11126 Repositories
interactive l-systems explorer
l-systems explorer An interactive L-systems explorer using nannou and egui. Inspired by lsys. how to run cargo run --release shortcuts Pan: click + d
A Rust-based tool for serial brute force attack
UART Hacking A universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) is a computer hardware standard for asynchronous serial communication in which data
This monorepository contains the source code for the smart contracts implementing bAsset Protocol on the Terra blockchain.
Crll bAsset Contracts This monorepository contains the source code for the smart contracts implementing bAsset Protocol on the Terra blockchain. You c
Let Tauri's transparent background rendering window be stacked on Bevy's rendering window in real time to run the game with native-level performance!
Native Bevy with Tauri HUD DEMO 将 Tauri 的透明背景渲染窗口实时叠在 Bevy 的渲染窗口上,以使用原生级别性能运行游戏! Let Tauri's transparent background rendering window be stacked on Bev
BASIC build system and package manager.
Bargo BASIC build system and package manager. Bargo is a tool to make it simpler to program in the BASIC programming language. Early versions of BASIC
A performant terminal-based project editor with extensive shortcuts
omega A performant and extensive terminal-based project editor with a wide variety of modern shortcuts. How to use omega [path] This section will guid
a Solana program for granting friends permissions on your account without revealing your private key.
Delegatooooor Granting Permission: An account holder (the delegator) decides to grant permission to a delegate. They create and sign a transaction tha
A CLI to easily switch between multiple Neovim configuration environments, written in Rust
Neovim Configuration Switcher Neovim Configuration Switcher (short nvims) is a CLI to easily switch between multiple Neovim configuration environments
notiflux - subscribe over WebSockets, publish over REST
notiflux notiflux is a pub/sub server where clients subscribe over a WebSocket and messages are broadcast over a POST request How does it work? Client
Efficiently store Rust idiomatic bytes related types in Avro encoding.
Serde Avro Bytes Avro is a binary encoding format which provides a "bytes" type optimized to store &[u8] data like. Unfortunately the apache_avro enco
My resume (or yours) as a TUI application
Resume TUI This project is an attempt to make an interactive resume as a TUI application similar to efforts like This 2d animation portfolio. Installa
CLI tool for checking ProtonDB compatibility of your Steam games.
protondb-check protondb-check is currently in active development stage, there might be bugs or other problems. Table Of Contents About Available comma
A safe and idiomatic wrapper over shared memory APIs in rust with proper cleanups.
shmem-bind A safe and idiomatic wrapper over shared memory APIs in rust with proper cleanups. Quick start: check the message-passing example for bette
A Voice Activity Detector rust library using the Silero VAD model.
Voice Activity Detector Provides a model and extensions for detecting speech in audio. Standalone Voice Activity Detector This crate provides a standa
A minimal version of 'grep' implemented in Rust. Exercise in the "The Rust Programming Language" book.
Minigrep - A simple grep-like tool implemented in Rust This simple CLI tool searches for a given pattern in a specified file and as a result, it print
Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts.
uniswap-rs Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts. Quickstart Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] uniswap-rs = { git = "https
A small, memory efficient crawler written in Rust.
Atra - The smaller way to crawl !!This read me will we reworked in a few days. Currently I am working on a better version and a wiki for the config fi
A very elaborate embedded Valentine's day gift
Morse Gadget An overly-complicated Valentine's day gift (worth it). PCB design and code have been entirely done by me. SPECS: Custom hand-held pcb des
Rust-crate with functions and helpers for working with music / audio, inspired by computer music languages.
music-math This crate contains common functions and helpers for working with music / audio in Rust. Most of these are inspired by similar functions fo
A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models.
usls A Rust library integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of Computer Vison and Vision-Language models including YOLOv8, YOLOv9, RTDETR,
A minimal file exchange server designed for clients with browsers only.
XIAO-Files Xiao-Files is a minimal file exchange server designed for clients with browsers only. Example Let's say we have a host with IP, a
A cross-platofrm desktop app to manage your ports made with Dioxus and Rust.
Port Manager A cross-platofrm desktop app to manage your ports made with Dioxus and Rust. This app has been tested only on macOS. Test on other platfo
Cloud Native Buildpack that builds an OCI image with Ollama and a large language model.
Ollama Cloud Native Buildpack This buildpack builds an OCI image with Ollama and a large language model. Configure your model by an Ollama Modelfile o
Microsoft Excel (XLSX) to Unicode Separated Values (USV) Rust crate
xlsx-to-usv Convert Microsoft Excel (XLSX) to Unicode Separated Values (USV). Built with the USV Rust crate. Syntax: stdin | xlsx-to-usv [options] | s
Simple procedural macros `tnconst![...]`, `pconst![...]`, `nconst![...]` and `uconst![...]` that returns the type level integer from `typenum` crate.
typenum-consts Procedural macros that take a literal integer (or the result of an evaluation of simple mathematical expressions or an environment vari
example codes for CIS198 https://cis198-2016s.github.io/
CIS198: RUST 编程语言 学习背景 rust 和 c/c++/Java/Python/golang 不太一样 rust 学习曲线比较陡峭 rust 有很多颠覆认知的特性: 所有权,生命周期,借用检测 cargo 工具 函数式+命令式支持 视频讲解见 B站 课程大纲 Timeline Lec
A general purpose Lisp🛸 intended for use as Sage's preprocessor language
sage-lisp This crate implements a standalone Lisp implementation, intended for use in the Sage preprocessor. (do (defun fact (n) (if (=
⚡🚀 Content Delivery Network written in Rustlang, optimized for speed and latency.
Supported Formats HTML Javscript Css Image PNG JPG JPEG GIF SVG Video MP4 WEBM FLV Audio OGG ACC MP3 Archives ZIP RAR Feeds & Data JSON YAML XML Docum