websockify-rs: WebSockets support for any application/server
This is a rust implement of the websockify-js, which is part of the noVNC project.
At the most basic level, websockify just translates WebSockets traffic to normal socket traffic. Websockify accepts the WebSockets handshake, parses it, and then begins forwarding traffic between the client and the target in both directions.
Note that this is the Rust version of websockify. The primary project is the Python version of websockify.
To run websockify-rs:
install the environment so you can build a rust application
cd websockify-rs
cargo build --release
run the executable with the proper options
-w, --web <WEB> folder of the static content
-t, --target <TARGET> the socket address of vnc host [default: localhost:5900]
-s, --source <SOURCE> the socket address of websevice [default: localhost:9000]
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
To build an executable for windows service
cargo run --bin websockify-rs --features daemonize
- WebSocket/Socket Proxy
- Windows Daemonize Support
- HTTPS Support
- Message Logging