11126 Repositories
Generic extensions for tapping values in Rust.
tap Suffix-Position Pipeline Behavior This crate provides extension methods on all types that allow transparent, temporary, inspection/mutation (tappi
An auxiliary library for the serde crate.
An auxiliary library for the serde crate.
Prost is a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language.
PROST! prost is a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language. prost generates simple, idiomatic Rust code from proto2 and proto3 files. Com
A binary encoder / decoder implementation in Rust.
Bincode A compact encoder / decoder pair that uses a binary zero-fluff encoding scheme. The size of the encoded object will be the same or smaller tha
A lightweight, opinionated CQRS and event sourcing framework targeting serverless architectures.
cqrs A lightweight, opinionated CQRS and event sourcing framework targeting serverless architectures. Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
Rust client for Apache Kafka
Kafka Rust Client Project Status This project is starting to be maintained by John Ward, the current status is that I am bringing the project up to da
TODO pass transform struct instead of trying to modify particles everywhere.
Sparticles RS TODO pass transform struct instead of trying to modify particles everywhere. Roadmap add animations. move particle away if on top of eac
Little 2D physics engine used for my game Crate Before Attack.
Circle2D Circle2D is a little physics library used for my game CrateBeforeAttack. Live demo: https://koalefant.github.io/circle2d/ It is not productio
Quad-rand implements pseudo-random generator
quad-rand quad-rand implements pseudo-random generator based on rust atomics. Compatible with wasm and any oth
Recognize gestures by touch events
Gesture Recognizer This crate provides abstract API to recognize and handle simple gestures. At now three type of gestures are supported: Move by one
Plugin for macro-, mini-quad (quads) to save data in simple local storage using Web Storage API in WASM and local file on a native platforms.
quad-storage This is the crate to save data in persistent local storage in miniquad/macroquad environment. In WASM the data persists even if tab or br
Small crate to work with URL in miniquad/macroquad.
quad-url This is the crate to work with URL and open links in miniquad/macroquad environment. Web demo. Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml dependencies
Cross-platform audio for Rust
quad-snd High-level, light-weight, and opinionated audio library. Web: WebAudio Android: OpenSLES Linux: Alsa macOS: CoreAudio Windows: Wasapi iOS: Co
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library in Rust for Android, Web, Desktop
nonaquad Vector anti-aliased graphics renderer for Android, WASM, Desktop in Rust, using miniquad. This library started as a port of NanoVG for miniqu
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library written in Rust
femtovg Join the femtovg Discord channel Work in progress! Antialiased 2D vector drawing library written in Rust.
Egui bindings for macroquad
egui bindings for macroquad This is the easiest way to use egui. Just two functions! Web demo. Usage You need to call ui when you need to get informat
Egui bindings for miniquad
egui bindings for miniquad native On Linux you first must run apt install libx11-dev libxi-dev libgl1-mesa-dev (miniquad dependencies). cargo run --re
Bevy engine + miniquad render plugin
Bevy engine + miniquad renderer This is a plugin for Bevy engine that replaces default windowing and rendering plugins with miniquad based one. Usage
This experiment shows connecting wasm-bindgen generated code to a good-web-game application.
GWG + wasm-bindgen example This experiment shows connecting wasm-bindgen generated code to a good-web-game application. It uses simple_logger crate to
Rust/Javascript interop demo with miniquad
Rust/Javascript interop demo with miniquad
A customizable, simple and easy to use json REST API consumer
JACK is a generic JSON API client. It is useful to interact with APIs from multiple services such as Google and Twitter
🪐 An out-of-this-world greeter for your terminal
Draconis 🪐 An out-of-this-world greeter for your terminal Requirements pacman-contrib for pacman Important This program uses the openweathermap API f
A simple, stable and thread-safe implementation of a lazy value
Laizy Laizy is a Rust library that provides a simple, stable and thread-safe implementation of a Lazy Features Name Description Dependencies nightly A
Mini operating system with a graphical interface, for x64 platforms, in Rust and Assembly
osmini Mini operating system with a graphical interface, for x64 platforms, in Rust and Assembly Build Don't forget to install the dependencies. This
A lightweight cross-platform system-monitoring fltk gui application based on sysinfo
Sysinfo-gui A lightweight cross-platform system-monitoring fltk gui application based on sysinfo. The UI design is inspired by stacer. The svg icons a
Stardust XR Reference Server, now in Rust :D
Stardust XR Reference Server This project is a usable Linux display server that reinvents human-computer interaction for all kinds of XR, from putting
Image processing proxy and API, created to allow faster media delivery for the Holaplex storefront.
Description imgopt is an image processing proxy with a very simple API, created to download and dynamically scaledown, convert, and cache different me
lelang programming language is a toy language based on LLVM.
lelang leang是一门使用Rust编写,基于LLVM(inkwell llvm safe binding library)实现的编程语言,起初作为课程实验项目,现在为个人长期维护项目。 Target Features 支持8至64位的整形类型和32/64位浮点 基本的函数定义,调用,声明外部