11126 Repositories
69-key split mechanical keyboard (PCB, case, firmware)
ErgoNICE An open source 69-key column-staggered split mechanical keyboard with a rotary knob, extra connectors, a 3D printed case with "floating key"
A rust library built to support building time-series based projection models
TimeSeries TimeSeries is a framework for building analytical models in Rust that have a time dimension. Inspiration The inspiration for writing this i
A cross-platform serial port library in Rust. Provides a blocking I/O interface and port enumeration including USB device information.
Note: This is a fork of the original serialport-rs project on GitLab. Please note there have been some changes to both the supported targets and which
Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies
bevy_webview WIP Rapidly iterate and build Bevy UI's with existing web-based technologies It is currently very early days of this plugin - only Linu
dhcpm is a CLI tool for constructing & sending DHCP messages
dhcpm Sponsor Thank you to Bluecat for sponsoring this work! dhcpm leverages dhcproto check that out for the DHCP protocol. About A cli tool (and dhcp
WASM-compiled built-in actors used by all Filecoin clients
Built-in Filecoin actors (v8) This repo contains the code for the on-chain built-in actors that power the Filecoin network starting from network versi
Lazerpay SDK for Rust 🦀
💳 Lazerpay Rust SDK This crate integrates the Lazerpay payment gateway for accepting cryptocurrency payments. Usage Add the following to your cargo d
Benson Box built on Substrate for a world UNcorporated.
Benson Box Benson Box built on Substrate. For getting started and technical guides, please refer to the Benson Wiki. Contributing All PRs are welcome!
wait-free 4-level 64-bit pagetable for contiguous low-contention concurrent metadata
pagetable Wait-free 4-level page table that maps from a u64 key to an &AtomicU64 value. Page fan-out is 2^16. If a key doesn't exist, intermediate pag
A blazingly fast, ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes AES-256-GCM-SIV to securely store uploaded content.
Magnesium Oxide ❔ What is this? Magnesium-Oxide (MGO) is a secure file uploader with support for ShareX. 🌠 Features 🔥 Blazingly fast uploads and enc
Rust-port of spotify/annoy as a wrapper for Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage.
Fareast This library is a rust port of spotify/annoy , currently only index serving is supported. It also provides FFI bindings for jvm, dotnet and da
An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like stackoverflow) fast, efficient and asynchronous from the terminal.
Falion An open source, programmed in rust, privacy focused tool for reading programming resources (like StackOverFlow) fast, efficient and asynchronou
Rust implementation for Thippy -- a Substrate parachain for smart contracts.
Thippy ‒- A Smart Contracts Parachain This is a node implementation of Thippy, a Substrate parachain for smart contracts. Developing Smart Contracts f
Read-optimized cache of Cardano on-chain entities
Read-optimized cache of Cardano on-chain entities Intro Scrolls is a tool for building and maintaining read-optimized collections of Cardano's on-chai
Brotlic (or BrotliC) is a thin wrapper around brotli.
Bindings to the brotli library featuring a low-overhead encoder and decoder, Writers and Readers for compression and decompression at customizable compression qualities and window sizes.
A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code
cargo-show-asm A cargo subcommand that displays the assembly generated for Rust source code.
bevy-hikari is an implementation of voxel cone tracing global illumination with anisotropic mip-mapping in Bevy
Bevy Voxel Cone Tracing bevy-hikari is an implementation of voxel cone tracing global illumination with anisotropic mip-mapping in Bevy. Bevy Version
Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx.
Tuner Toolbx Tuner is a tool to improve the experience with toolbx. Project Roadmap The project is currently only a user-interface concept. The
Martinez is vNext Ethereum implementation written in pure Rust with Erigon architecture as design.
🧬 Martinez 🧬 Next-generation implementation of Ethereum protocol ("client") written in Rust, based on Erigon architecture. Why run Martinez? Look at
Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs
Reovim Neovim GUI written in Rust, using relm4 and gtk4-rs. Thanks Neovide Configuration To setup font add next line to init.vim set guifont=Cascadia\
Kindelia: a hack-proof decentralized computer
Kindelia: a hack-proof decentralized computer Turing-complete blockchains, such as Ethereum, allow users to host applications in a decentralized netwo
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
lemmy-help is a emmylua parser as well as a CLI which takes that parsed tree and converts it into vim help docs.
Command-line DNS client using bitvec, nom and RFC 1035
Dingo Domain INformation Gatherer, Obviously. Installation Install cargo, see instructions on the Rust website Run ./install.sh (it just does cargo bu
laydown is a simple CLI application to help you prepare for your next Daily Standup
laydown is a simple CLI application to help you prepare for your next Daily Standup. No longer shall your name be called on only for you to stare into the abyss while you struggle to remember what you did yesterday.
API-agnostic audio plugin framework written in Rust
Because everything is better when you do it yourself - Rust VST3 and CLAP framework and plugins
A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient String replacement for Rust
A flexible, simple to use, immutable, clone-efficient String replacement for Rust. It unifies literals, inlined, and heap allocated strings into a single type.
⚡ A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete.
Turbo Delete A blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete. Turbodelete is a blazing fast alternative to the default Windows delete functio
🚀 Fleet is the blazing fast build tool for Rust
Fleet is the blazing fast build tool for Rust. Compiling with Fleet is up-to 5x faster than with cargo.