Neat 3D math and graphics library

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Math g3


Rust crate for plane-based projective geometric-algebra for 3D aka the Clifford Algebra with signature P(R*3,0,1).


  • Invariants:
    • Point
    • Line, Branch and IdealLine
    • Plane
  • Variants:
    • Direction
    • Translator
    • Rotor
    • Motor

Meet Operation ^

Join Operator &

Inner Product |

Geometric Product *

a*b = a|b + a^b

Sandwich Product a(b)

Dual Operator !

Get Started

This software uses some of Rust experimental feautures like std_simd and fn_traits so make sure to compile using the nightly release.

rustup update -- nightly
cargo +nightly build

Run example

cargo +nightly run --example elements --features="mirror"

Awesome Links


This software is very much still a work in progress.

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  • Nightly fix

    Nightly fix

    Found out that core_simd does work on latest nightly. Problem was that the Cargo.lock file pins it to an older commit, which I guess cargo clean didn't fix (or I forgot to run)

    opened by jamen 1
  • Suggestion, change order representation to match common GPU expectations

    Suggestion, change order representation to match common GPU expectations

    This is a simple suggestion that may clash with other requirements. It's merely in case this is a possible change.

    The definition of point in the library is as follows:

    pub struct Point (pub(crate) f32x4);
    impl Point {
      #[inline] pub fn w(&self)->f32 { self.0[0] }
      #[inline] pub fn e123(&self)->f32 { self.w() }
      #[inline] pub fn x(&self)->f32 { self.0[1] }
      #[inline] pub fn e032(&self)->f32 { self.x() }
      #[inline] pub fn y(&self)->f32 { self.0[2] }
      #[inline] pub fn e013(&self)->f32 { self.y() }
      #[inline] pub fn z(&self)->f32 { self.0[3] }
      #[inline] pub fn e021(&self)->f32 { self.z() }

    This makes perfect sense since multivectors are commonly written with the scalar term on the left most position.

    However most hardware designed for geometry, primarily GPUs actually fllow the convention xyzw.

    So if one serializes the points as is and send them to a shader, the results will be incorrect. w becomes x, x becomes y and so on, thus you have to write this:

    #version 450
    #extension GL_EXT_scalar_block_layout : enable
    layout(location = 0) in vec4 inPosition;
    layout(binding = 0) uniform MVPOnlyUbo
      mat4 model;
      mat4 view;
      mat4 proj;
    void main() {
      gl_Position = proj * view * model * vec4(inPosition.yzw, 1.0);

    Note the strange recasting inPosition.yzw, this is necessary since the layout the GPU expects and the layout in the library are different. In order to support fast and efficient byte compatibility I would like to suggest moving the w term at the end of the array.

    Alternatively the compact point suggested in could also solve this if I get around to implementing it.

    opened by Makogan 1
  • Add support for 3 component points

    Add support for 3 component points

    This project is really cool, I have been trying to get PGA working in a project of mine but there is a lot of minutia with numerical stability and I think this project's implementation is more robust than what I can make.

    It would be awesome if it could support points that are 3xf32 under the hood in addition to the 4xf32 point struct it has.

    For graphics and real time applications, not storing the last component and renormalizing between operations represents a memory foot print reduction on about 25%.

    Many operations in games are raw data operations, e.g. copying buffers from CPU to GPU or searching for an item in a list. That additional f32 is a non negligible penalty that the user should have the option not to incur.

    The only reason I was forced to make an inferior PGA library is that all available rust libs have no support for 3 component points.

    Would it be possible to add an additional ComapctPoint that uses 3 floats and not 4?

    opened by Makogan 4
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