Tracing layer to quickly inspect spans and events


tracing-texray Latest Version

First, a word of warning: This is alpha software. Don't run this in prod or anywhere where a panic would ruin your day.

tracing-texray is a tracing layer to introspect spans and events in plain text. By examine-ing a specific span, a full tree will be output when that span exits. Using code like the following (actual program elided):

fn main() {
    // initialize & install as the global subscriber
    // examine the `load_data` span:
    tracing_texray::examine(tracing::info_span!("load_data")).in_scope(|| {

fn do_a_thing() {
    // ...

You would see the following output printed to stderr:

load_data                                52ms ├────────────────────────────────┤
  download_results{uri:}   11ms                ├─────┤
   >URI resolved                                             ┼
   >connected                                                   ┼
  compute_stats                          10ms                        ├─────┤
  render_response                         6ms                               ├──┤

In cases where a more powerful solution like tracing-chrome is not required, tracing-texray can render lightweight timeline of what happened when.


tracing-texray combines two pieces: a global subscriber, and local span examination. By default, tracing-texray won't print anything—it just sits in the background. But: once a span is examine'd, tracing-texray will track the span and all of its children. When the span exits, span diagnostics will be printed to stderr (or another impl io::Write as configured).

First, the layer must be installed globally:

use std::time::Duration;
use tracing_texray::TeXRayLayer;
use tracing_subscriber::{Registry, EnvFilter, layer::SubscriberExt};
fn main() {
    // Option A: Exclusively using tracing_texray:
    // Option B: install the layer in combination with other layers, eg. tracing_subscriber::fmt:
    let subscriber = Registry::default()
        .with(EnvFilter::try_from_default_env().expect("invalid env filter"))
                // by default, all metadata fields will be printed. If this is too noisy,
                // fitler only the fields you care about
                .only_show_fields(&["name", "operation", "service"])
                // only print spans longer than a certain duration

Next, wrap any spans you want to track with examine:

use tracing::info_span;
use tracing_texray::examine;

fn somewhere_deep_in_my_program() {
    tracing_texray::examine(info_span!("do_a_thing")).in_scope(|| {
        for id in 0..5 {

fn some_other_function(id: usize) {
    info_span!("inner_task", id = %id).in_scope(|| tracing::info!("buzz"));
    // ...

When the do_a_thing span exits, output like the following will be printed:

do_a_thing           509μs ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  inner_task{id: 0}   92μs         ├────────┤
   >buzz                             ┼
  inner_task{id: 1}   36μs                       ├──┤
   >buzz                                         ┼
  inner_task{id: 2}   35μs                               ├──┤
   >buzz                                                 ┼
  inner_task{id: 3}   36μs                                         ├──┤
   >buzz                                                           ┼
  inner_task{id: 4}   35μs                                                 ├──┤
   >buzz                                                                   ┼
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  • Deadlock?


    To play around with this crate, I tried my hand at using it in mini-redis: I launched my patched mini-redis with:

    RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --bin mini-redis-server

    ...and, in another terminal, ran:

    $ redis-benchmark -t set -n 1

    Unfortunately, mini-redis then seems to deadlock before the benchmark can complete:

    $ RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUSTFLAGS="--cfg tokio_unstable" RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --bin mini-redis-server
        Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
         Running `target/debug/mini-redis-server`
    mini-redis-server::Handler::run                                                                                            18ms ├────────────────────────────┤
      run                                                                                                                      14ms ├──────────────────────┤
        read_frame                                                                                                            172μs ┆
        from_frame{frame: Array([Bulk(b"CONFIG"), Bulk(b"GET"), Bulk(b"save")])}                                               66μs  ┆
        apply{self: Unknown(Unknown { command_name: "config" }), db: Db { shared: Shared { state: Mutex { data: State { entr  432μs  │
          apply                                                                                                               254μs   ┆
        read_frame                                                                                                             95μs   ┆
        from_frame{frame: Array([Bulk(b"CONFIG"), Bulk(b"GET"), Bulk(b"appendonly")])}                                         55μs    ┆
        apply{self: Unknown(Unknown { command_name: "config" }), db: Db { shared: Shared { state: Mutex { data: State { entr 1015μs    ├┤
          apply                                                                                                               640μs    │
        read_frame                                                                                                            232μs               ┆

    (At this point, I have to kill the mini-redis-server process in another terminal.)

    Any thoughts about what might be going on here?

    opened by jswrenn 2
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Software engineer based in Boston. Currently @aws, formerly @mit and @SumoLogic.
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