11126 Repositories
🎄 Advent of Code written in various languages. (2015-2022)
🎄 Advent of Code This repository contains my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. Every year, I will try to solve the puzzles in a different lang
Utility for recursively unzipping tuples, Options of tuples and Results of tuples.
Zipped Utility for recursively unzipping tuples, Options of tuples and Results of tuples. Install cargo add zipped Usage This crate is quiet straightf
An efficient pictures manager based on custom tags and file system organization.
PicturesManager An efficient pictures manager based on custom tags and file system organization. Developed with Tauri (web app) with a Rust backend an
Simple devcontainer for Rust + WASM development
Devcontainer WASM-Rust Simple devcontainer for Rust development Usage Github Codespaces Just click the button: Visual Studio Code Note this assumes th
A plugin-first anime-ish video game
🌷 🌷 Project Flara 🌸 🌸 A plugin-first anime-ish video game Have you ever played an anime mobile video game, and then wondered. Huh, I wish I could
Extensible BBCode parser with scoping rules, auto close tags
More BBCode parsers? Yeah! I needed something highly extensible, flexible, and specifically WITH scoping rules so it always produces correct HTML. For
An exploit for CVE-2012-2982 implemented in Rust
This PoC exploit for CVE-2012-2982 was written as an exercise for the "Intro to PoC scripting" Room on TryHackMe. The room can be found here: https://
A simple trait-based framework for the annual Advent of Code programming challenge.
lib_aoc lib_aoc is a simple trait-based framework for the annual Advent of Code programming challenge. Focus less on the boilerplate and more on the p
A simple CLI DDNS Client updater.
DDNS Client A simple DDNS client updater. Supported DDNS Servers Duck DNS How to use it ddns_client ~/.config/ddns_client/config.yaml -t 600 Config sa
Force a file to use CRLF line breaks.
force-crlf Force a file to use CRLF line breaks. cargo install force-crlf And then: force-crlf relative_path/hello.rs Or use absolute path: force-cr
Keeps `.env` files in sync with `env.sample`.
envsync This is a Rust port of env-sample-sync. It keeps .env files in sync with env.sample. It checks whether the local repository has an .env file a
🏷️ Markers for Bevy ECS Entities
Bevy ECS Markers Adds the support for marking entites and fetching them in queries Example View the whole example here #[derive(EntityMarker)] enum Pl
A Fuel VM bytecode disassembler.
Fuel Disassembler A disassembler for the Fuel VM byte code. About The forc utility provides a parse-bytecode command which will print a bare-bones dis
Fast & Memory Efficient NodeJs Excel Writer using Rust Binding
FastExcel This project need Rust to be installed, check here for Rust installation instruction This project using Rust and Neon as a binding to Rust t
Trying to solve Advent of Code 2022 in 25 different languages (1 day = 1 language)
Advent of Code 2022: 15/25 langs I’ll try to solve this Advent of Code using different language for each day. Any programs needed to run the code will
Flexcord! A custom Discord client to allow you to do what you want!
Disclaimer Flexcord is NO WHERE near done. Flexcord What is it? Flexcord is a Discord client that flexes for your needs, it allows you to do exactly w
P2P File Transfer
P2P File Transfer Overview This is a small project to help solve a problem that should've been solved by now: file transfer. For in-person file transf
TW3 - menu filelist updater
Utility for quickly updating the filelist.txt files for mod menus introduced by the next-gen patch based on the currently installed mod-menus.
A simple clone of Waifu-pics written in Rust
really A simple clone of Waifu-pics written in Rust. Why? I've no idea. API Doc GET /api/v1/meta GET /api/v1/by/:type/:category GET /api/v1/random GET
📝 Generate your README.md from Rust doc comments
cargo-onedoc 📝 Generate README.md from doc comments. Only write your documentation once! This crate provides a Cargo subcommand that can generate Mar
A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express.
Rum Framework A toy web framework inspired by gin-gonic/gin and expressjs/express. Installation Just add rum_framework to the dependencies of Cargo.to
🚀simple server that returns error codes with their respective messages and debug information, written in rust 🦀
ErrorServer 🚀 A simple & lightweight server that returns a HTML page of the error code with its respective message and debug information, written in
Implementation of the Docker Registry HTTP API V2 in Rust, that can act as a proxy to other registries
Docker registry server and proxy (I'm bad at creating catchy names, but this one is good enough.) This project aims to implement a Docker Registry HTT
Optimized geometry primitives for Microsoft platforms with the same memory layout as DirectX and Direct2D and types.
geoms Geometry for Microsoft platforms - a set of geometry primitives with memory layouts optimized for native APIs (Win32, Direct2D, and Direct3D). T
veg biryani. Rust implementation of Shaman by Arjun Somvanshi
pulao-cli SSH key manager, you can ssh into vm by storing in pulao and using it ,it is v cool. Rust implementation of Shaman by Arjun Somvanshi Bruh p
Rust library to generate word cloud images from text and images !
wordcloud-rs A Rust library to generate word-clouds from text and images! Example Code use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use lazy_static::la
Run the right version of python, in the right environment, for your project
rpy Do you deal with lots of virtual python environments? rpy is for you! Before rpy: ~/dev/prj$ env PYTHONPATH=src/py path/to/my/interpreter src/py/m
Bare-metal software for the sounding rocket payload.
CanSat Software for the sounding rocket payload. Prerequisites cargo-make cargo-embed - Requires libusb, see cargo-embed's README.md for instructions.