Tool to `cargo vendor` with filtering


cargo vendor, but with filtering

The core cargo vendor tool is useful to save all dependencies. However, it doesn't offer any filtering; today cargo includes all platforms, but some projects only care about Linux for example.

More information: rust-lang/cargo#7058

Generating a vendor/ directory with filtering

Here's a basic example which filters out all crates that don't target Linux; for example this will drop out crates like winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu and core-foundation that are Windows or MacOS only.

$ cargo vendor-filterer --platform=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

You can also declaratively specify the desired vendor configuration via the Cargo metadata key package.metadata.vendor-filter:

platforms = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]
all-features = true
exclude-crate-paths = [ { name = "curl-sys", exclude = "curl" },
                        { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib" },
                        { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib-ng" },

Available options for for package.metadata.vendor-filter in Cargo.toml

  • platforms: List of rustc target triples; this is the same values accepted by e.g. cargo metadata --filter-platform. You can specify multiple values, however at the moment wildcards are not supported.
  • all-features: Enable all features of the current crate when vendoring.
  • exclude-crate-paths: Remove files and directories from target crates. A key use case for this is removing the vendored copy of C libraries embedded in crates like libz-sys, when you only want to support dynamically linking.

All of these options have corresponding CLI flags; see cargo vendor-filterer --help.

Generating reproducible vendor tarballs

You can also provide --format=tar.zstd to output a reproducible tar archive compressed via zstd; the default filename will be vendor.tar.zstd. Similarly there is --format=tar.gz for gzip, and --format=tar to output an uncompressed tar archive, which you can compress however you like.

This option requires:

  • An external GNU tar program
  • An external gzip or zstd program (for --format=tar.gz and --format=tar.zstd respectively)
  • SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set in the environment, or an external git and the working directory must be a git repository

This uses the suggested code from to output a reproducible archive; in other words, another process/tool can also perform a git clone of your project and regenerate the vendor tarball to verify it.

  • Workspaces are not supported

    Workspaces are not supported

    Taking a copy of the mozilla-central repository, and trying to run vendor-filterer on it yields the following:

    $ cargo vendor-filterer
    error: Executing cargo metadata (first run): Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: failed to parse manifest at `/tmp/gecko/Cargo.toml`
    Caused by:
      missing field `name` for key `package`
    opened by glandium 10
  • Fails on `kernel32-sys` and `advapi32-sys`

    Fails on `kernel32-sys` and `advapi32-sys`

    cargo vendor-filterer fails to replace certain crates, like kernel32-sys or advapi32-sys, because cargo metadata fails on the vendored crates.

    Steps to reproduce:

    $ cargo new just-test
         Created binary (application) `just-test` package
    $ cd just-test
    $ cargo add local-encoding
        Updating index
          Adding local-encoding v0.2.0 to dependencies.
    $ cargo vendor-filterer --platform x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    Gathering metadata for platforms
       Vendoring fuchsia-cprng v0.1.1 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/fuchsia-cprng
       Vendoring getopts v0.2.21 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/getopts
       Vendoring kernel32-sys v0.2.2 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/kernel32-sys
       Vendoring libc v0.2.135 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/libc
       Vendoring local-encoding v0.2.0 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/local-encoding
       Vendoring pulldown-cmark v0.0.3 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/pulldown-cmark
       Vendoring rand v0.4.6 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/rand
       Vendoring rand_core v0.3.1 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/rand_core-0.3.1
       Vendoring rand_core v0.4.2 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/rand_core
       Vendoring rdrand v0.4.0 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/rdrand
       Vendoring remove_dir_all v0.5.3 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/remove_dir_all
       Vendoring skeptic v0.4.0 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/skeptic
       Vendoring tempdir v0.3.7 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/tempdir
       Vendoring unicode-width v0.1.10 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/unicode-width
       Vendoring winapi v0.2.8 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/winapi-0.2.8
       Vendoring winapi v0.3.9 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/winapi
       Vendoring winapi-build v0.1.1 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/winapi-build
       Vendoring winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu
       Vendoring winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0 (/crypt/iv/.cargo/registry/src/ to vendor/winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    To use vendored sources, add this to your .cargo/config.toml for this project:
    replace-with = "vendored-sources"
    directory = "vendor"
    Skipping just-test
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi-build
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi
    error: Replacing with stub: winapi-0.2.8: Executing cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: failed to load manifest for dependency `advapi32-sys`
    Caused by:
      failed to read `/tmp/.private/iv/just-test/vendor/winapi-0.2.8/lib/advapi32/Cargo.toml`
    Caused by:
      No such file or directory (os error 2)

    Same error, but with kernel32-sys vendored crate, happens when trying to vendor dependencies for checked out to tag v0.3.0.

    opened by iv-m 9
  • Add `--prefix=vendor`

    Add `--prefix=vendor`

    Our current tar default puts everything at the toplevel, which is in retrospect surprising given a more standard practice of including the vendor/ directory.

    For backwards compatibility, keep things as is, but add a --prefix= option which allows configuring this.


    opened by cgwalters 3
  • Rework stub crate generation

    Rework stub crate generation

    Rework stub crate generation


    Our approach of filtering down the Cargo.toml kept running into problems with trying to actually run cargo metadata on the result. Specifically some crates have path dependencies that can't actually be built at runtime anyways.

    Creating stub crates is tricky, because we do need to keep things like the exposed feature set because Cargo will verify that, even if the target crate isn't being compiled.

    But, we do need to remove other unwanted things such as build scripts.

    Switch to filtering the Cargo.toml by parsing via TOML directly. We no longer run cargo metadata on the result.

    ci: Validate vendor filtering for nushell

    This will validate our vendoring works for a real-world package.

    opened by cgwalters 2
  • Fails on `ws2_32-sys`

    Fails on `ws2_32-sys`

    This is probably similar to #32

    I tried running vendor-filterer on with this config:

    platforms = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu"]
    all-features = true
    exclude-crate-paths = [
      { name = "libgit2-sys", exclude = "libgit2" },
      { name = "libsqlite3-sys", exclude = "sqlite3" },
      { name = "libsqlite3-sys", exclude = "sqlcipher" },
      { name = "libssh2-sys", exclude = "libssh2" },
      { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib" },
      { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib-ng" },
      { name = "lz4-sys", exclude = "liblz4" },
      { name = "openssl-src", exclude = "openssl" },
      { name = "zstd-sys", exclude = "zstd" },

    and get this error:

    Skipping nu-parser
    Skipping nu_plugin_inc
    Skipping nu-glob
    Skipping nu_plugin_gstat
    Skipping nu-engine
    Skipping nu-path
    Skipping nu_plugin_custom_values
    Skipping nu-protocol
    Skipping nu-test-support
    Skipping nu-color-config
    Skipping nu_plugin_query
    Skipping nu-utils
    Skipping nu-table
    Skipping nu-term-grid
    Skipping nu-system
    Skipping nu-cli
    Skipping nu-plugin
    Skipping nu-json
    Skipping nu_plugin_example
    Skipping nu-command
    Skipping nu
    Skipping nu-pretty-hex
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows-sys
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: malloc_buf
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: ntapi
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winres
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: riscv-target
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows-0.37.0
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: rdrand
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: crossterm_winapi
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: core-foundation
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: semver-parser-0.7.0
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: rustc-hash
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: objc
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: shlex
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: wasm-bindgen
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: web-sys
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: wasi-0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: volatile-register
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: atomic-polyfill
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: android_system_properties
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: omnipath
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_aarch64_msvc-0.36.1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: fuchsia-zircon
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_i686_gnu
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: wasm-bindgen-macro
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi-util
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: fsevent-sys
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: peeking_take_while
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: rand_core-0.4.2
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: critical-section
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: winapi-build
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: cty
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_i686_msvc-0.36.1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: fuchsia-zircon-sys
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: cexpr
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_x86_64_msvc-0.36.1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: rand_core-0.3.1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: bindgen
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: rand_hc
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: instant
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: vcell
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: wasm-bindgen-backend
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_i686_gnu-0.36.1
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_i686_gnu-0.37.0
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: embedded-hal
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: nb
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: schannel
    Replacing unreferenced package with stub: windows_x86_64_gnullvm
    error: Replacing with stub: ws2_32-sys: Executing cargo metadata: Error during execution of `cargo metadata`: error: failed to load manifest for dependency `winapi-build`
    Caused by:
      failed to read `/mnt/progs/slack/builds/nushell/nushell-0.71.0/build/Cargo.toml`
    Caused by:
      No such file or directory (os error 2)

    What's actually a bit annoying is that it stops after that error. It would be nice that, even if it encounters a lib that can't be replaced, that it just skips it and moves on with the rest.

    opened by pprkut 2
  • Add `platform-wildcards`

    Add `platform-wildcards`

    Right now the platforms is basically an API we need to commit to, but I think most users would want:

    platform-wildcards: ["*-linux-gnu", "wasm32-*"]

    for example. In particular I discovered over in that coreos-installer actually has s390x-specific dependencies.

    opened by cgwalters 2
  • Do not filter against crates io

    Do not filter against crates io

    This is how my Cargo.toml looks like:

    name = "my_package"
    version = "0.1.0"
    edition = "2021"
    thiserror = "1.0.30"
    tracing = "0.1"
    # Fix for
    tracing-oslog = { git = "", branch = "main" }
    tracing-core = "0.1"
    tracing-subscriber = "0.3"
    libc = "0.2"

    You can see that tracing-oslog is not fetched from crates-io, but it is fetch from github. I would sill like to vendor it so that I can build my project without connection to internet.

    However right now it is not vendored because of the .filter(|source| source.is_crates_io()) line.

    I am making an assumption that the idea of this if is not to vendor local dependencies. However if it is a local dependency, then source for it is already None and there is no need to have a filter on top of it.

    My assumption could be very well wrong. I can imagine the situation where some crates are pulled from local corporate git system and some are pulled from the internet. For such case, skipping .filter(|source| source.is_crates_io()) makes more sense, but it still looks far from perfect to me as it would fail as soon as you would like to make a fork of some github package on github.

    If the intention was to support the second case, would not it be better idea to have allowlist and blocklist support for the source strings in form of regular expressions? Or faster alternative could to make filtering configurable by passing something like --skip-non-crates-io

    opened by kgrech 1
  • Output tarball does not wrap crate directories in a containing directory

    Output tarball does not wrap crate directories in a containing directory

    cargo vendor produces an output directory (defaulting to vendor) which contains a subdirectory for each of the crates being vendored. It's been our practice in CoreOS projects to tar up that directory and ship the tarball as a release artifact, so that downstream distro packages can build the project without individually fetching dependencies.

    Tarballs produced by cargo-vendor-filterer don't serve as a drop-in replacement for this practice, since the crate directories are directly placed in the root of the tarball instead of in a vendor subdirectory. This causes problems for a couple reasons:

    • The downstream package needs to adjust its unpacking code to do mkdir vendor && tar xf vendor.tgz -C vendor instead of just tar xf vendor.tgz, which is a needless compatibility break.
    • It's generally an antipattern to distribute tarballs which, unless special attention is paid during unpacking, create many entries in the current working directory.

    There doesn't seem to be any way to configure this behavior, other than by avoiding --format tar* and packing the resulting tarball manually.

    opened by bgilbert 1
  • main: Honor workspace metadata

    main: Honor workspace metadata

    I'd missed that this exists earlier. This allows configuring vendoring for full workspaces too.


    opened by cgwalters 0
  • output: Check the exit code from `tar`

    output: Check the exit code from `tar`

    It's really unfortunate that the stdlib doesn't have an ergonomic default API for this.

    I noticed this when trying to output to a target with a nonexistent parent directory.

    opened by cgwalters 0
  • Fix the bug in checksum file parsing

    Fix the bug in checksum file parsing

    It is possible to add the following to the Cargo.toml file:

    tracing-oslog = { git = "", branch = "zero_byte_fix" }

    In this case .cargo-checksum.json will look similar to this:

      "files": {
        ".editorconfig": "97449e38427d3efc434009cb1ae1942b56daf7b28a942484cb196d94f015b200",
        ".rustfmt.toml": "113bab55bd151637aa8aad2e0f6de79596d99a82d2e24449d198f6606e6b97ed",
        "Cargo.toml": "c74d0e88d99e379665046b4ba7b8a90218f7993280e6c30869f8e283a16f0684",
        "": "b36ff589a7b586161394980ac056831e3795e7390270c9be98bb2fa85829646d",
        "": "541e4e5e5c8ac8f5ee4982cc828ac6864bad3e6343e9d9ca324ae7824639df63",
        "": "3cb1a3c31663e69a5331d3a00ffed50b048c85d7fe8c5fb94dc2a87c9f82a125",
        "src/": "d9dde313263113f9883a1ef6eb1a3f71b8366199125284d9dd7489729fc0e861",
        "src/": "af7f3c1dc4a7612f3519b812f8d6f9298f0f8af2e999ee3a23e6e9a5ddce5d75",
        "src/": "e54218ee849b13046647f367a6064bbdce97fc22214105c7e39067cf7bc9be08",
        "src/": "0fee8535f7f41a56207138af674e23747052191a64156aa97c1786c049f9f5f8",
        "src/": "dabe10d3299b69a0c7ecf35bd1a3fd0a375e5f9bf009f8b22b0b4516212dff85",
        "wrapper.c": "1b5f198a96432e182673ad51ed8cf70974f6a57477672a8afb3872523ae0286d",
        "wrapper.h": "347451ee2239759635a5ff8ccd4b738f37877261b5f9db76abd06b319593dc1b"
      "package": null

    Note that the package could be set to null.

    It looks like we do not use it (yet), so just marked it optional and added a unit test

    opened by kgrech 0
  • Multiple --platform= options

    Multiple --platform= options

    Is there way to specify multiple platforms from command line? When I try cargo vendor-filterer --platform='*'-unknown-linux-gnu (for sequoia-sop) here is error:

      error: Could not create LLVM TargetMachine for triple: m68k-unknown-linux-gnu: No available targets are compatible with triple "m68k-unknown-linux-gnu"

    When I try to specify multiple --platform= options like:

         --platform=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu \
         --platform=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf \
         --platform=i686-unknown-linux-gnu \
         --platform=powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu \

    It does not compile on x86_64, perhaps something superfluous is filtered.

    opened by vt-alt 0
  • Compress more tightly

    Compress more tightly

    The tar compression flags invoke gzip and zstd with their default compression levels, which are not especially tight. Since we're creating long-term archives, we should probably compress as tightly as reasonably possible. That does require that we invoke the compressor separately.

    opened by bgilbert 3
  • v0.5.7(Nov 26, 2022)

  • v0.5.6(Nov 26, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Support --manifest-path by @cgwalters in
    • Support vendored-openssl feature same way as cargo does by @kgrech in
    • Fix the bug in checksum file parsing by @kgrech in

    New Contributors

    • @kgrech made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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