Sample It
An interface for managing collections of labeled items and generating random subsets with specified restrictions.
User Stories
As a maths teacher, I want to select random questions from a database, specifying that I want
$2$ easy,$3$ medium and$1$ hard question in the exam. Furthermore, I could also set the number of trigonometry questions to be at least$1$ and at most$2$ . And so on. -
As a playlist maker, I would like to select some musics for a playlist with
$15$ songs. From those musics, I want at least$3$ , and at most$5$ pop songs; no more than one sad song; at least$4$ electronic; and so on.
- List, Create, Update and Delete: Collections, Items and Labels
As an user, I would like to manage my collections, items and labels. I would like to be able to import and export them to the interface; and be able to access quickly recent edited items.
- Random Sampling
As an user, I would like to generate random subsets from a given collection. In this raffle, I want to specify the number of items, and restrictions of the type “At least
- Natan Ventura - Frontend
- Gabriel Fialho - Frontend
- Kaio Vieira - Backend
- Mariano Fernandes - Backend
- Backend: Rust, using the actix framework;
- SQLite: Relational database;
- CBC: Open-Source solver for linear programs;
- Frontend: Vuejs.
This project is being developed as an assignment for the Software Engineering class @dcc/ufmg.