A little program written in Rust that prints random PNG images to the terminal in text grabbed from an image repo. NOTE: As of right now, Cermic is only officially supported by Linux, but it might work on other Linux-like platforms.
You can easily install Cermic to any Linux distro with these steps!
- Make sure Git is installed.
- Make sure Rust is installed. (https://rust-lang.org)
- Run the following command.
git clone https://github.com/Oglo12/cermic.git && cd cermic && cargo build --release && sudo mv target/release/cermic /usr/bin/ && cd .. && rm -rf cermic && echo "All done! :-)" && echo "Now you can use the command \"cermic\"!"
How to Use
Run the program with 2 arguments, the scale and the PNG repo (full path). And if you so like, you can add this in your .bashrc on Linux for example.