Zellij plugin to quickly navigate your panes (clone of nvim's harpoon)

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Utilities harpoon


A Zellij plugin for quickly searching and switching between tabs.

Copy of the original harpoon for nvim.



  • a to add pane to list
  • Up and Down or j and k to cycle through pane list
  • d to remove pane from list
  • Enter or l to switch to the selected pane
  • Esc or Ctrl + c to exit


In a sentence: Quickly access your most used panes.

  • Manually manage list of favorite panes
  • Easily add/remove from this list
  • Use list to quickly go to pane
  • Panes are automatically removed from your list when they are closed
  • When tabs or panes change name, these changes propagate to your harpoon list

Coming next:

In front of every pane in the list, there will be a character, this will allow you to navigate to any pane in two steps:

  • open plugin
  • type char corresponding to desired pane.

Makes pane navigation easier.


You'll need rust installed.

With build script

  • chmod +x ./build.sh
  • ./build.sh


Harpoon depends on cached, another Zellij plugin. Make sure you have it installed!

Note you can also add it to a layout so that so that it directly runs.

  • git clone [email protected]:Nacho114/harpoon.git
  • cd harpoon
  • cargo build --release
  • mkdir -p ~/.config/zellij/plugins/
  • mv target/wasm32-wasi/release/harpoon.wasm ~/.config/zellij/plugins/


Add the following to your zellij config somewhere inside the keybinds section:

shared_except "locked" {
    bind "Ctrl y" {
        LaunchOrFocusPlugin "file:~/.config/zellij/plugins/harpoon.wasm" {
            floating true

You likely already have a shared_except "locked" section in your configs. Feel free to add bind there.

How to run

When zellij is running, you need to launch cached (which we just installed):

zellij action start-or-reload-plugin file:~/.config/zellij/plugins/cached.wasm


If you find any issues or want to suggest ideas please open an issue.


Make sure you have rust installed then run:

zellij action new-tab --layout ./dev.kdl
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    Received empty message from server

    Looking at the logs i have:

    WARN   |zellij_server::route     | 2023-08-13 17:29:47.732 [server_router] [zellij-server/src/route.rs:877]: Server ready, retrying sending instruction. 
    WARN   |zellij_server::plugins   | 2023-08-13 17:29:49.840 [wasm      ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/mod.rs:177]: Plugin /home/yendor/.config/zellij/plugins/cached.wasm not found, starting it instead 
    WARN   |zellij_utils::ipc        | 2023-08-13 17:29:52.086 [router    ] [zellij-utils/src/ipc.rs:230]: Error in IpcReceiver.recv(): InvalidMarkerRead(Error { kind: UnexpectedEof, message: "failed to fill whole buffer" }) 
    ERROR  |zellij_client            | 2023-08-13 17:29:52.086 [router    ] [zellij-client/src/lib.rs:309]: Received empty message from server 
    WARN   |zellij_utils::input::layo| 2023-08-13 17:31:49.834 [main      ] [zellij-utils/src/input/layout.rs:867]: Failed to read swap layout file: /home/yendor/.config/zellij/layouts/main.swap.kdl. Error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" } 
    INFO   |zellij_client            | 2023-08-13 17:31:49.836 [main      ] [zellij-client/src/lib.rs:143]: Starting Zellij client! 
    INFO   |zellij_server            | 2023-08-13 17:31:49.839 [main      ] [zellij-server/src/lib.rs:237]: Starting Zellij server! 
    INFO   |zellij_server            | 2023-08-13 17:31:49.890 [main      ] [zellij-server/src/lib.rs:862]: Compiling plugins using Cranelift 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins   | 2023-08-13 17:31:49.890 [wasm      ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/mod.rs:124]: Wasm main thread starts 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:31:49.898 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:595]: Loaded plugin 'tab-bar' from cache folder at '/home/yendor/.cache/zellij' in 4.693828ms 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:31:49.899 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:595]: Loaded plugin 'compact-bar' from cache folder at '/home/yendor/.cache/zellij' in 5.797197ms 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:31:49.901 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:595]: Loaded plugin 'status-bar' from cache folder at '/home/yendor/.cache/zellij' in 7.017377ms 
    WARN   |zellij_utils::input::layo| 2023-08-13 17:31:50.280 [main      ] [zellij-utils/src/input/layout.rs:867]: Failed to read swap layout file: ./dev.swap.kdl. Error: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" } 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:31:50.349 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:595]: Loaded plugin '/home/yendor/Downloads/harpoon/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/harpoon.wasm' from cache folder at '/home/yendor/.cache/zellij' in 17.748806ms 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:31:50.683 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:634]: Compiled plugin '/home/yendor/Downloads/harpoon/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/harpoon.wasm' in 262.540233ms 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::w| 2023-08-13 17:32:31.338 [wasm      ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/wasm_bridge.rs:194]: Bye from plugin 4 
    WARN   |zellij_server::plugins   | 2023-08-13 17:32:34.369 [wasm      ] [zellij-server/src/plugins/mod.rs:177]: Plugin /home/yendor/Downloads/harpoon/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/harpoon.wasm not found, starting it instead 
    INFO   |zellij_server::plugins::p| 2023-08-13 17:32:36.910 [async-std/runti] [zellij-server/src/plugins/plugin_loader.rs:634]: Compiled plugin '/home/yendor/Downloads/harpoon/target/wasm32-wasi/debug/harpoon.wasm' in 250.850439ms 
    WARN   |zellij_utils::ipc        | 2023-08-13 17:32:43.381 [router    ] [zellij-utils/src/ipc.rs:230]: Error in IpcReceiver.recv(): InvalidMarkerRead(Os { code: 104, kind: ConnectionReset, message: "Connection reset by peer" }) 
    ERROR  |zellij_client            | 2023-08-13 17:32:43.381 [router    ] [zellij-client/src/lib.rs:309]: Received empty message from server 
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