3 Repositories
Rust onnxruntime Libraries
A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models.
usls A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of Computer Vison and Vision-Language models including YOLOv8, YOLOv9, RTDETR,
Turn your webcam into a face-detector with Rust, onnxruntime and actix_web!
InferCam ONNX Turn your webcam into a face detector with Rust, onnxruntime and the lightweight ultraface network. Overview Images are captured from th
Efficient ML solutions for long-tailed demands.
MegFlow MegFlow 是一个面向视觉应用的流式计算框架, 目标是简单、高性能、帮助机器学习应用快速落地。 Features 基于 async-std[features=tokio1] 的高效异步运行时调度器 简洁的基于 toml 的建图描述格式 支持静态、动态、共享子图 支持 Rust/P