Backtrace for ESP32 bare-metal


esp-backtrace - backtrace for ESP32 bare-metal

  • supports ESP32, ESP32C3, ESP32S2, ESP32S3
  • optional features: panic-handler, exception-handler (will enable esp-println depdendency)
  • work-in-progress, yet already useable

Please note: On RISCV you need to force frame pointers (i.e. "-C", "force-frame-pointers", in your .cargo/config.toml)

You can get an array of backtrace addresses (currently limited to 10) via arch::backtrace() if you want to create a backtrace yourself (i.e. not using the panic or exception handler).

When using the panic and/or exception handler make sure to include use esp_backtrace as _;.

When using this together with esp-println make sure to use the same output kind for both dependencies. (Or don't specify the output for esp-backtrace)


Feature Description
esp32 Target ESP32
esp32c3 Target ESP32C3
esp32s2 Target ESP32S2
esp32s3 Target ESP32S3
panic-handler Include a panic handler, will add esp-println as a dependency
exception-handler Include an exception handler, will add esp-println as a dependency
print-uart Use UART to print messages (*)
print-jtag-serial Use JTAG-Serial to print messages (*)
print-rtt Use RTT to print messages (*)

(*) only used for panic and exception handlers


Licensed under either of:

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

  • Prettier panic formatting?

    Prettier panic formatting?


    started using this crate today after it got pulled in by the no_std application template. I see that currently it just debug-prints the PanicInfo, but would you accept a PR that adds some prettier formatting around it?

    In a minimal esp32 code that prints "Hello" and then panics, the serial output is pretty crowded imo:

    load:0x40078000 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??],len:17448
    load:0x4007c428 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??],len:4840
    entry 0x4007c6a0 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??]
    PanicInfo { payload: Any { .. }, message: Some(Help me, I'm dying!), location: Location { file: "src/", line: 30, col: 9 }, can_unwind: true }
    0x400d1bb8 [half_duplex_uart::__xtensa_lx_rt_main:/var/home/ahartmann/repos/mt/playground/half-duplex-uart/src/]
    0x400d5816 [Reset:/usr/local/share/cargo/registry/src/]
    0x400d29af [ESP32Reset:/usr/local/share/cargo/git/checkouts/esp-hal-42ec44e8c6943228/6e037b0/esp32-hal/src/]

    I was thinking about maybe something like this:

    load:0x40078000 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??],len:17448
    load:0x4007c428 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??],len:4840
    entry 0x4007c6a0 [_stack_end_cpu0:??:??]
    !! A panic occured at "src/", line 30, column 9
      Message: Help me, I'm dying!
      Payload: ??
    0x400d1bb8 [half_duplex_uart::__xtensa_lx_rt_main:/var/home/ahartmann/repos/mt/playground/half-duplex-uart/src/]
    0x400d5816 [Reset:/usr/local/share/cargo/registry/src/]
    0x400d29af [ESP32Reset:/usr/local/share/cargo/git/checkouts/esp-hal-42ec44e8c6943228/6e037b0/esp32-hal/src/]

    Or in accordance with the default rust panic handler:

    !! A panic occured at src/
    opened by har7an 4
  • lib: Pretty-print `PanicInfo`

    lib: Pretty-print `PanicInfo`

    instead of relying solely on the Debug trait for printing. Also add some more space to the output, so the Panic is easily recognized between application text and the backtrace.

    Currently, accessing the panic message is an unstable feature in core, see this tracking issue:

    So unless this lands, the current debug print actually contains more useful information than this PR...

    opened by har7an 3
  • Update xtensa-lx-rt to 0.14.0

    Update xtensa-lx-rt to 0.14.0

    In order to prepare a small change in esp-hal ( ) we first need to update all its dependencies

    When this is merged, we need to bump this crate's version and release it

    opened by bjoernQ 0
  • Adapt to changed ESP32-C3 trap frame

    Adapt to changed ESP32-C3 trap frame

    In the trap frame struct changed. We should adapt our copy of the trap frame struct here.

    Nothing bad should happen if we keep it like this so it's not an urgent task

    opened by bjoernQ 0
  • Update the CI to check all combinations of chip/printer

    Update the CI to check all combinations of chip/printer

    I figured out how to accomplish this, so here it is. The RISC-V job looks a little strange due to only having one chip, but once esp-println has a new release I will be PRing ESP32-C2 support here.

    opened by jessebraham 0
  • Add a CI workflow to check (as extensively as possible) various feature combinations

    Add a CI workflow to check (as extensively as possible) various feature combinations

    Doesn't cover every possible combination, but much better than nothing.

    Successful run here:

    opened by jessebraham 0
  • Give a hint if there are no backtrace entries on RISCV

    Give a hint if there are no backtrace entries on RISCV

    To make backtraces work on RISCV the user needs to force frame-pointers. We can give a hint in case there are no backtrace entries when running on a RISCV target instead of printing nothing

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by bjoernQ 0
  • Add support for the ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2

    Add support for the ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2

    Keeping this as a draft until esp-println has a new release, but the work is otherwise done. I added some comments for the features and updated our build script to match esp-println as well.

    Closes #12 Closes #13

    opened by jessebraham 1
  • Add a feature for logging panics with defmt

    Add a feature for logging panics with defmt

    In line with the print-uart and print-rtt features, perhaps a print-defmt would make sense?

    I am happy to submit a PR for this, however I have a question. The current implementation calls several println!() functions. In most defmt log printers, the contents of the log statement gets printed along with the location in the source code that the log statement was called.

    Would this mean that we would have only one error!() invocation in the panic_handler? Or should we still call error!() each time we call println().

    Also, due to this quirk of defmt vs println style printing, should I add this functionality to esp-println? Because it may be a mismatch of expected output format.

    opened by TheButlah 2
  • Custom printer feature

    Custom printer feature

    The stack walking code isn't specific to esp's, only the printing methods. This crate maybe useful to other chip vendors if we had a custom printing feature.

    This isn't something we'll implement but maybe a good contribution from the community :).

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by MabezDev 0
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