DIP721 - An Internet Computer Non-fungible Token Standard

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Cryptography DIP721

Group 5982

DIP721 - Introduction

DIP721 is an ERC-721 style non-fungible token standard built mirroring its Ethereum counterpart and adapting it to the Internet Computer, maintaining the same interface.

This standard aims to adopt the EIP-721 to the Internet Computer; providing a simple, non-ambiguous, extendable API for the transfer and tracking ownership of NFTs and expanding/building upon the EXT standard with partial compatibility.

Important: This is an an in-development standard, consider it a work in progress as we finalize details in its design and gather feedback from the community.


We'd like to collaborate with the community to provide better token standard implementation for the developers on the IC, if you have some ideas you'd like to discuss, submit an issue, if you want to improve the code or you made a different implementation, make a pull request!


DIP-721 tries to improve on existing Internet Computer standards in the following ways:

  • Most NFT projects don't require a multi-token standard, and a simple NFT standard like DIP-721 would suffice. Users of NFTs based on multi-token standards (such as EXT) will be required to pay extra cycle cost compared to DIP-721.
  • Most NFT projects don't require the generalization of IC Principals into Ledger Accounts, and avoiding that direction can help reduce the complexity of the API.
  • Most current NFT standards on the IC don't yet have proper metadata support for NFTs.
  • The ability to track the history of NFT transfers is an important requirement of almost every NFT projects, and it should be a core part of the standard.
  • Most NFT projects don't require arbitrarily large token balances, and that can lead to more cycle inefficient implementations.
  • DIP-721 closely follows the original EIP-721, and that will make porting existing Ethereum contracts onto the IC more straightforward.
  • NFTs projects that choose to implement DIP-721, will be able to implement other NFT token standards without worrying about interface function name collision. This is achieved by DIP-721 postfixing all its interface methods with DIP721.

Interface specification

Basic interface

Every DIP-721 compatible smart contract must implement this interface. All other interfaces are optional. For all interface methods trapping (instead of returning an error) is allowed, but not encouraged.


Count of all NFTs assigned to user.

balanceOfDip721: (user: principal) -> (nat64) query;


Returns the owner of the NFT associated with token_id. Returns ApiError.InvalidTokenId, if the token id is invalid.

ownerOfDip721: (token_id: nat64) -> (OwnerResult) query;


Safely transfers token_id token from user from to user to. If to is zero, then ApiError.ZeroAddress should be returned. If the caller is neither the owner, nor an approved operator, nor someone approved with the approveDip721 function, then ApiError.Unauthorized should be returned. If token_id is not valid, then ApiError.InvalidTokenId is returned.

safeTransferFromDip721: (from: principal, to: principal, token_id: nat64) -> (TxReceipt);


Identical to safeTransferFromDip721 except that this function doesn't check whether the to is a zero address or not.

transferFromDip721: (from: principal, to: principal, token_id: nat64) -> (TxReceipt);


Returns the interfaces supported by this smart contract.

supportedInterfacesDip721: () -> (vec InterfaceId) query;

Returns the logo of the NFT contract.

logoDip721: () -> (LogoResult) query;

Returns the name of the NFT contract.

nameDip721: () -> (text) query;

Returns the symbol of the NFT contract.

symbolDip721: () -> (text) query;

Returns the total current supply of NFT tokens. NFTs that are minted and later burned explictely or sent to the zero address should also count towards totalSupply.

totalSupplyDip721: () -> (nat64) query;

Returns the metadata for token_id. Returns ApiError.InvalidTokenId, if the token_id is invalid.

getMetadataDip721: (token_id: nat64) -> MetadataResult query;

Returns all the metadata for the coins user owns.

getMetadataForUserDip721: (user: principal) -> (vec ExtendedMetadataResult);

Transfer notification interface

This interface add notification feature for NFT transfers. Implementing this interface might open up other smart contracts to re-entrancy attacks.


Same as safeTransferFromDip721, but to is treated as a smart contract that implements the Notification interface. Upon successful transfer onDIP721Received is called with data.

safeTransferFromNotifyDip721: (from: principal, to: principal, token_id: nat64, data: vec nat8) -> (TxReceipt);


Same as transferFromDip721, but to is treated as a smart contract that implements the Notification interface. Upon successful transfer onDIP721Received is called with data.

transferFromNotifyDip721: (from: principal, to: principal, token_id: nat64, data: vec nat8) -> (TxReceipt);

Approval interface

This interface adds approve functionality to DIP-721 tokens.


Change or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT. The zero address indicates there is no approved address. Only one user can be approved at a time to manage token_id. Approvals given by the approveDip721 function are independent from approvals given by the setApprovalForAllDip721. Returns ApiError.InvalidTokenId, if the token_id is not valid. Returns ApiError.Unauthorized in case the caller neither owns token_id nor he is an operator approved by a call to the setApprovalForAll function.

approveDip721: (user: principal, nat64: token_id) -> (TxReceipt) query;


Enable or disable an operator to manage all of the tokens for the caller of this function. Multiple operators can be given permission at the same time. Approvals granted by the approveDip721 function are independent from the approvals granted by setApprovalForAll function. The zero address indicates there are no approved operators.

setApprovalForAllDip721: (operator: principal, isApproved: bool) -> (TxReceipt);


Returns the approved user for token_id. Returns ApiError.InvalidTokenId if the token_id is invalid.

getApprovedDip721: (token_id: nat64) -> (TxReceipt) query;


Returns true if the given operator is an approved operator for all the tokens owned by the caller, returns false otherwise.

isApprovedForAllDip721: (operator: principal) -> (bool) query;

Mint interface

This interface adds mint functionality to DIP-721 tokens.


Mint an NFT for principal to. The parameter blobContent is non zero, if the NFT contract embeds the NFTs in the smart contract. Implementations are encouraged to only allow minting by the owner of the smart contract. Returns ApiError.Unauthorized, if the caller doesn't have the permission to mint the NFT.

mintDip721: (to: principal, metadata: Metadata, blobContent: blob) -> (MintReceipt);

Burn interface

This interface adds burn functionality to DIP-721 tokens.


Burn an NFT identified by token_id. Implementations are encouraged to only allow burning by the owner of the token_id. Returns ApiError.Unauthorized, if the caller doesn't have the permission to burn the NFT. Returns ApiError.InvalidTokenId, if the provided token_id doesn't exist.

burnDip721: (token_id: nat64) -> (TxReceipt);

Notification interface

transferFromNotifyDip721 and safeTransferFromNotifyDip721 functions can - upon successfull NFT transfer - notify other smart contracts that adhere to the following interface.

caller is the entity that called the transferFromNotifyDip721 or safeTransferFromNotifyDip721 function, and from is the previous owner of the NFT.

onDIP721Received: (address caller, address from, uint256 token_id, bytes data) -> ();

Datastructure specification


type ApiError =
 variant {
type OwnerResult =
variant {
   Err: ApiError;
   Ok: Principal;


type TxReceipt =
variant {
   Err: ApiError;
   Ok: nat;


type InterfaceId =
 variant {


type LogoResult =
 record {
   logo_type: text // MIME type of the logo
   data: text // Base64 encoded logo
 type ExtendedMetadataResult =
 record {
     metadata_desc: MetadataDesc;
     token_id: nat64;


type MetadataResult =
 variant {
   Err: ApiError;
   Ok: MetadataDesc;
type MetadataDesc = vec MetadataPart;
type MetadataPart =
 record {
   purpose: MetadataPurpose;
   key_val_data: vec MetadataKeyVal;
   data: blob;
type MetadataPurpose =
 variant {
   Preview; // used as a preview, can be used as preivew in a wallet
   Rendered; // used as a detailed version of the NFT
type MetadataKeyVal =
 record {
type MetadataVal =
 variant {
   TextContent : Text;
   BlobContent : blob;
   NatContent : Nat;
   Nat8Content: Nat8;
   Nat16Content: Nat16;
   Nat32Content: Nat32;
   Nat64Content: Nat64;

Predefined key value pairs

content hash

Uniquely identifies the content of the NFT by its hash fingerprint. This field might be missing unless the NFT is stored on the Web, in which case the content hash is mandatory.

{"contentHash", BlobContent(<hash of the content>)}
{"contentType", TextContent(<MIME type of the NFT>)}
{"locationType", Nat8Content(<type of the location>)}

1 - IPFS storage
2 - Asset canister storage
3 - URI(Web) storage
4 - Embedded in the token contract
{"location", any(<location>)}

// where any(<location>) is one of the followings based on the "locationType"

BlobContent(<IPFS location hash>) - IPFS
TextContent(<PrincipalId of the asset canister>) - Asset canister
TextContent(<URI of the NFT location on the Web>) - URI
location field is missing - Embedded in the token contract


type TxResult =
 record {
     fee: Nat;
     transaction_type: TransactionType;

type TransactionType =
 variant {
      record {
          token_id: nat64;
          from: principal;
          to: principal;
      record {
          token_id: nat64;
          from: principal;
          to: principal;
       record {
          token_id: nat64;
          from: principal;
          to: principal;
       record {
          from: principal;
          to: principal;
       record {
          token_id: nat64;
       record {
          token_id: nat64;


type MintReceipt =
 variant {
   Err: variant {
   Ok: record {
          token_id: nat64; // minted token id
          id: nat // transaction id


type BurnRequest =
 record {
     token_id: nat64;


Implementations are encouraged not to charge any fees when an approved entity transfers NFTs on the user's behalf, as that entity might have no means for payment. If any fees needs to be taken for such a transferFromDip721, safeTransferFromDip721, transferFromNotifyDip721, safeTransferFromNotifyDip721 call, then it is encouraged to be taken during the call to approveDip721, setApprovalForAllDip721 from the caller's balance.

  • Please add back DIP721 Namespace in v2

    Please add back DIP721 Namespace in v2

    We have a significant amount of work done that relies on the standard being namespace. We really want to support the standard and having namespace enables us to do so without having to choose between supporting both EXT and DIP721. We are working on a superset that theoretically supports both standards as well as adding significant functionality.

    opened by skilesare 4
  • chore: 🤖 adds deploy script

    chore: 🤖 adds deploy script


    Using icx heavily overcomplicates the scripts and requires users to build an extra tool. It also did not work on the public ic mainnet.



    ./deploy.sh local

    opened by ozwaldorf 4
  • feat: cap transaction history

    feat: cap transaction history


    Adds cap transaction history


    • [x] Utilize the new cap-sdk insert_sync and archive/from_archive, which guarantees the finality and order of transactions. In the background, the sdk stores a buffer of failed insertions and flushes the buffer using the new batch insertion method
    • [x] upgrade cap submodule
    • [x] deploy cap if CAP_ID is not set
    • [x] init canister with CAP_ID
    • [x] integrate cap-js with the tests to restore txn testing

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [x] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [x] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly
    opened by ozwaldorf 3
  • feat: totalTransactions

    feat: totalTransactions


    feat: totalTransactions.

    ⚠️ Should wait for https://github.com/Psychedelic/DIP721/pull/45 to get integrated first


    • feat: totalTransactions


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [x] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [x] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 2
  • refactor: 💡 home prefix, split deploy nft and controllers

    refactor: 💡 home prefix, split deploy nft and controllers


    The prefix should only affect the exec context and not override and the deploy should explicitly show to the user the initial owner


    • Changes prefix for dfx commands
    opened by heldrida 1
  • feat: move to namespace and snake case methods

    feat: move to namespace and snake case methods




    • namespace and snakecase methods, remove renames
    • update tests

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [ ] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [ ] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [x] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [x] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly



    opened by ozwaldorf 0
  • feat: cover metadata

    feat: cover metadata


    add COVER metadata.


    • add COVER metadata.


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [ ] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [ ] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 0
  • chore: refactor

    chore: refactor




    • refactor


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [ ] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [ ] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 0
  • chore: update ic-cdk version to 0.5.0

    chore: update ic-cdk version to 0.5.0


    update ic-cdk version to 0.5.0.


    • N/A


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [ ] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [ ] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 0
  • chore: general improve

    chore: general improve



    • zero-copy & alloc Principal
    • remove ambiguous Unauthorized error
      • UnauthorizedOwner
      • UnauthorizedOperator
    • chore: fix makefile, update unit test...
    • stats api
    • restructure code block
    • support f64


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [x] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [x] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 0
  • chore: refactor

    chore: refactor


    refactor and experiment


    • using ManualReply
    • add approved_at and approved_by
    • ledger modular
    • token_ids => token_identifiers


    • N/A

    Contribution checklist?

    • [x] The commit messages are detailed
    • [x] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [x] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [x] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [x] All code formatting pass
    • [x] All lints pass
    • [x] All tests pass

    Security checklist?

    • [x] Injection has been prevented (parameterized queries, no eval or system calls)
    • [x] Sensitive data has been identified and is being protected properly


    Optionally, provide any screenshot, gif or small video.

    opened by scott-dn 0
  • Revise dip721v2

    Revise dip721v2

    • Namespace + Snake Case

      fn dip721_metadata()
      fn dip721_token_metadata()
      fn dip721_balance_of()
      fn dip721_transfer()
      fn dip721_transfer_from()
      fn dip721_owner_token_ids()
      fn dip721_owner_token_metadata()
      fn dip721_operator_token_ids()
    opened by ozwaldorf 1
  • docs: (spec) private property prefix, remove data blob

    docs: (spec) private property prefix, remove data blob


    Based on some feedback from the community (cc @jorgenbuilder ), there is a need for specifying if a given key value should be displayed in frontends (eg; plug wallet's trait chips).

    This also removes the requirement of the data blob, as storing large amounts of data in the meta is not recommended, due to the IC's 2MB message limit.


    Adds the _ prefix for private properties to the spec

    Removed reserved property data



    Contribution checklist?

    • [ ] The commit messages are detailed
    • [ ] It does not break existing features (unless required)
    • [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code
    • [ ] Documentation has been updated to reflect the changes
    • [ ] Tests have been added or updated to reflect the changes
    • [ ] All code formatting pass
    • [ ] All lints pass
    • [ ] All tests pass

    Security checklist?




    opened by ozwaldorf 2
  • Add `Transfer` to `SupportedInterface`.

    Add `Transfer` to `SupportedInterface`.

    Every DIP-721 compatible smart contract must implement this interface. All other interfaces are optional. ~ spec.md: DIP721 v2

    The basic interface does/should not include the the transfer interface.


    type SupportedInterface = variant {


    type SupportedInterface = variant {
    opened by di-wu 0
  • mintDIP721 - (variant {Err = variant { Unauthorized }}) and The Replica returned an error: code 5, message:

    mintDIP721 - (variant {Err = variant { Unauthorized }}) and The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "canister xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx trapped: unreachable

    Used command: dfx canister call nft mintDip721 "(principal "7fi54-4ehlq-on5si-izkkp-n3ism-wipnz-chyha-m7adi-sqjty-rwndi-xae", vec {record { purpose = variant { Preview}; key_val_data= vec { record {key="NFT 1"; val= variant {TextContent="png"}}}; data= blob"100, 97, 116,..., 103, 103, 103, 61, 61"}})"

    I tried the "approval-permissions" version : https://github.com/Psychedelic/DIP721/tree/refactor/approval-permissions

    error: "The Replica returned an error: code 5, message: "canister xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx trapped: unreachable"" imagen

    opened by sakunix 0
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