11126 Repositories
A CLI tool for CIs and build scripts, making file system based caching easy and correct (locking, eviction, etc.)
FS Dir Cache A CLI tool for CIs and build scripts, making file system based caching easy and correct (locking, eviction, etc.) When working on build s
Attach Bevy's Handles/Entities statically to Types.
Easily attach bevy's Handles/Entities statically to types on startup and get them in any system, without using Resources. It's just a little less clut
A fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool written in Rust
fisher-rs fisher-rs is a Rust library that brings powerful data manipulation and analysis capabilities to Rust developers, inspired by the popular pan
Play Hack The Box directly on your system.
HTB Toolkit HTB Toolkit allows you to play Hack The Box machines directly on your system. Usage To use HTB Toolkit, you need to retrieve an App Token
Language server for Odoo Python/JS/XML
odoo-lsp Features Completion, definition and references for models, XML IDs and model fields Works for records, templates, env.ref() and other structu
Perspective projection of a spinning cube, using just ASCII characters.
Spinning Cube Perspective projection of a spinning cube, using just ASCII characters. spinning_cube.mp4 Instalation cargo install spinning_cube Basic
Estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from digital audio signals.
estratto 〜 An Audio Feature Extraction Library estratto is a powerful and user-friendly Rust library designed for extracting rich audio features from
A networked (p2p), cross-platform physics simulation example using rollback netcode
bevy_gaff (work in progress) bevy_gaff is an attempt at making a networked (p2p), cross-platform physics simulation using rollback netcode. It synchro
nix2sbom extracts the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) from a Nix derivation
nix2sbom nix2sbom extracts the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) from a Nix derivation 📚 Documentation for using nix2sbom is here Warning This repo i
A collection of mapping suites and useful algorithms, implemented in pure Rust
Unstable API Note that this crate is in early development, breaking API changes are to be expected. Usage Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies]
Rust bindings to llama.cpp, using metal on macOS
llama-rs Rust bindings to llama.cpp, for macOS, with metal support, for testing and evaluating whether it would be worthwhile to run an Llama model lo
🪄 Shader art using webgpu
✨ Shader art using webgpu ✨ This is the implementation of An introduction to Shader Art Coding in Rust using webgpu. 🔌 Setup You need: Rust compiler
Let's pretend that life-before-main exists for Rust targeting WebAssembly
Let's pretend that life-before-main exists for Rust targeting WebAssembly. Installation Add a dependency on wasm-init. This crate intentionally provid
Experimental web UI library for Rust.
tachys This is an extremely experimental web UI library for Rust, exploring concepts of compile-time, trait-based, low-allocation patterns for UI temp
Captcha based on SVG.
BioSvg Captcha based on SVG. Original idea SVG绘制原理与验证码 Usage cargo add biosvg let (answer, svg) = BiosvgBuilder::new() .length(4) .difficulty(
Dechrome is a tool written in Rust for batch removing Chromium-based browsers.
Dechrome Dechrome is a tool written in Rust for batch removing Chromium-based browsers and installing Firefox as a replacement. Warning The script is
Rust low-level minimalist APNG writer and PNG reader with just a few dependencies with all possible formats coverage (including HDR).
project Wiki https://github.com/js29a/micro_png/wiki at glance use micro_png::*; fn main() { // load an image let image = read_png("tmp/test.
Library for Unix users and groups in Rust.
uzers-rs Adoption and continuation of the unmaintained ogham/rust-users crate. Big shout-out to its creator Benjamin Sago. This is a library for acces
A lightweight terminal tool to manage processes in Unix machines.
TTV v0.0.1 TTV (term-task-viewer) is a lightweight tool to view and manage active processes in Unix machines. It provides an easy interface with vim-l
A presentation about egui, implemented in egui
egui presentation A presentation about egui, implemented in egui. You can view the presentation at https://emilk.github.io/egui_presentation/. TODO Li
Local-first high performance codebase index engine designed for AI
CodeIndex CodeIndex is a local-first high performance codebase index engine designed for AI. It helps your LLM understand the structure and semantics
ratlab is a programming platform designed loosely for hobbyist and masochist to analyse and design stuff and things that transform our world?
ratlab A programming language developed by Quinn Horton and Jay Hunter. ratlab is a programming platform designed loosely for hobbyists and masochists
Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script
rust-script-ext Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script. Using rust-script to run Rust like a shell script is great! This crate provide
A fast, simple TUI for interacting with systemd services and their logs
systemctl-tui A fast, simple TUI for interacting with systemd services and their logs. systemctl-tui can quickly browse service status and logs, and s
An alternative `std`-like implementation built on origin
origin-studio An alternative `std`-like implementation built on origin origin-stdio is an alternative std-like implementation built on origin. At this
WebAssembly component model implementation for any backend.
wasm_component_layer wasm_component_layer is a runtime agnostic implementation of the WebAssembly component model. It supports loading and linking WAS
An interactive JSON tree visualiser for egui, with search and highlight functionality.
egui_json_tree An interactive JSON tree visualiser for egui, with search and highlight functionality. Usage use egui::{Color32}; use egui_json_tree::{
Create, reorder, group, and focus workspaces easily in i3. Fully configurable with enhanced polybar modules.
Create, reorder, group, and focus workspaces fast and easily in i3. Features Focus Mode: Eliminate Distractions Enable Focus Mode: Use groups and focu