Example of structuring a proc macro crate for testability



Example of structuring a proc macro crate for testability. See accompanying blog post for details.


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  • Update .stderr files

    Update .stderr files

    With compiler 1.60.0:

    $ rustc --version rustc 1.60.0 (7737e0b5c 2022-04-04)

    The contents of teh .stderr files is slightly different so the .stderr files needed updating using TRYBUILD=overwrite cargo test.

    Without this change I was getting errors like the following, with the change the tests pass.

      test tests/ui/has-arguments.rs ... mismatch
      error: this attribute takes no arguments
        = help: use `#[contracts]`
       --> $DIR/has-arguments.rs:3:1
      3 | #[contracts(a, b)]
        | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `contracts` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
      error: this attribute takes no arguments
               = help: use `#[contracts]`
       --> tests/ui/has-arguments.rs:3:1
      3 | #[contracts(a, b)]
        | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        = note: this error originates in the attribute macro `contracts` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
      note: If the actual output is the correct output you can bless it by rerunning
            your test with the environment variable TRYBUILD=overwrite
      test tests/ui/has-expr-argument.rs ... mismatch
    opened by winksaville 3
  • Normalized paths in stderr files

    Normalized paths in stderr files

    I spent a little time looking at why when I run TRYBUILD=overwrite carto test the *.stderr files do not have $DIR/xxx in the output. My conclusion is the compiler use to include the $DIR/xxx output, but now outputs the actual path.

    You can see that in this change on trybuild the stderr test files were updated and they do not have the $DIR/xxx:

    wink@3900x 22-05-18T00:16:29.992Z:~/prgs/rust/clones/dtolnay-trybuild (master)
    $ git diff 6cbc5a2843a66dfe934479cf2cf31afbe4b4dbb3^ 6cbc5a2843a66dfe934479cf2cf31afbe4b4dbb3
    diff --git a/tests/ui/compile-fail-2.stderr b/tests/ui/compile-fail-2.stderr
    index a59ae39..daa33d4 100644
    --- a/tests/ui/compile-fail-2.stderr
    +++ b/tests/ui/compile-fail-2.stderr
    @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
     error: ERROR
    - --> $DIR/compile-fail-2.rs:1:1
    + --> tests/ui/compile-fail-2.rs:1:1
     1 | compile_error!("ERROR");
       | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    diff --git a/tests/ui/compile-fail-3.stderr b/tests/ui/compile-fail-3.stderr
    index 27619cf..7fc2291 100644
    --- a/tests/ui/compile-fail-3.stderr
    +++ b/tests/ui/compile-fail-3.stderr
    @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
     error[E0277]: `*mut _` cannot be shared between threads safely
    -   --> $DIR/compile-fail-3.rs:7:5
    +   --> tests/ui/compile-fail-3.rs:7:5
     7   |     thread::spawn(|| {
         |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*mut _` cannot be shared between threads safely
    wink@3900x 22-05-18T00:16:44.332Z:~/prgs/rust/clones/dtolnay-trybuild (master)

    So my suggestion is that in the future we don't manually add the $DIR/ and instead use the generated files as is. If you'd like I can create another PR with the those unmodified files.

    opened by winksaville 1
  • invalid syntax test cases cause panic

    invalid syntax test cases cause panic

    First off, thanks for writing this excellent blog post on structuring and testing procedural macros! I really like the way it's broken down in to parsing, analysis, intermediate representation, and code generation. I am currently attempting to implement a procedural macro of my own following this structure but I've run into an issue that is probably more specific to proc-macro-error than it is your guide, but I thought it would be worth raising as an issue here anyway before I start trying to dig into that codebase.

    The issue is with writing test cases to validate what happens when the parsing stage encounters invalid syntax. I imagine that tests for the analysis stage could be similarly affected, but I haven't made it that far yet in my own macro implementation :upside_down_face:. (I also wasn't intentionally trying to test invalid syntax, I just haven't made it far enough in my parse implementation for the syntax i'm targeting to be properly parsed.)

    So the problem is that the parse function calls proc-macro-error macros like abort and abort_call_site which results in a panic in tests that validate error cases since according to its docs:

    This attribute MUST be present on the top level of your macro (the function annotated with any of #[proc_macro], #[proc_macro_derive], #[proc_macro_attribute]).

    To illustrate with an example, here is a contrived test that I created in a clone of this repo:

    zsh/3 3540 [148]  (git)-[main]-% git diff
    diff --git a/src/parse.rs b/src/parse.rs
    index 5572a87..709b66b 100644
    --- a/src/parse.rs
    +++ b/src/parse.rs
    @@ -51,4 +51,18 @@ mod tests {
    +    #[test]
    +    fn invalid_syntax() {
    +        parse(
    +            quote!(ident),
    +            quote!(
    +                #[inline]
    +                #[precondition(x <>> == 0)]
    +                fn even_to_odd(x: u32) -> u32 {
    +                    x + 1
    +                }
    +            ),
    +        );
    +    }

    (basically just the existing parse::valid_syntax test with a simple ident argument added in the first positional passed to parse)

    The docs for proc_macro_error indicate an argument that can be passed to the called allow_not_macro (eg #[proc_macro_error(allow_not_macro)], but that comes with the caveat:

    Pay attention: the function this attribute is applied to must return proc_macro::TokenStream.

    This is problematic since the parse example in your tutorial relies on proc_macro2::TokenStream.

    Anyway, like I mentioned earlier I don't think this is necessarily a problem with this tutorial but thought it would be useful to mention in case any other bright-eyed wannabe Rustaceans find themselves dealing with a similar situation. I'll probably dig into the proc-macro-error crate after submitting this issue to see if it's possible for #[proc_macro_error(allow_not_macro)] to accept proc_macro2::TokenStream as well as proc_macro::TokenStream.

    Thanks again for the great tutorial!

    opened by waynr 1
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