A simple, modern fuzzy finder tool to run examples in a Cargo project.



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cargo-rx is a simple, modern Runner for Examples in a Cargo project.

rx demo

This crate provides a single executable: rx. Basically anywhere you would use cargo run --example in a Rust project, run rx instead.


Ensure that you have a fairly recent version of rust/cargo installed. Then, run:

$ cargo install cargo-rx

Compiler support: requires rustc 1.58+

(Please check cargo's documentation to learn how cargo install works and how to set up your system so it finds binaries installed by cargo.)


Note that on a Windows environment, you will also need to have fzf (https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) installed, as the rx command will use the fzf executable as a fuzzy finder instead.

There is currently a feature request open on skim which proposes adding support for Windows, but this has not been currently implemented yet -- thus, the fzf tool serves as a stand-in alternative for now.


  • Fuzzy finder to sort and search for examples in a Cargo project -- when called with just rx.
  • Pass arguments after -- to the selected example.
  • Automatically enables required-features when running an example.
  • Play back of most recently run example via --replay.


Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an issue to discuss a new feature or change.

Check out the Contributing section in the docs for more info.


This project is proudly licensed under the MIT license (LICENSE or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

cargo-rx can be distributed according to the MIT license. Contributions will be accepted under the same license.


  • add quotes around multi-word arguments, when displaying equivalent `cargo run --example` command

    add quotes around multi-word arguments, when displaying equivalent `cargo run --example` command




    Mac OS X


    When running rx against an example that takes arguments, when I add quotes around an argument, I would expect the terminal output which displays the command to similarly include quotes around my argument.

    For example, when I run following command and select an example my_example:

    $rx -- --my-arg 'my "name" here'

    the terminal output of the command being run is currently like:

    >> cargo run --example my_example -- --my-arg my name here

    when instead, I want it to display like:

    >> cargo run --example my_example -- --my-arg "my \"name\" here"

    ...which more closely matches the format of the command being run. it's also helpful so that we can use the command being printed out for debugging purposes, and if we just copy-paste the command into a terminal window verbatim, it should work the same to run cargo run --example and not cause any errors when running the example using that approach.

    opened by rnag 0
  • v0.2.0: minor release

    v0.2.0: minor release

    Notable Issues

    This PR Resolves the following issues:

    • #2
      • At least on Linux/Mac, this was previously a problem. This was resolved after reading through a linked issue.
    • #5
    • #8
    • #13
    • #16


    • Add support for options to cargo run --example, such as --release and --features. ๐ŸŽ‰
      • Automatically enables +nightly toolchain as required, when passed in unstable options to cargo run such as --unit-graph.
    • Display all example files supported by cargo, such as multi-file examples and ones with custom file paths. ๐ŸŽ‰
    • Patch colored output for Windows; the quickfix is implemented as suggested from here. ๐Ÿ™Œ
    • Examples displayed in the fuzzy finder are now properly sorted, A->Z as expected. ๐Ÿ–๏ธ
    • The terminal output of the command being run, i.e. cargo run --example <selected example> [..args], now correctly displays arguments in quotes such as --arg "Hello \"world\"!", which more closely matches the format of the command being run. ๐Ÿ‘
    • Rewire -p|--prompt-args to -i|--input-args, but retained existing option for backwards-compatibility reasons.
    • Rename short option for --replay to -R, since -r is now a shorthand for --release.
    • Update Cargo.toml dependencies.
      • Add cargo-options and path-absolutize
      • Update to use home instead of dirs, as overall it appears to be more stable
    opened by rnag 0
  • Add extra options that `cargo run` supports

    Add extra options that `cargo run` supports

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I would like to be able to pass options such as --features or --release -- which cargo run supports currently -- to the rx command.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    I would like to update rx to also accept same options that cargo run --example does.

    Additional context

    I need to pass --features in another project currently for some examples occasionally, so this would be helpful to enable. My use case is I have a separate feature for dev/prod environments; and occasionally I would like to run an example for a production environment, i.e. with the relevant feature enabled.

    opened by rnag 0
  • examples nested in sub-folders should be included

    examples nested in sub-folders should be included


    This is a simple fix, but basically nested examples like examples/some_example/main.rs are not captured currently, since we only look one level deep, specifically for rust (.rs) source files.

    Here we will need to update our code to traverse directories in examples/ folder (at least one level deep for now, not sure if Cargo itself supports examples deeply nested in sub-folders) and search for any main.rs files. The example name displayed should of course be the subfolder name in this case.

    What does this involve exactly?

    Support following paths for rust files in the examples/ folder:

    • Files with custom paths not picked up by cargo by default, for instance example/my_folder/my_example_here.rs
      • In order to achieve this, we need to scan through the list of [[example]] sections in the Cargo.toml file
    • Multi-file examples with a main.rs file that cargo supports, such as examples/my_folder/main.rs
    opened by rnag 0
  • fix color output for powershell in windows

    fix color output for powershell in windows

    • cargo-rx version: 0.1
    • Rust Compiler (rustc) version: ?
    • Operating System: windows 11 64-bit


    In powershell i see weird characters being shown instead of normal color output, for ex. when script outputs the >> cargo run --example <name> before running the script, for example.

    I need to research why it's happening and how to resolve it. I think it's the way we're invoking shell command in code, the pipe command which basically performs the equivalent of echo 'one\ntwo\nthree' | fzf apparently is not supported well in windows / powershell, at least from what I could tell when searching online.

    We need a way to not break colored text output in powershell when piping output of echo to another process like fzf.

    What I Did

    $ rx
    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • list of examples is not sorted

    list of examples is not sorted

    • cargo-rx version: 0.1.0
    • Rust Compiler (rustc) version: 1.59
    • Operating System: Mac OS X


    Output with list of examples is not sorted alphabetically (or even reverse sorted Z->A would be nice), but ideally I suppose it should be.

    example for my project smartsheet-rs:


    What I Did

    I just cd into my project folder after a git clone and run:

    $ rx
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • Work with workspaces?

    Work with workspaces?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Some libraries like tract and axum use workspaces to indicate examples, but current cargo-rx does not seem to able to identify them.

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Identify workspaces for examples based on directory names?

    Additional context


    enhancement help wanted good first issue acknowledged 
    opened by Yevgnen 1
  • Automatically replace dashes `-` with underscores `_` in example names, if necessary

    Automatically replace dashes `-` with underscores `_` in example names, if necessary

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    It would be cool if we can automatically replace dashes - with underscores _ (or vice versa) if we determine that a user-entered example name with dashes - is not a valid example, but that it would be instead valid with _.

    The main impetus for this is that it is somewhat easier to type a dash - on a keyboard - don't need to make a beeline for the shift key, for example. ๐Ÿค”

    Describe the solution you'd like

    Current output when running cargo run --example, when mis-typing _ as - for instance:

    PS serde-this-or-that> cargo run --example as-string
    error: no example target named `as-string`
            Did you mean `as_string`?

    Desired output:

    PS serde-this-or-that> cargo run --example as-string
    >> cargo run --example as_string
    [result of running the `as_string` example]
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • Add a

    Add a "Did you mean?" prompt if user misspells example name, and optionally re-run if the user says "Yes!"

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    I don't know if it's possible but I'd like to suggest auto-correction if a user misspells or mistypes an example name, similar to how cargo run --example does it already currently.

    Related Issues


    Describe the solution you'd like

    Potentially something like:

    Sorry bud, no such example `my_exmaple` exists.
    Did you mean `my_example`? [Y/N]:  $  
    Did you mean `my_example`? [Y/N]:  $  y
    [Runs the example file `my_example`...]

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    I haven't actually looked into any existing solutions for spelling correction yet. It would be cool to implement this, I feel. Preferably with the least overhead in terms of overall dependency size, compilation or build time, etc.

    Additional context

    It's not too necessary as when we call cargo run --example, it'll already offer an auto correction hint. But I think it's nice to add proactive spellchecking and correction -- this way it'll be a little faster, as we can catch the error earlier, and we don't need to waste time spawning a new process to call cargo run --example when we already know the example name is misspelled, for example.

    Just for completeness sake, Here's a sample auto correction hint from cargo run --example on one of my projects, which I think is really cool/nice:

    PS serde-this-or-that> cargo run --example d
    error: no example target named `d`
            Did you mean `demo`?
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • format and stylize block comments as expected

    format and stylize block comments as expected


    See #11 for sample terminal output.

    Essentially, we need to figure out a way to support identifying block comments within /*! <snip> !*/ (for doc comments) or within /* <snip> */ for regular comments, so that we can format and stylize such comments (colored text, bolding, etc.) as expected.

    What I Did

    I just went into my project folder and ran:

    $ rx
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • text wrap comments to completely fit within the preview pane

    text wrap comments to completely fit within the preview pane

    • cargo-rx version:
    • Rust Compiler (rustc) version:
    • Operating System:


    Instead of displaying the example file contents directly in the preview pane, it'd be ideal to leverage a text wrapping library such as textwrap to wrap the doc comments -- and regular comments if feasible -- so that we can be sure that the comments completely fit within the preview pane, and are displayed as expected without any text cutting off near the end.

    For example, note that comments in a line that are past a max width are hidden in the preview pane currently: image

    Related Issues

    This issue goes with #12

    What I Did

    I just cd into my project folder and ran:

    $ rx
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
  • calculate width of left pane based on the max length of example filenames

    calculate width of left pane based on the max length of example filenames

    • cargo-rx version: 0.1
    • Rust Compiler (rustc) version: 1.59
    • Operating System: Mac OS X


    It would be ideal to calculate the current console width, then calculate the max width of the stem of each example file (filename without the extension). The max stem width can then be used to set the width of the left pane, and the remaining console width can be taken up by the preview pane on the right.

    For example (note the three dots ... below):

    Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 11 15 11 AM

    What I Did

    Within my project folder, I just ran:

    $ rx
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by rnag 0
Ritvik Nag
Python / Typescript developer, currently learning Rust ๐Ÿฆ€
Ritvik Nag
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