A TUI for your todos built in Rust with full CLI support.





This app allows for almost anythig you would need when dealing with todos:

  • Create, edit, and delete tasks
  • Add links to tasks
  • Add due dates to tasks
  • Add repeating tasks
  • Add notes to tasks
  • Add tasks to groups (e.g. work, personal, etc.)

How to use?

You can run the TUI by executing todui anywhere in your terminal. To use the CLI, you can start by running todui --help:

$ todui --help
A CLI and TUI for your todos

Usage: todui <COMMAND>

  ls        Lists all the tasks
  add       Adds a task to your todos
  delete    Deletes a task from your todos
  complete  Marks a task as complete or incomplete
  config    Sets default configurations
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

For example:

$ todui ls --format json --date-filter today     
[{"id":108,"name":"LF112 Homework","date":"2023-03-16T23:59:59-04:00","repeats":{"DaysOfWeek":["Sunday","Tuesday","Thursday"]},"group":"School","description":null,"url":"https://google.com","complete":false},{"id":114,"name":"LF112 Async Thursday","date":"2023-03-16T23:59:59-04:00","repeats":"Weekly","group":"School","description":null,"url":"https://google.com","complete":false},{"id":107,"name":"EN221 Recitation","date":"2023-03-16T23:59:59-04:00","repeats":{"DaysOfWeek":["Tuesday","Thursday"]},"group":"School","description":null,"url":"https://google.com","complete":false}]


Use rusts package manger to install todui.

cargo install todui


This tool doesn't have any mandatory dependencies. However, it looks much better if you install Nerd Fonts for better icons. If you don't want to do so, you can always use your own icons or change them for plain text, like [ ] for an incomplete task and [x] for a complete task.



The config file can be found in:

  • Unix: ~/.config/todui/settings.json
  • Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\todui\settings.json

There are some pre-built commands you can run to change the configuration. For example, you can change the keybindings to vi mode by running:

todui config --mode vi

You can also enable special icons by running:

todui config --icons special

For all the configuration options, run:

todui config help

Optionally, you can change the default configuration by editing the files directly. The default config is the following:

todui config --show
  "date_formats": {
    "display_date_format": "%a %b %-d",
    "display_datetime_format": "%a %b %-d at %-H:%M",
    "input_date_format": "%d-%m-%Y",
    "input_date_hint": "DD-MM-YYYY",
    "input_datetime_format": "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M",
    "input_datetime_hint": "DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM"
  "show_complete": true,
  "current_group": null,
  "icons": {
    "complete": "[x]",
    "incomplete": "[ ]",
    "repeats": "[r]"
  "colors": {
    "primary_color": "LightGreen",
    "secondary_color": "LightYellow",
    "accent_color": "LightBlue"
  "keybindings": {
    "quit": "q",
    "down": "Down",
    "up": "Up",
    "complete_task": "Space",
    "toggle_completed_tasks": "h",
    "delete_task": "Delete",
    "new_task": "n",
    "edit_task": "e",
    "save_changes": "Enter",
    "enter_insert_mode": "i",
    "enter_normal_mode": "Esc",
    "go_back": "Esc",
    "open_link": "Enter",
    "next_group": "Right",
    "prev_group": "Left"

For more options, head to the documentation

Key Bindings

All key bindings can be modified in the config file. The defaults have been chosen to mimic vim movements as best as possible. Feel free to modify them to your liking!

List of tasks panel

Key Bindings Description
q Quits the application
Down Moves down one task
Up Moves up one task
Space Marks the task as completed
h Toggles hiding completed tasks
d Deletes the selected task forever
n Opens the new task page
e Focuses the task editing panel
Enter If the task has an associated link, it opens it in your preferred browser
Right Select next group
Left Select previous group

Editing/new task panel

This panel has two modes (similar to vim). When you are in insert mode, you can modify the fields to edit or create a task. When you are in normal mode, you can move around the fields, save the tasks, go back, or quit.

Normal mode

Key Bindings Description
q Quit the application
Down Move down to the next field
Up Move up to the previous field
i Enter insert mode
Esc Go back to the list of tasks panel
Enter Save changes or add the new task

Insert mode

Key Bindings Description
Esc Exit insert mode / go back to normal mode

Why the CLI?

CLI access to your todos introduces a programmatic way to modify or display your todos in comfortable places. For developers, this might mean displaying your todos when you open your terminal, as notifications, or even or your menu bar. For me, the menu bar was what drove me to create this project. I have used the app Cron for a bit and loved being able to see my events for that day without opening anything. So I created my own SketchyBar widget to interact with my todos:

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