⁴ cargo run --release --bin mandelbrot-eval-100k
Missing features
- pretty error handling (it's just
all over the place), - both the compiler and the evaluator don't understand scoping - it's possible to declare a variable inside a
block and use it outside (to do something likewhile false { let x = true; } println!("{}", x);
), - rast-jit-vm's AST is Turing-incomplete (rough proof: all programs have statically allocated stack and there's no runtime malloc/free-like facilities, making recursion impossible; though arguably that's somewhere in-between a missing feature and a design decision).
Copyright (c) 2022, Patryk Wychowaniec [email protected].
Licensed under the MIT license.