A small, memory efficient crawler written in Rust.

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Command-line atra

Atra - The smaller way to crawl

!!This read me will we reworked in a few days. Currently I am working on a better version and a wiki for the config files.!!

Atra is a novel web crawling solution, implemented in Rust, designed with the primary goal of scraping websites as comprehensively as possible, while ensuring ease of use and accessibility.

Your first crawl

Download the precompiled executable (coming soon) and run the following command:

  • Windows: ./atra.exe single -s test_crawl -d 2 --absolute https://choosealicense.com
  • Linux: ./atra single -s test_crawl -d 2 --absolute https://choosealicense.com You will then find a folder atra_data on the level of the binary.

Crawling more

  1. Create a file with the name seeds.txt
    • Add a single url per line
    • Put it in the directory with the atra binary
  2. Call ./atra.exe --generate-example-config or ./atra --generate-example-config
    • Modify the values to meet your needs
    • rename them to atra.ini and crawl.yaml
  3. Call ./atra.exe multi --log-to-file file:seeds.txt or ./atra multi --log-to-file file:seeds.txt

How to build?

In order to build Atra you need Rust.


After installing Rust you need LLVM, with the proper environment paths set.


After installing rust you need pkg-config, libssl-dev, clang, and llvm in order to compile Atra. You can also use the docker container to build a binary.

Due to the dynamic linking you will need libc6, openssl, and ca-certificates installed on you system.

Why is the crawler named Atra?

The name Atra comes from the Erigone atra, a dwarf spider with a body length of 1.8mm to 2.8mm. Not only do they play a central role in natural pest control in agriculture (aphids), but they are also aerial spiders that can travel long distances by ballooning, also known as kiting.

More fun spider facts can be found on Wikipedia.

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