A lightning fast networking solution for roblox.

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Command-line zap


Zap is a blazingly fast networking solution for Roblox.


  • Zap packs data into buffers with no overhead. The same data can be sent using a fraction of the bandwidth.
  • Zap doesn't compromise on performance. Zap's packing and unpacking is typically faster than Roblox's generic encoding.
  • For both the IDL and API, Zap is a joy to use. It's easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to debug. It's the best DX you'll find.
  • Zap is fully secure. Buffers make reverse engineering your game's networking much harder and Zap validates all data received.

Here There be Dragons!

Zap is currently in a early pre-release state. The API may change over time and there are likely bugs. Please report any issues you find through github issues.


Documentation can be found here.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue before you start working on a feature or bug fix so we can discuss it.


Zap Logo sourced from Twitter and is under the CC BY 4.0 license.

  • [FEAT] Remove Instance Overhead

    [FEAT] Remove Instance Overhead

    Describe your feature

    Currently instances are placed into a single large array, and then the index of the instance in that array is written to the buffer. This wastes the two bytes written to the buffer. As Zap serializes and deserializes in the same order, instances will be written to the array in the same order.

    A type like this: Instance(BasePart) is currently outputted as the following:

    function types.write_basePart(value: basePart)
    	local pos = alloc(2)
    	buffer.writeu16(outgoing_buff, pos, alloc_inst(value))
    function types.read_basePart()
    	local value;
    	value = incoming_inst[buffer.readu16(incoming_buff, read(2))]
    	assert(value ~= nil)
    	return value

    With this change implemented this will be changed to this:

    function types.write_basePart(value: basePart)
    	table.insert(outgoing_inst, value)
    function types.read_basePart()
    	local value;
    	value = table.remove(incoming_inst)
    	assert(value ~= nil)
    	return value

    Again, this is possible because we serialize and deserialize in the same order - so instances will be written and read from the inst buffer in the same order.


    I have not considered any alternatives at this moment.

    Implementation Details

    This could cause issues if we ever have non-deterministic serialization or deserialization order in the future.

    Additional context


    opened by jackdotink 2
  • [FEAT] Support for CFrames

    [FEAT] Support for CFrames

    Describe your feature

    Zap should support the CFrame datatype.


    The alternative is not supporting CFrames.

    Implementation Details

    The slowest way we can impliment it is by sending i32[12] from CFrame:GetComponents. This is expensive and wastes network bandwidth.

    The challenge with CFrames is that Roblox uses a lot of compression methods for sending CFrames. We also should do this - we just need to research how it is done to avoid sending 12 i32s.

    opened by sasial-dev 2
  • [FEAT] Trim dead code in codegen

    [FEAT] Trim dead code in codegen

    Describe your feature

    Codegen currently has a lot of dead code if network definition files don't define enough variations of events. This makes linters upset because they flag unused functions and variables.


    A simple workaround for this issue would be to include comments at the top of the generated code to silence Selene and the Luau linter. However, this isn't ideal and the better solution is to actually trim dead code.

    opened by grilme99 2
  • [BUG] Luau reports typechecking error on strict

    [BUG] Luau reports typechecking error on strict

    Describe the bug

    Luau currently reports a type error in strict mode for code generated for the client. This is due to when using :WaitForChild, the return value is Instance while we know that it's a RemoteEvent. The function FireServer does not exist on type Instance thus correctly reporting an error.


    Just generate any code for the client. It should cause a type error in strict mode.

    Expected behavior

    The generated code should not give off any type error.

    Potential Fix

    Typecast the resulting return value to be RemoteEvent / UnreliableRemoteEvent

    opened by Aloroid 1
  • Delay event connection 5 frames on client

    Delay event connection 5 frames on client

    This change is important to support events that are fired the frame the client joins the game. Without the delay, the client won't have enough time to connect to the events.

    opened by nezuo 1
  • [FEAT] Clarify output FS errors

    [FEAT] Clarify output FS errors

    Describe your feature

    While using the CLI, you can run into filesystem errors which don't clearly describe what the issue is.

    These error messages should be more descriptive, pointing users to solutions. As a quality of life feature for output directories, any nonexistent directories should be created during execution.


    For instance, a config that looks like this

    opt output_client = ./network/client.luau
    opt output_server = ./network/server.luau

    ...will cause the following generic and unclear filesystem error on Windows if no ./network directory exists:

    Error: The system cannot find the path specified. (os error 3)

    A similar error,

    Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)

    ...is output if the path provided to the config file is invalid.


    Both of these are minor issues, so creating the directories in question and/or ensuring file paths are correct both work. The docs could also cover these common mistakes.

    opened by Crystalflxme 1
  • [BUG] des ranges aren't max inclusive

    [BUG] des ranges aren't max inclusive

    Describe the bug

    Ranges aren't max inclusive, the value is 1, but it's checking if it's < 1


    Link to playground with accurate reproduction https://zap.redblox.dev/playground.html?code=ZXZlbnQgcm91bmQgPSB7Cglmcm9tOiBTZXJ2ZXIsCgl0eXBlOiBSZWxpYWJsZSwKCWNhbGw6IFNpbmdsZVN5bmMsCglkYXRhOiBTdHJpbmdbNF0KfQoKZXZlbnQgY29tbWFuZCA9IHsKCWZyb206IENsaWVudCwKCXR5cGU6IFVucmVsaWFibGUsCgljYWxsOiBTaW5nbGVTeW5jLAoJZGF0YTogewoJCWRlbHRhVGltZTogZjMyLAoJCVg6IGk4ICgtMS4uMSksCgkJWjogaTggKC0xLi4xKQoJfSwKfQo=

    Expected behavior

    That ranges are max inclusive, so that this bug doesn't happen

    opened by As8D 1
  • Fix fire in player added

    Fix fire in player added

    Firing a remote on the server inside PlayerAdded is not guaranteed to exist because the user's connection can run before zap's. This fixes the issue by initializing the player inside of fire functions instead of PlayerAdded.

    opened by nezuo 0
  • [FEAT] Support for Color3s

    [FEAT] Support for Color3s

    Describe your feature

    Zap should support the Color3 datatype.


    Sending 3 doubles is less efficient than sending a single Color3.

    Implementation Details

    I think most people only need 8 bits of accuracy per color channel, but for HDR colors I guess you need to bump it to the next largest size which is 16 bits of accuracy per color channel. I would assume a Color3 channel range of [0, 1].

    opened by ArchLand64 0
  • Add the `unknown` type

    Add the `unknown` type

    Docs are left to write.

    The unknown type is an escape from when we do not know the structure of the data and must instead get Roblox to serialise it. This can be a footgun and only should be used in specific circumstances.

    opened by sasial-dev 0
  • remove local spam

    remove local spam

    At the moment Zap generated code is at risk of hitting the local limit. This change removes the creation of a local for each write and instead uses a single local.

    opened by jackdotink 0
  • [BUG] Luau reports typechecking error in strict mode on Server Output

    [BUG] Luau reports typechecking error in strict mode on Server Output

    Describe the bug

    Luau reports a type checking error on the server output since variables reliable and unreliable are of type Instance?.


    Any server output with an event

    Expected behavior

    Not produce a type error


    opened by Aloroid 0
  • [FEAT] Support RemoteFunctions

    [FEAT] Support RemoteFunctions

    Describe your feature

    Events should be able to return a value


    Creating two events (one for each way)

    Implementation Details

    Careful decision will have to be made as to if we use RemoteEvents under-the-hood and then create a mock remotefunction-like interface in zap (so we don't yield the thread!).

    opened by sasial-dev 0
  • [FEAT] Make data field in events optional

    [FEAT] Make data field in events optional

    Describe your feature

    Making data optional would enable sending remotes without any data.


    Adding a void type. This adds another type that isn't necessary and it's more difficult to maintain because you need to make sure it's being used correctly.

    opened by nezuo 0
  • Add manual event loop option

    Add manual event loop option

    Adds a manual_event_loop option which exports a send_events function when true. This is useful when the user can schedule send_events after all their other code that runs in the frame.

    opened by nezuo 2
  • [FEAT] Addition of an `OR` operator for types

    [FEAT] Addition of an `OR` operator for types

    Describe your feature

    The addition of an OR operator for types will create better data definitions with less overhead, compared to tagged enum alternatives. The operator can function similar to Luau i.e. type bool_or_u8 = boolean | u8


    Using tagged enums will in essence function as an OR, however there is more overhead. i.e.

    enum "Type" {
        Number {
            Value: f64,
        String {
            Value: string,


    	Type: "Number",
    	Value: (number),
    } | {
    	Type: "String",
    	Value: (string),

    meaning that there is now an overhead of both a string and the value's type.

    opened by Calamixy 2
  • [FEAT] Support for Namespaces

    [FEAT] Support for Namespaces

    Describe your feature

    In a large complex game, the remotes used can generally be grouped into categories. Zap should support a namespace under the event struct, and when a namespace is specified, you should be able to access it through remotes.namespace.remote_name.


    • Do not organise the events
    • Use mutiple zap config files

    Implementation Details

    This should be implimented under the event struct with an optional namespace field.

    opened by sasial-dev 1
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