11126 Repositories
Replibyte - a powerful tool to seed your databases
Seed Your Development Database With Real Data ⚡️ Replibyte is a powerful tool to seed your databases with real data and other cool features 🔥 Feature
ripsecrets is a command-line tool to prevent committing secret keys into your source code.
ripsecrets is a command-line tool to prevent committing secret keys into your source code. ripsecrets has a few features that distinguish it from other secret scanning tools:
An async autocompletion framework for Neovim
⚡ nvim-compleet This plugin is still in early development. 📖 Table of Contents Installation Features Configuration Sources Commands Mappings Colors R
RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database that uses SQL as the interface language.
RisingWave is a cloud-native streaming database that uses SQL as the interface language. It is designed to reduce the complexity and cost of building real-time applications. RisingWave consumes streaming data, performs continuous queries, and updates results dynamically. As a database system, RisingWave maintains results inside its own storage and allows users to access data efficiently.
Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner
Rust Lean Image Viewer - Fast and configurable image viewer inspired by JPEGView by David Kleiner
A bridge between different serde implementations.
serde-bridge Bridge between serde types Quick Start use anyhow::Result; use serde_bridge::{from_value, into_value, FromValue, IntoValue, Value}; fn
A simple and fun way to view the time!
Concentric Time A simple and fun way to view the time! Screenshots Dark mode Light mode Dev This project uses Dioxus (a Rust-Wasm framework) and does
GStreamer plugin for speech to text using the Vosk Toolkit.
This project has moved upstream to the GStreamer Rust Plugins: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-rs/-/merge_requests/729 Vosk Speec
A Rust-based dropper for shellcode payloads.
A Rust-based dropper for shellcode payloads.
A collection (eventually) of examples that use some non-beginner things.
nannou examples A collection (eventually) of examples that use some non-beginner things. Right now the only example combines nannou's standard draw AP
An x86-64 kernel with ~100% Rust (originally) in a week
litchi-rs An x86-64 kernel with ~100% Rust (originally) in a week. The continuation of Litchi. Try it Make sure the Rust toolchains and qemu-system-x8
An open source desktop wallet for nano and banano with end-to-end encrypted, on chain messaging using the dagchat protocol.
An open source wallet with end-to-end encrypted, on chain messaging for nano and banano using the dagchat protocol.
Rust SDK for writing contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon
rs-stellar-contract-sdk Rust SDK for writing contracts for Stellar Jump Cannon. This repository contains code that is in early development, incomplete
Sol Batch Token Transfer CSV
Sol Batch Token Transfer CSV This script can batch transfer any SPL token to multiple addresses listed in a CSV, and then save the tx hash to a new CS
Search Confluence from Alfred and open results in your browser.
Alfred Confluence Workflow Search Confluence from Alfred and open results in your browser. Features Search Confluence from Alfred and open results in
A URL shortener that uses emojis, only emojis.
emojied Shorten your URLs with emojis! Features Well, shorten your URLs! Customize what emoji to use. e.g Want to use an eggplant emoji? Sure, as long
Build your service-server fast, easy (and without hosting!)
service-io is a library to build servers that offering services with really little effort. Choose an input connector. Choose an output connector. Choo
WIP / POC for using the ESP32C3 and ESP32 wifi drivers in bare-metal Rust
Wifi on ESP32C3 and ESP32 (on bare-metal Rust) About This is experimental and work-in-progress! You are welcome to experiment with it and contribute b
drop-in replacement for libfuzzer
Fazi A reimplementation of libfuzzer in Rust with some improvements Supported Features libFuzzer's mutations SanCov feedback Building without a main()
An easy-to-use TUI crate for Rust, based off of the Elm architecture.
Rustea An easy-to-use TUI crate for Rust, based off of the Elm architecture. This is a re-implementation of Go's Tea, created by TJ Holowaychuk. Featu
Safe OCaml-Rust Foreign Function Interface
ocaml-rust This repo contains code for a proof of concept for a safe OCaml-Rust interop inspired by cxx. This is mostly optimized for calling Rust cod
A CLI spelling corrector for when you're unsure
DidYouMean DidYouMean (or dym) is a command-line spelling corrector written in rust utilizing a simplified version of Damerau-Levenshtein distance. Di
Functions for mapping plaintexts to a u64 while preserving sort order
ore_encoding.rs This is a companion package to ore.rs that can generate and manipulate u64 plaintexts before they are encrypted by ore.rs. Being able
The Twizzler Operating System
The Twizzler Operating System Twizzler is a research operating system designed to explore novel programming models for new memory hierarchy designs. W
Quickwit - the next-gen search & analytics engine built for logs
Quickwit is the next-gen search & analytics engine built for logs. It is a highly reliable & cost-efficient alternative to Elasticsearch.
The Heros NFT Marketplace Boilerplate project is designed to let users fork, customize, and deploy their own nft marketplace app to a custom domain, ultra fast.
Heros NFT on Solana The Heros NFT Marketplace Boilerplate project is designed to let users fork, customize, and deploy their own nft marketplace app t
websocket client
#websocket client async fn test_websocket()-anyhow::Result() { wasm_logger::init(wasm_logger::Config::default()); let (tx, rx) = futures_c
A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust
Stackyy A stack based, virtual machine language written in Rust Description: Stackyy is a stack based, virtual machine language inspired by Forth and