Integrate Mcfly with fzf to combine a solid command history database with a widely-loved fuzzy search UI


McFly fzf integration

Integrate McFly with fzf to combine a solid command history database with a widely-loved fuzzy search UI


  • Advanced history tracking and prioritization courtesy of McFly
  • Rebinds ctrl-r to use an fzf-based interface
  • Toggle options in fzf interface:
    • F1: Sort by time / neural network score
    • F2: Limit to commands run from current directory / any directory
    • F3: Filter by exit status: [Okay (zero) / Fail (non-zero) / Any]



  1. Install mcfly: Included with the mcfly-fzf binaries. Alternatively download mcfly release binary, or view other installation options

  2. Install fzf: Download binary, or view other installation options

  3. Install mcfly-fzf: Download binary
    Alternatively, install from source:

    cargo install --git
  4. Make sure that mcfly, fzf, and mcfly-fzf are all added to your $PATH. Following instructions from McFly:

    For example, you could create a directory at ~/bin, copy mcfly to this location, and add export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin" to your .bashrc / .zshrc, or run set -Ua fish_user_paths "$HOME/bin" for fish.

  5. Add the following to the end of your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/ file:


    eval "$(mcfly init bash)"
    eval "$(mcfly-fzf init bash)"


    eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"
    eval "$(mcfly-fzf init zsh)"


    mcfly init fish | source
    mcfly-fzf init fish | source


  • Press ctrl-r to open search:
    • Type to search
    • Arrow keys to navigate up/down
    • Enter to select
    • F1/F2/F3 to adjust view settings
  • Respects the following environment variables
  • To delete history entries, run mcfly search manually

How it works


  • mcfly-fzf imports the mcfly crate to access the database.
  • A per-session temporary json file stores the search setting toggles within and between searches.

What happens during ctrl-r:

  1. mcfly-fzf dump reads the mcfly sqlite database and prints the entry to stdout, where it is piped to fzf
  2. Toggling F1/F2/F3 in fzf runs mcfly-fzf toggle, which updates a temporary json file stored at $MCFLY_FZF_OPTS. Then mcfly-fzf dump runs again to re-populate the filtered results for fzf.
  3. After selecting a history item, mcfly-fzf select marks the item in the selected_commands table so that the McFly neural network can prioritize frequently-selected items.
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