Middlewares and tools to integrate axum + tracing + opentelemetry



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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Middlewares and tools to integrate axum + tracing + opentelemetry.

  • Read OpenTelemetry header from incoming request
  • Start a new trace if no trace found in the incoming request
  • Trace is attached into tracing'span

For examples, you can look at:

use axum_tracing_opentelemetry::{
  // optional tools to init tracer (require features)
  CollectorKind, init_tracer

fn init_tracing() {

    let otel_tracer = init_tracer(CollectorKind::Otlp).expect("setup of Tracer");
    let otel_layer = tracing_opentelemetry::layer().with_tracer(otel_tracer);

    let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry()

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let app = app();
    // run it
    let addr = &"".parse::<SocketAddr>()?;
    tracing::warn!("listening on {}", addr);

fn app() -> Router {
    // build our application with a route
        .route("/health", get(health))
        // opentelemetry_tracing_layer setup `TraceLayer`, that is provided by tower-http so you have to add that as a dependency.

async fn shutdown_signal() {



  • http tags seems missing

    http tags seems missing

    the span create code is:


    but I do not see any http.xxx in final span.

    and otel.kind = %opentelemetry::trace::SpanKind::Server, but in the result, I see it is still internal

    I add a simple dbg!(&trace_id, &span, &user_agent); to get the trace_id so I can confirm that the span is created from here.



    opened by ttys3 10
  • Release for axum 0.6.0 release candidate? (MatchedPath not working)

    Release for axum 0.6.0 release candidate? (MatchedPath not working)

    It seems that when used with axum 0.6 release candidates, the MatchedPath isn't found (leading to not properly extracting http.route). Would it be possible to have an RC-release for 0.6?

    You might want to wait for the actual release, in which case, this issue may help other people save on debugging time :)

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by fiadliel 5
  • Going from layer -> OTLP collector -> Jaeger, causes a warning to be displayed in Jaeger

    Going from layer -> OTLP collector -> Jaeger, causes a warning to be displayed in Jaeger

    When opening a root trace generated by this library, the following warning is displayed in Jaeger:

        invalid parent span IDs=c1b973f219df2f05; skipping clock skew adjustment


    This is a standalone server for now, so nothing is sending trace ids (yet), it just receives raw requests from a browser.

    opened by MidasLamb 4
  • Update / add new examples

    Update / add new examples


    I'm trying out this whole Prometheus/Tempo/OtelCollector setup, but it seems like the only example is a bit outdated (?).

    Can you please update it? Or maybe add a new one?

    opened by TmLev 4
  • update opentelemetry dependencies to the latest version

    update opentelemetry dependencies to the latest version

    I also had to use a str instead of SpanKind because its Display impl was removed. I checked on tracing-opentelemetry and they did the same.

    I suppose we need to go to 0.5 to release it?

    opened by dbofmmbt 3
  • Add convenience function to set trace-Id/span-Id

    Add convenience function to set trace-Id/span-Id

    In tools/mod.rs line 86 there is the convenience function find_current_trace_id() defined. This is nice to get the Trace-Id from from context (for the Span-Id is basically the same).

    It would be nice to have a counterpart to set the Trace-Id and Span-Id from a string.

    set_trace_id_in_context(trace_id: String) { ... }

    My use-case is the following: I send a message with kafka where i add the Trace-Id and Span-Id in b3-format in the message:

    pub fn get_b3_trace_id() -> Option<String> {
        use opentelemetry::trace::TraceContextExt;
        use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt;
        let context = tracing::Span::current().context();
        let span = context.span();
        let span_context = span.span_context();
        let span_id = span_context
            .then(|| span_context.span_id().to_string());
        let trace_id = span_context
            .then(|| span_context.trace_id().to_string());
        if trace_id.is_none() || span_id.is_none() {
        } else {
            // https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation
            Some(format!("{}-{}-1", trace_id.unwrap(), span_id.unwrap()))

    On receiver side i have problems though to set the context correctly so all instrumented functions (with their spans) are tracked as children under the received Trace-Id. I've tried different approaches but all implementations have the problem that only the directly instrumented code block is mapped to the correct Trace-Id (i only see a span under the trace for the block where I call the .instrument(span).

    I use code similar to this:

    let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "");
    let context = get_context_from_b3(tracing_propagator.clone(), trace_id.to_string());
    tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt::set_parent(&span, context);
       // Problem: functions that are called here, that are annotated with #[instrument(name = "xyz"]
       // have a different Trace Id and are not correlated to the span that instruments the current block
    pub fn get_context_from_b3(propagator: Arc<Propagator>, b3_trace_id: String) -> Context {
        let mut extractor: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
        extractor.insert(B3_SINGLE_HEADER.to_string(), b3_trace_id);
        let context = propagator
            .expect("Couldn't extract trace header");
        use opentelemetry::trace::TraceContextExt;

    I would appreciate if you can provide a convenience function that simplifies setting the trace-id / (parent-)span-id or if you could explain how to solve it. Thanks in advance!

    opened by cschaible 2
  • `http.client_ip` fallback isn't appropriate by the otel spec

    `http.client_ip` fallback isn't appropriate by the otel spec

    Here, the connection information is used as a fallback in case the X-Forwarded-For header isn't set:


    The http.client_ip should hold the client IP, but we may be connected to a proxy instead.

    From the otel spec:

    The IP address of the original client behind all proxies, if known (e.g. from X-Forwarded-For)

    I think it would be a good idea to remove the fallback and conditionally insert this attribute to the span.

    opened by dbofmmbt 2
  • Middleware to extend the headers

    Middleware to extend the headers

    Hey there @davidB , great job with the project. I wonder if would make sense to add a feature to extend the headers in the current service, I know it already reads from the income request.

    use axum_tracing_opentelemetry::propagate_headers_middleware;

    Following B3 pattern https://docs.rs/opentelemetry/0.9.1/i686-pc-windows-msvc/opentelemetry/sdk/propagation/struct.B3Propagator.html

       Client Tracer                                                  Server Tracer     
    ┌───────────────────────┐                                       ┌───────────────────────┐
    │                       │                                       │                       │
    │   TraceContext        │          Http Request Headers         │   TraceContext        │
    │ ┌───────────────────┐ │         ┌───────────────────┐         │ ┌───────────────────┐ │
    │ │ TraceId           │ │         │ X-B3-TraceId      │         │ │ TraceId           │ │
    │ │                   │ │         │                   │         │ │                   │ │
    │ │ ParentSpanId      │ │ Inject  │ X-B3-ParentSpanId │ Extract │ │ ParentSpanId      │ │
    │ │                   ├─┼────────>│                   ├─────────┼>│                   │ │
    │ │ SpanId            │ │         │ X-B3-SpanId       │         │ │ SpanId            │ │
    │ │                   │ │         │                   │         │ │                   │ │
    │ │ Sampling decision │ │         │ X-B3-Sampled      │         │ │ Sampling decision │ │
    │ └───────────────────┘ │         └───────────────────┘         │ └───────────────────┘ │
    │                       │                                       │                       │
    └───────────────────────┘                                       └───────────────────────┘



    Screenshot 2022-08-24 at 08 50 31

    Let me know if that make sense, I can definitely help with it.

    opened by raphamorim 2
  • ⬆️ Update axum requirement from 0.5 to 0.6

    ⬆️ Update axum requirement from 0.5 to 0.6

    Updates the requirements on axum to permit the latest version.

    Release notes

    Sourced from axum's releases.

    axum - v0.6.0


    • fixed: Nested routers are now allowed to have fallbacks (#1521):

      let api_router = Router::new()
          .route("/users", get(|| { ... }))

      let app = Router::new() // this would panic in 0.5 but in 0.6 it just works // // requests starting with /api but not handled by api_router // will go to /api_fallback .nest("/api", api_router);

      The outer router's fallback will still apply if a nested router doesn't have its own fallback:

      // this time without a fallback
      let api_router = Router::new().route("/users", get(|| { ... }));

      let app = Router::new() .nest("/api", api_router) // api_fallback will inherit this fallback .fallback(app_fallback);

    • breaking: The request /foo/ no longer matches /foo/*rest. If you want to match /foo/ you have to add a route specifically for that (#1086)

      For example:

      use axum::{Router, routing::get, extract::Path};

      let app = Router::new() // this will match /foo/bar/baz .route("/foo/*rest", get(handler)) // this will match /foo/ .route("/foo/", get(handler)) // if you want /foo to match you must also add an explicit route for it .route("/foo", get(handler));

      async fn handler( // use an Option because /foo/ and /foo don't have any path params params: Option<Path<String>>,

    ... (truncated)


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    dependencies rust 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • Compile with axum 0.6.0-rc.2

    Compile with axum 0.6.0-rc.2

    Currently extracting the route path silently fails with axum 0.6 RC. With this change, the path is available.

    I'm not sure of the timeframe for the 0.6 release; I would like to hope it would be available soon, but https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum/issues/1416 makes me think it may take a bit more time.

    opened by fiadliel 1
  • The span_kind in the generated SpanData is Internal

    The span_kind in the generated SpanData is Internal

    I'm not sure what causing the issue, but the span_kind in the generated SpanData is always Internal. I see the MakeSpan sets it to "server", but tracing_opentelemetry still generates Internal.

    Do you have any clue why this could happen ? (The issue is that opentelemetry_application_insights generates different insight log based on this property: request, dependency, etc)

    opened by gzp-crey 1
  • Add gRPC layer

    Add gRPC layer

    Hello, I'm sure there is a bunch of stuff you will want me to do to get this ready for merge. I'm happy to do so. I just wanted to open this and ping for review. Thanks for putting this together. It is already working quite nicely with Tonic & Axum (thanks to the shared tower foundation).

    opened by thedodd 3
  • Example doesn't work

    Example doesn't work

    When running the example with a local OTLP collector the following error is produced after making a request to /:

    OpenTelemetry trace error occurred. Exporter otlp encountered the following error(s): no http client, you must select one from features or provide your own implementation
    opened by MidasLamb 5
  • Make tracer initialization configurable

    Make tracer initialization configurable

    The initialization of the tracer isn't really customizable at the moment.

    The function init_tracer as shown in the sample application only takes a CollectorKind parameter to specify the tracer type. This though isn't really satisfying as the tracer parameters cannot be customized:

    fn init_tracer(kind: CollectorKind)

    I've seen that there's the more specific function

    fn init_tracer_jaeger(resource: Resource)

    which is called inside the init_tracer function, but the Resource type isn't sufficient to configure things like the Sampler or the collector endpoint (has to be set on the pipeline).

    My solution so far is to copy the content of the init_tracer_jaeger function into my own code and configure the tracer there. It would be better though, if relevant parameters could be configured / overwritten by the user without copying the code.

    opened by cschaible 4
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