4 Repositories
Rust volt Libraries
Lapce vue plugin, support vue (SFC) syntax highlight, autocomplate,types check
Lapce Plugin for Vue (based volar) Preview Usage Required: Lapce version must be greater than 2.0, and you can use Lapce nightly version. click here t
A Faster(⚡) formatter, linter, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, Markdown, and CSS Lapce Plugin
Lapce Plugin for Rome Lapce-rome is a Lapce plugin for rome, The Rome is faster ⚡ , A formatter, linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, T
rust mappings for Friktion's volt program
Friktion (volt) ABI Overview Provides contexts and instruction functions to interact with Friktion Program via CPI calls Friktion program ID: VoLT1mJz
Volt - A powerful, fast and memory safe package manager for the web
Volt - A powerful, fast and memory safe package manager for the web