Keeps `.env` files in sync with `env.sample`.

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Command-line envsync


This is a Rust port of env-sample-sync.

It keeps .env files in sync with env.sample.

It checks whether the local repository has an .env file and if one exists, it is scrubbed of secrets/values and made available as env.sample. This ensures that all application environment variables are safely and automatically documented without leaking secrets.


cargo install --git



This will check for an .env file in the current directory and if one exists, it will be scrubbed of secrets/values and made available as env.sample.

You can pass in custom example values for environment variables for environment variables

For example, say you have the following .env file:


and you want to set the value of BAR to bla, you can do so by running:

envsync -e BAR=bla

This will result in the following env.sample file:



I use this in my CI/CD pipelines to ensure that all environment variables are documented and that secrets are not leaked.

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