A command line utility that reads from and writes to SPICE SPK files to propagate trajectories of specified bodies. The user must provide SPKs containing position and velocity data of the bodies they wish to include in the calculation so that an initial condition for the propagation can be assembled from them. If bodies whose standard gravitational parameter is not contained in the included PCKs need to be included in the calculations, additional PCKs must be provided. All user-provided kernels must be loaded from a single meta-kernel text file.
The program will output a single SPK containing the propagated trajectory data for all bodies that were included in the calculation. This kernel can be used with other SPICE integrated tools, such as SPICE-Enhanced Cosmographia.
Note that the CSPICE library needs to be installed for this program to work. (see these requirements)
$ traj-propagate --help
traj-propagate 0.0.1
pixldemon <[email protected]>
traj-propagate [OPTIONS] --mk <FILE> --t0 <UTC_TIMESTAMP> --time <NUM_DAYS> --dt <NUM_MINUTES> --output-file <FILE>
--bodies <BODY_LIST> String containing comma-separated NAIF-IDs or body names
--cb-id <NAIF_ID> Observing body for SPK segments. Defaults to first body in list
--dt <NUM_MINUTES> Timestep size for numerical integration
--fts <FRACTION> Fraction of steps to save to SPK file. 1 saves every step, 0.5 every
2nd etc. Defaults to 1.
-h, --help Print help information
--mk <FILE> Meta-kernel file name
-o, --output-file <FILE> File to write results to
size. Defaults to 0
--t0 <UTC_TIMESTAMP> Time at which to begin propagation
--time <NUM_DAYS> Time period over which to integrate
-V, --version Print version information
$ traj-propagate --mk spice_data/ --t0 '2013-NOV-19 00:00:00' --dt 10 --time 308 --bodies 'Sun, Earth, Mars, 5, -202' -o spice_data/maven_cruise.bsp
Propagating interactions of 5 bodies over 308 days (dt=10min)
Progress: [##################################################] 100% complete
This will propagate the trajectory of NASA's MAVEN mission from shortly after launch to just before it reached Mars and save the trajectory to maven_cruise.bsp
$ brief spice_data/maven_cruise.bsp
BRIEF -- Version 4.0.0, September 8, 2010 -- Toolkit Version N0066
Summary for: spice_data/maven_cruise.bsp
Bodies: MAVEN (-202) EARTH (399)
Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET)
----------------------------- -----------------------------
2013 NOV 19 00:01:07.182 2014 SEP 23 00:01:07.182