Easy reading and writing of `serde` structs to/from Google Sheets



Read and write structs directly from google sheets using serde and csv

Implement serde::Serialize to write and serde::Deserialize to read. Easy!


Google sheets API is somewhat complex and requires lots of boilerplate. Reading and writing involves using lots of Vec > . We use csv crate to automate creating these payloads and converting them back into your structs


serde_sheets expects a google service account json to be available as SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON:

$ export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON=$(cat my-service-account.json)

Build Sheets object:

let service_account = service_account_from_env().unwrap();
let mut sheets = get_sheets(service_account, Some("token_cache.json"))

Write objects:

serde_sheets::write_page(&mut sheets, "some-document-id", "some-tab-name", &objects)

Read objects:

let returned: Vec
     = serde_sheets::read_all(&mut sheets, DOCUMENT_ID, TAB_NAME)


Check examples/example.rs for full example.

$ cargo run --example example


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