Quad-rand implements pseudo-random generator

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Utilities quad-rand


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quad-rand implements pseudo-random generator http://www.pcg-random.org/download.html based on rust atomics.

Compatible with wasm and any other rust target with std.

Basic usage, no dependencies involved:

use quad_rand as qrand;

// seed random

// get random number from 0 to u32::MAX
let x = qrand::rand();

// get random number from given range
let x = qrand::gen_range(0., 1.);
assert!(x >= 0. && x < 1.);

// gen_range works for most of standard number types
let x: u8 = qrand::gen_range(64, 128);
assert!(x >= 64 && x < 128);

Optional compatibility layer with rand crate:

use quad_rand::compat::QuadRand;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;

let mut vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

// QuadRand is rand::RngCore implementation, allowing to use all the cool stuff from rand
vec.shuffle(&mut QuadRand);
  • several minor improvements

    several minor improvements

    most important:

    • include all features in docs.rs (compat module didn't show)
    • create both examples adapting them from the readme
    • impl RandomRange for u16, i8 & isize


    • fix max values on several RandomRange impls, homogenize & rearrange them
    • reorganize and simplify Cargo.toml
    • fix a typo in the readme
    • run rustfmt

    NOTE: I've left u32::MAX as the maximum number on [ui]64 & [ui]size for fear of overflowing, although I'm not sure of the underlying mechanics.

    please let me know if you want something done differently.

    opened by joseluis 1
  • Does not build for WASM

    Does not build for WASM

    cargo build --features rand --target wasm32-unknown-unknown produces

    error: target is not supported, for more information see: https://docs.rs/getrandom/#unsupported-targets
       --> /home/martin/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/getrandom-0.2.2/src/lib.rs:213:9
    213 | /         compile_error!("target is not supported, for more information see: \
    214 | |                         https://docs.rs/getrandom/#unsupported-targets");
        | |_________________________________________________________________________^
    error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `imp`
       --> /home/martin/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/getrandom-0.2.2/src/lib.rs:235:5
    235 |     imp::getrandom_inner(dest)
        |     ^^^ use of undeclared crate or module `imp`

    This is because rand compiled for WASM requires the getrandon crate with the js feature enabled - which would pull in wasm-bindgen and the generated WASM would fail to load.

    I think the solution is to use default-features = false with rand and only enable additional features you need.

    opened by martin-t 1
  • Precision issues with gen_range

    Precision issues with gen_range

    Approximately 1 in every 2^25 calls, gen_range will return the value of its "high" parameter, while its output is supposed to be strictly less than high. Part of the problem is that u32 can't be represented exactly in f32, which is why it isn't 1 in 2^32. In the various gen_range implementations, a possible improvement would be to replace this line:

    let r = rand() as f32 / std::u32::MAX as f32;                                   


    let r = rand() as f64 / (std::u32::MAX as f64 + 1f64);                                   
    opened by Gerstacker 0
  • Add license file

    Add license file

    Hi. i am in the process to package quad-rand in fedora and they would like to have a license file include in the crate source. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1971208 Here the guideline for license in fedora: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/LicensingGuidelines/#_license_text

    opened by ghost 0
  • The `shuffle` function never shuffles the first element into the first spot.

    The `shuffle` function never shuffles the first element into the first spot.

    Running the code:

    use macroquad::{logging as log, rand::ChooseRandom};
    async fn main() {
        let mut results = [0;4];
        for _ in 0..100 {
            let mut test = vec![0,1,2,3];
            results[test[0]] += 1;
        log::info!("results: {:?}", results);

    consistently gives the output:

    results: [0, 39, 33, 28]

    whereas I'd expect something more like:

    results: [25, 26, 25, 24]
    opened by bwinton 1
  • QuadRand should store RNG state internally

    QuadRand should store RNG state internally

    If there are 2 separate QuadRand objects, they should behave as separate RNGs - if i am reading the code right, they would currently use the same global state.

    opened by martin-t 1
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