Example of reading the BME280 sensor on an ESP32-C3 using Rust
- ESP32-C3 microcontroller
- BME280 sensor
- Breadboard
- Jump wires
- USB-A to Micro-B cable
Step 1: attach the ESP32-C3 to the breadboard (with its headers).
Step 2: attach the BME280 to the breadboard (with its headers).
Step 3: using the jump wires, connect the ESP32-C3 to the BME280:
- 3V3 to VIN
- GND to GND
- GPIO 2 to SDA
- GPIO 3 to SCL
Note: you can use any available GPIO pins for SDL and SCL, but remember to change the code accordingly.
Step 4: connect the USB cable to your computer or laptop.
Step 1: follow these instructions to setup the development environment.
Step 2: Execute cargo run
on the command line (to build, flash, and monitor). Note: on Linux, you may have to fix a permission issue.
If the universe conspires in your favor, you should see an output like this:
I (409) rust_esp32_bme280: Successfully initialized BME280 device
I (2529) rust_esp32_bme280: Relative Humidity = 69%
I (2529) rust_esp32_bme280: Temperature = 25°C
I (2529) rust_esp32_bme280: Pressure = 101698 Pa
Let me know if I skipped any steps.