A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models.



A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of Computer Vison and Vision-Language models including YOLOv8, YOLOv9, RTDETR, CLIP, DINOv2, FastSAM, YOLO-World, BLIP, PaddleOCR and others. Many execution providers are supported, sunch as CUDA, TensorRT and CoreML.

Supported Models

Model Task / Type Example CUDA
YOLOv8-detection Object Detection demo
YOLOv8-pose Keypoint Detection demo
YOLOv8-classification Classification demo
YOLOv8-segmentation Instance Segmentation demo
YOLOv9 Object Detection demo
RT-DETR Object Detection demo
FastSAM Instance Segmentation demo
YOLO-World Object Detection demo
DINOv2 Vision-Self-Supervised demo
CLIP Vision-Language demo ✅ visual
❌ textual
✅ visual
❌ textual
BLIP Vision-Language demo ✅ visual
❌ textual
✅ visual
❌ textual
DB Text Detection demo
SVTR Text Recognition demo
RTMO Keypoint Detection demo

Solution Models

Additionally, this repo also provides some solution models.

Model Example
text detection
(PPOCR-det v3, v4)

text recognition
(PPOCR-rec v3, v4)

face-landmark detection
人脸 & 关键点检测
head detection
fall detection
trash detection


cargo run -r --example yolov8   # fastsam, yolov9, blip, clip, dinov2, yolo-world...

Integrate into your own project

1. Install ort

check ort guide

For Linux or MacOS users
  • Firstly, download from latest release from ONNXRuntime Releases
  • Then linking
    export ORT_DYLIB_PATH=/Users/qweasd/Desktop/onnxruntime-osx-arm64-1.17.1/lib/libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib

2. Add usls as a dependency to your project's Cargo.toml

cargo add --git https://github.com/jamjamjon/usls

3. Set Options and build model

let options = Options::default()
let mut model = YOLO::new(&options)?;
  • If you want to run your model with TensorRT or CoreML

    let options = Options::default()
        .with_trt(0) // using cuda by default
        // .with_coreml(0) 
  • If your model has dynamic shapes

    let options = Options::default()
        .with_i00((1, 2, 4).into()) // dynamic batch
        .with_i02((416, 640, 800).into())   // dynamic height
        .with_i03((416, 640, 800).into())   // dynamic width
  • If you want to set a confidence level for each category

    let options = Options::default()
        .with_confs(&[0.4, 0.15]) // person: 0.4, others: 0.15
  • Go check Options for more model options.

4. Prepare inputs, and then you're ready to go

  • Build DataLoader to load images
let dl = DataLoader::default()
    .with_batch(model.batch.opt as usize)

for (xs, _paths) in dl {
    let _y = model.run(&xs)?;
  • Or simply read one image
let x = vec![DataLoader::try_read("./assets/bus.jpg")?];
let y = model.run(&x)?;

5. Annotate and save results

let annotator = Annotator::default().with_saveout("YOLOv8");
annotator.annotate(&x, &y);

Script: converte ONNX model from float32 to float16

import onnx
from pathlib import Path
from onnxconverter_common import float16

model_f32 = "onnx_model.onnx"
model_f16 = float16.convert_float_to_float16(onnx.load(model_f32))
saveout = Path(model_f32).with_name(Path(model_f32).stem + "-f16.onnx")
onnx.save(model_f16, saveout)
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