Dragonfly, POC full-stack web app DSL



Dragonfly is a toy DSL that explores ways to describe the structure of full-stack web applications. You should not use it in production.

For a production-ready solution, check out Wasp.



  • ast — The initial Abstract Syntax Tree that Dragonfly is parsed into.
  • ir — An Intermediate Representation that is more suitable for code generation.
  • cli — A command-line interface to generate code from Dragonfly files.

Data structures

  • token-set — An insertion-ordered set of String values.
  • ord-str-map — An insertion-ordered map with keys of type String.


  • prisma — Generate and print a Prisma schema.
  • graphql — Generate and print a GraphQL schema.
  • typescript — Generate and print TypeScript types.


  • parser — Combinators for parsing the DSL.
  • print — A trait for printing types.

Example application

model Image {
  title: String
  country: Country
  category: [Category]
  dimensions: @Dimensions

model Dimensions {
  width: Int
  height: Int

query images: [Image] {
  image {
    country {

query imagesByCountryName($name: CountryName): [Image] {
  image {
  where {
    image {
      country {
        name {
          equals: $name

enum DrivingSide {

model Country {
  domain: String
  drivingSide: DrivingSide
  flag: String
  name: CountryName

enum CountryName {

enum Category {

TODO short-term

  • Automate test coverage collection.
  • Show test coverage in README.
  • Implement FromInterator and Extend for collections.
  • Generate foreign keys in PSL.
  • Generate GraphQL types.
  • Generate full GraphQL queries.
    • CLI: generate GQL.
  • Support aggregate queries :)
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