Mypyc DSL grammar for tree-sitter



Mypyc DSL grammar for tree-sitter.

Mypyc DSL with syntax highlighting

Installing (Neovim)

This is based on the Neovim Tree-sitter docs for adding new parsers. Basically you will want to clone this repository and add the following to your init.lua Neovim config. It assumes you use Lua to configure your Neovim config, and that you use Vim Plug as your package manager. You might have to change things if your setup is different!

-- Add the plugin which was cloned locally to your computer. Because this repo actually contains
-- 2 plugins in one, you have to have 2 separate entries.
-- Replace "~/git" with the directory you installed this repo to
Plug('~/git/tree-sitter-mypyc', {rtp = 'mypyc_test_cases'})
Plug('~/git/tree-sitter-mypyc', {rtp = 'mypyc_ir'})

-- Create an auto command to change the filetype whenever a ".test" file is opened.
create_autocmd({'BufNewFile', 'BufRead'}, {pattern = '*.test', command = 'set syntax=mypyc_test_cases filetype=mypyc_test_cases'})

-- Optionally you can update/add this section which will guarantee that the mypyc grammar(s) are always installed
require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {
  ensure_installed = { 'mypyc_test_cases', 'mypyc_ir' },
  highlight = {
    enable = true

-- Add this if you don't have it already
local parser_config = require('nvim-treesitter.parsers').get_parser_configs()

parser_config.mypyc_test_cases = {
  install_info = {
    -- Replace "~/git" with the directory you installed this repo to
    url = "~/git/tree-sitter-mypyc",
    files = {"mypyc_test_cases/src/parser.c"},
    generate_requires_npm = false,
    requires_generate_from_grammar = false,
  filetype = "test",
parser_config.mypyc_ir = {
  install_info = {
    -- Replace "~/git" with the directory you installed this repo to
    url = "~/git/tree-sitter-mypyc",
    files = {"mypyc_ir/src/parser.c"},
    generate_requires_npm = false,
    requires_generate_from_grammar = false,

See my init.lua config file for a full example.

Then, you will need to copy the queries that actually style everything. To do this, you must:

  1. Find your "runtime path" for Neovim. This is usually in ~/.cache/nvim. See :h rtp for more info.
  2. Create the query folders by running: mkdir -p ~/.cache/nvim/nvim-treesitter/queries/{mypyc_ir,mypyc_test_cases}
  3. Copy the queries to their corresponding files:
# while in this repository:

cp mypyc_ir/queries/* ~/.cache/nvim/nvim-treesitter/queries/mypyc_ir
cp mypyc_test_cases/queries/* ~/.cache/nvim/nvim-treesitter/queries/mypyc_test_cases

Finally, open nvim and execute :TSInstall mypyc_ir and :TSInstall mypyc_test_cases. Close and re-open Neovim, and you should now have syntax highlighting for .test files!

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