zoxide is a blazing fast replacement for your cd command



A smarter cd command for your terminal

crates.io releases

zoxide is a blazing fast replacement for your cd command, inspired by z and z.lua. It keeps track of the directories you use most frequently, and uses a ranking algorithm to navigate to the best match.



z foo        # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo
z foo bar    # cd into highest ranked directory matching foo and bar

z ~/foo      # z also works like a regular cd command
z foo/       # cd into relative path
z ..         # cd one level up
z -          # cd into previous directory

zi foo       # cd with interactive selection (using fzf)

Read more about the matching algorithm here.

Getting started

Step 1: Install zoxide

zoxide works across all major platforms. If your distribution isn't included in the list below, you can download the binary from the Releases page and copy it to your $PATH.

On Linux

Distribution Repository Instructions
Any crates.io cargo install zoxide
Any Linuxbrew brew install zoxide
Alpine Linux 3.13+ Alpine Linux Packages apk add zoxide
Arch Linux AUR yay -Sy zoxide-bin
CentOS 7+ Copr dnf copr enable atim/zoxide
dnf install zoxide
Debian Testing Debian Packages apt install zoxide
Devuan 4.0+ Devuan Packages apt install zoxide
Fedora 32+ Fedora Packages dnf install zoxide
Gentoo dm9pZCAq Overlay eselect repository enable dm9pZCAq
emerge --sync dm9pZCAq
emerge app-shells/zoxide
NixOS nixpkgs nix-env -iA nixpkgs.zoxide
Parrot OS apt install zoxide
Ubuntu 21.04+ Ubuntu Packages apt install zoxide
Void Linux Void Linux Packages xbps-install -S zoxide

On macOS

Repository Instructions
crates.io cargo install zoxide
Homebrew brew install zoxide
MacPorts port install zoxide

On Windows

Repository Instructions
crates.io cargo install zoxide
Scoop scoop install zoxide


Distribution Repository Instructions
Any crates.io cargo install zoxide
DragonFly BSD DPorts pkg install zoxide
FreeBSD FreshPorts pkg install zoxide
NetBSD pkgsrc pkgin install zoxide

On Android

Repository Instructions
Termux pkg install zoxide

Step 2: Install fzf (optional)

fzf is a command-line fuzzy finder, used by zoxide for interactive selection. Installation instructions can be found here.

Step 3: Add zoxide to your shell

If you currently use z, z.lua, or zsh-z, you may want to first import your existing entries into zoxide:

zoxide import --from z path/to/db

Alternatively, for autojump (note that scores are not imported):

zoxide import --from autojump path/to/db


Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.bashrc):

eval "$(zoxide init bash)"


Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.elvish/rc.elv):

eval (zoxide init elvish | slurp)


Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.config/fish/config.fish):

zoxide init fish | source


Initialize zoxide's Nushell script:

zoxide init nushell --hook prompt | save ~/.zoxide.nu

Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.config/nu/config.toml):

prompt = "__zoxide_hook;__zoxide_prompt"
startup = ["zoxide init nushell --hook prompt | save ~/.zoxide.nu", "source ~/.zoxide.nu"]

You can replace __zoxide_prompt with a custom prompt.


Add this to your configuration (the location is stored in $profile):

Invoke-Expression (& {
    $hook = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { 'prompt' } else { 'pwd' }
    (zoxide init --hook $hook powershell) -join "`n"


Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.xonshrc):

execx($(zoxide init xonsh), 'exec', __xonsh__.ctx, filename='zoxide')


Add this to your configuration (usually ~/.zshrc):

eval "$(zoxide init zsh)"

Any POSIX shell

Add this to your configuration:

eval "$(zoxide init posix --hook prompt)"


init flags

  • --cmd: changes the prefix of predefined aliases (z, zi).
    • e.g. --cmd j would change the aliases to j and ji respectively.
  • --hook : change how often zoxide increments a directory's score:
    • none: never automatically add directories to zoxide.
    • prompt: add the current directory to zoxide at every shell prompt.
    • pwd: whenever the user changes directories, add the new directory to zoxide.
  • --no-aliases: don't define extra aliases (z, zi).
    • These functions will still be available in your shell as __zoxide_z and __zoxide_zi, should you choose to use them elsewhere.

Environment variables

Be sure to set these before calling zoxide init.

    • Specifies the directory in which zoxide should store its database.
    • The default value varies across OSes:
      OS Path Example
      Linux / BSD $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share /home/alice/.local/share
      macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support
      Windows {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming
  • _ZO_ECHO
    • When set to 1, z will print the matched directory before navigating to it.
    • Excludes the specified directories from the database.
    • This is provided as a list of globs, separated by OS-specific characters:
      OS Separator Example
      Linux / macOS / BSD : $HOME:$HOME/private/*
      Windows ; $HOME;$HOME/private/*
    • By default, this is set to "$HOME".
    • Custom options to pass to fzf. See man fzf for the list of options.
    • Configures the aging algorithm, which limits the maximum number of entries in the database.
    • By default, this is set to 10000.
    • When set to 1, z will resolve symlinks before adding directories to the database.

Third-party integrations

  • zoxide: no match found

    zoxide: no match found

    OS: NetBSD_9.2 STABLE SHELL: ksh VERSION: v0.7.5

    1. zoxide was installed and working fine.
    2. I decided to change my system username with a few usermod commands. I also changed my home directory with usermod.
    3. After doing so, I get this error: zoxide: no match found
    4. zoxide still half works. I can use absolute paths: z ~/Downloads/movies/anime and then z to cd back to home. it is only then when I try z anime that I get the error.
    5. I've tried deleting the database and starting fresh.
    6. I've even tried uninstalling and reinstalling.
    7. the error persists.

    I have the standard eval statment in my .shrc - I did not change this since it was working previously.

    Any ideas? Are there other files I need to purge to start fresh?

    opened by pfr-dev 24
  • Database purged periodically?

    Database purged periodically?

    Hey, I love your tool so far, it works really great with nushell.

    But somehow the database is purged periodically. So basically over night the db.zo file in the zoxide is missing and it does not remember anything from the day before.

    Did you experience similar behaviour? Do you have any idea of how to solve this? When I print out the contents of the file after changing to this folder I can see that it correctly added the path to the folder there, but everything else is gone.

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by fellnerse 20
  • Add _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS to resolve or not symlinks

    Add _ZO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS to resolve or not symlinks

    Linked to #80.

    _ZO_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS=0 disables the symlinks resolution, making a symlink and its target 2 different entries in the database.


    • /tmp/foo-target is a directory
    • /tmp/foo symlinks to /tmp/foo-target

    With _ZO_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS=1 (default behavior), z add /tmp/foo adds /tmp/foo-target in the database.

    With _ZO_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS=0, z add /tmp/foo adds /tmp/foo in the database.

    opened by aruhier 20
  • [FR] Add `zoxide query --list-fast`

    [FR] Add `zoxide query --list-fast`

    I use my own "frontend" to jump between dirs, and I just zoixide's functionality of remembering directories I have been to. The problem is that zoxide query --list is not optimized to be fast; It seems to process the whole db and check whether dirs exist or not etc. I want a zoxide query --list-fast that just lists all the dirs, sorted by their score, as fast as possible.

    opened by NightMachinery 18
  • Import the entries from .z

    Import the entries from .z

    I started using zoxide and am very impressed by its speed compared to other utilities. Am currently using zsh-z. It would be nice if there was a way to import the entries from the earlier $HOME/.z to zoxide database. Any plans on using the existing data?

    opened by alaymari 17
  • could not create database c:\path\to\zoxide\db.zo: access is denied

    could not create database c:\path\to\zoxide\db.zo: access is denied

    nushell is failing tests with the error in the title. any ideas what's going on? i assume that it's running tests in parallel and trying to exclusively lock the db.zo file and getting denied, but i'm not sure.

    opened by fdncred 16
  • _ZO_FZF_OPTS reset to default if changed in fish shell

    _ZO_FZF_OPTS reset to default if changed in fish shell

    I changed the setting of _ZO_FZF_OPTS in my config.fish to _ZO_FZF_OPTS "--preview 'lsd {}' and now my zi command show a full screen fzf and says lsd: no such file or dir (os error 2) please let me know to reset _ZO_FZF_OPTS to default

    opened by jayrc2026 13
  • Update Nushell script to support engine-q

    Update Nushell script to support engine-q

    Nushell is upgrading to a new engine with numerous backward-incompatible changes, which breaks zoxide's initialization script. The script would have to be updated accordingly.

    CC @fdncred

    opened by ajeetdsouza 13
  • zoxide fails to build using cargo

    zoxide fails to build using cargo

    Seems like clap version v3.0.0-beta.4 has changed AppSettings

       Compiling clap v3.0.0-beta.4
         Running `rustc --crate-name clap --edition=2018 C:\Users\matt\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\clap-3.0.0-beta.4\src\lib.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C embed-bitcode=no -C debug-assertions=off --cfg "feature=\"atty\"" --cfg "feature=\"cargo\"" --cfg "feature=\"clap_derive\"" --cfg "feature=\"color\"" --cfg "feature=\"default\"" --cfg "feature=\"derive\"" --cfg "feature=\"env\"" --cfg "feature=\"lazy_static\"" --cfg "feature=\"std\"" --cfg "feature=\"strsim\"" --cfg "feature=\"suggestions\"" --cfg "feature=\"termcolor\"" --cfg "feature=\"unicode_help\"" -C metadata=0bce4592aa7031ae -C extra-filename=-0bce4592aa7031ae --out-dir C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps -L dependency=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps --extern atty=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libatty-82f1b0838f239dfe.rmeta --extern bitflags=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libbitflags-97decd3e5ff078d7.rmeta --extern clap_derive=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\clap_derive-976768dc8f0255fe.dll --extern indexmap=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libindexmap-75a06404c85919f3.rmeta --extern lazy_static=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\liblazy_static-0a5b829d44796e9f.rmeta --extern os_str_bytes=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libos_str_bytes-6345461e4736957c.rmeta --extern strsim=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libstrsim-eab915007f0ee24b.rmeta --extern termcolor=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libtermcolor-3502bb32a0c02316.rmeta --extern textwrap=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libtextwrap-e519391d94a15a07.rmeta --extern vec_map=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libvec_map-5808d1c46f198e2b.rmeta --cap-lints allow`
         Running `rustc --crate-name clap --edition=2018 C:\Users\matt\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\clap-3.0.0-beta.4\src\lib.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,metadata,link -C opt-level=3 -C linker-plugin-lto -C codegen-units=1 --cfg "feature=\"atty\"" --cfg "feature=\"cargo\"" --cfg "feature=\"clap_derive\"" --cfg "feature=\"color\"" --cfg "feature=\"default\"" --cfg "feature=\"derive\"" --cfg "feature=\"env\"" --cfg "feature=\"lazy_static\"" --cfg "feature=\"std\"" --cfg "feature=\"strsim\"" --cfg "feature=\"suggestions\"" --cfg "feature=\"termcolor\"" --cfg "feature=\"unicode_help\"" -C metadata=3fbac080c01fbc87 -C extra-filename=-3fbac080c01fbc87 --out-dir C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps -L dependency=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps --extern atty=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libatty-c9171e92b4d1dd65.rmeta --extern bitflags=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libbitflags-229af4eb2a23e45e.rmeta --extern clap_derive=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\clap_derive-976768dc8f0255fe.dll --extern indexmap=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libindexmap-aa2a47a06db5bd89.rmeta --extern lazy_static=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\liblazy_static-8afa2efcdcccd1ee.rmeta --extern os_str_bytes=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libos_str_bytes-45feee6afb0c8ac6.rmeta --extern strsim=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libstrsim-b7e7ffcf43f437af.rmeta --extern termcolor=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libtermcolor-7dfd03214c6099ec.rmeta --extern textwrap=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libtextwrap-5f4e98ab818a0285.rmeta --extern vec_map=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libvec_map-f8373962f89a3c43.rmeta --cap-lints allow`

    and results in

       Compiling zoxide v0.7.2
         Running `rustc --crate-name build_script_build --edition=2018 C:\Users\matt\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\zoxide-0.7.2\build.rs --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi --crate-type bin --emit=dep-info,link -C embed-bitcode=no -C debug-assertions=off --cfg "feature=\"default\"" -C metadata=b1b949cc5e60e9e1 -C extra-filename=-b1b949cc5e60e9e1 --out-dir C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\build\zoxide-b1b949cc5e60e9e1 -L dependency=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps --extern clap=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libclap-0bce4592aa7031ae.rlib --extern clap_generate=C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Temp\cargo-installA87g5B\release\deps\libclap_generate-6eb312e9dfec6ccf.rlib --cap-lints allow`
    error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `GlobalVersion` found for enum `AppSettings` in the current scope
      --> C:\Users\matt\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\zoxide-0.7.2\src\app\_app.rs:21:33
    21 |     global_setting(AppSettings::GlobalVersion),
       |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `AppSettings`
    error[E0599]: no variant or associated item named `VersionlessSubcommands` found for enum `AppSettings` in the current scope
      --> C:\Users\matt\.cargo\registry\src\github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823\zoxide-0.7.2\src\app\_app.rs:22:33
    22 |     global_setting(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands),
       |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variant or associated item not found in `AppSettings`
    error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

    Looks like the two enums are there in the older betas

    opened by Matty666 13
  • Fish: Allow cd aliasing

    Fish: Allow cd aliasing

    Really cool plugin, just started using it with fish.

    Ran into issue trying to alias cd to z, where zoxide tries to call my alias, which calls zoxide, which calls my alias, until stack overflow.

    zoxide init fish outputs this internal command (among other things):

    function __zoxide_cd
        cd $argv
        and commandline -f repaint

    However, it should be:

    function __zoxide_cd
        command cd $argv
        and commandline -f repaint

    In fish, command makes sure to call out instead of calling functions.

    I'm not familiar with zoxide's codebase, so I didn't know where to put the fix, otherwise I'd PR myself.

    opened by fennewald 13
  • Detailed comparison of different hook options

    Detailed comparison of different hook options

    Sorry to annoy you with such simple issues. But the documentation is not too extensive and I did not look into the code myself so far. So while setting up zoxide on my PC (coming from fasd), I wonder which hook option I should choose during initialization. Let's disregard none option. For me it looks like the pwd option has the advantage that it does not run so often (depending on the user behavior) and therefore consumes less time (in total). So what is the point of prompt? What I could imagine is that the score of the current working directory increases with each command I run inside. This means the more I'm working inside a specific directory the more "important" it gets. Not sure it that is the case, but this could have a variety of advantages as I could imagine (e.g. git worktrees). Thanks for your help in advance.

    PS: Does it make sense to cache the initialization? That was recommended for fasd and I wonder if this is beneficial here as well to safe shell startup time.

    opened by weilbith 13
  • Tag New Version for 0.73 nushell compatibility

    Tag New Version for 0.73 nushell compatibility

    Hey! Thanks for the awesome package, love using it. Would it be possible to tag a new version off of the main branch so that the homebrew recipe can be bumped to support nushell 0.73?

    opened by jeremiahpslewis 3
  • Fuzzy matching with levenshtein: take 2

    Fuzzy matching with levenshtein: take 2

    #34 brought this up before, but was closed because search patterns are typically short, so there isn't much of a need. However, as some others have pointed out on the thread, it is definitely helpful when there are a small number of mistakes in a longer search

    A way to do this is with a levenshtein algorithm that exits if a limit is exceeded. I maintain a small crate that provides this with try_levenshtein(a, b, limit) -> Option<u32>, which returns None if a specified limit is exceeded (crate link: https://docs.rs/stringmetrics/latest/stringmetrics/, but you could also just copy the implementation if you don't want the dependency).

    Something basic like this would find the closest match within a percent difference of the query's length.

        .filter_map(|m| try_levenshtein(query, m, floor(0.3 * query.len())))

    I'm not sure how best this would fit into the current algorithm (or what exactly fzf currently does), but I'm happy to help & clarify anything needed

    opened by tgross35 0
  • Installation failed forarchitecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

    Installation failed forarchitecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

    On Ubuntu 20.04 server I am trying to install with below command, but it is failing

    curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/main/install.sh | bash

    Failed message:

    Detected architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
    Error: zoxide has not yet been packaged for your architecture (x86_64-unknown-linux-musl), please file an issue at https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide/issues
    opened by dhruvinsh 1
  • FISH - z error: Do you have an accidental infinite loop?

    FISH - z error: Do you have an accidental infinite loop?

    Hello, I'm using zoxide in FISH and I would like to use z as an alias for cd command. Today, when I tried to use z on FISH, I got the following weird input:

    $ z
    - (line 94): The function call stack limit has been exceeded. Do you have an accidental infinite loop?
        __zoxide_z $argv
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 54 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z' with arguments '/home/athena'
    in function '__zoxide_cd_internal' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 23 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_cd' with arguments '/home/athena'
    	called on line 50 of file -
    in function '__zoxide_z'
    	called on line 94 of file -
    in function 'z'

    How can I solve it?

    Note: in Bash it works well. Only in FISH I'm getting this issue.

    OS: Arch Linux 6.0.12-zen1-1-zen (linux-zen kernel) Fish: version 3.5.1 Zoxide: v0.8.3

    opened by D3vil0p3r 0
  • get the path as the argument for any command

    get the path as the argument for any command

    I want to use the path for cp/rm/awk/...

    for ex:

    cp $(zoxide query -i)<tab>

    then it will list the path as zi, I will input the key word and select the path, it becomes

    cp /some/path

    current, it will break the line. for ex.

    /hcp /home/harriszh/.config/nvim/init.lua

    I think it will extent zoxide's usage for smart jump, but path selection for any command.

    opened by zhuzhzh 1
  • How to remove the unwanted paths from zi

    How to remove the unwanted paths from zi

    For instance, I use zi abc to list and choose the path I needed, but there are a few other paths in the list that are not frequently accessed, I need to remove those paths from the db so I can jump to abc directly without interactively choosing one.

    But zoxide remove -i abc will list hundreds of paths, and it is difficult to filter the paths I needed.

    Is there anything can I do to remove the paths from zi abc without listing all the paths in db?

    opened by c02y 3
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