11126 Repositories
Rust library for practical time-lock encryption using `drand` threshold network
tlock-rs: Practical Timelock Encryption/Decryption in Rust This repo contains pure Rust implementation of drand/tlock scheme. It provides time-based e
An implementation of a mirror SponsorBlock server in Rust.
sponsorblock-mirror This is a Rust-based mirror of the SponsorBlock API. It also uses sb-mirror for mirroring the CSV dumps via rsync. Instances spons
An async-ready Phoenix Channels v2 client library in Rust
Phoenix Channels This crate implements a Phoenix Channels (v2) client in Rust. Status NOTE: This client is still a work-in-progress, though it has eno
A Huff bytecode transpiler
Murph - Transpile EVM bytecode into huff Murph can transpile this: 60003560e01c8063552410771461001c5780632096525514610023575b6004356000555b60005460005
Rate Limiting middleware for Tower/Axum/Tonic/Hyper utilizing the governor crate
A Tower service and layer that provides a rate-limiting backend by governor. Based heavily on the work done for actix-governor. Works with Axum, Hyper
Collect crash reports, triage, and estimate severity.
CASR: Crash Analysis and Severity Report CASR – collect crash reports, triage, and estimate severity. It is based on ideas from exploitable and apport
Rust Cannon Template 🦀 💣 💥
A build system and a minimal Rust program for building MIPS binaries that are executable in the context of [Optimism Cannon]
An ability management suite for Bevy.
About A fully-featured set of tools for managing abilities in Bevy. This crate is meant to be used with Leafwing Input Manager, which converts inputs
ShakeFlow: Functional Hardware Description with Latency-Insensitive Interface Combinators
ShakeFlow: Functional Hardware Description with Latency-Insensitive Interface Combinators This repository contains the artifact for the following pape
LOKI2 - Simple IOC and YARA Scanner
LOKI2 LOKI - Simple IOC and YARA Scanner Status Work in Progress. This version is not ready for use. There's still some work to do for a first release
A basic raytracer implementation in Rust based on the Ray Tracing in One Weekend book.
Raytracer A basic raytracer implementation in Rust based on the Ray Tracing in One Weekend book. Live Demo Result How to Run Standalone Binary $ cargo
Bootstrap your merkle tree.
Merkle Generator Bootstrap your merkle tree, in Rust. Table of Contents Features Installation Usage Contributing Features Merkle Tree creation Merkle
EVA ICS v4 is a new-generation Industrial-IoT platform for Industry-4.0 automated control systems.
EVA ICS v4 EVA ICS® v4 is a new-generation Industrial-IoT platform for Industry-4.0 automated control systems. The world-first and only Enterprise aut
Generate progress bars from cron expressions.
jalm Generate Progress Bars from Cron Expressions Installation and Usage Grab the latest binary from the Github Actions tab. Alternatively, to build f
A template project for building a database-driven microservice in Rust and run it in the WasmEdge sandbox.
Secure & lightweight microservice with a database backend In this repo, we demonstrate a microservice written in Rust, and connected to a MySQL databa
Open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems
Barter Barter is an open-source Rust framework for building event-driven live-trading & backtesting systems. Algorithmic trade with the peace of mind
singe's grep - a fast grep using single-file parallelism
singrep singe's grep - a fast grep using single-file parallelism singrep makes use of deterministic kernel file cache'ing to read the file fast enough
🧮 alphatensor matrix breakthrough algorithms + simd + rust.
simd-alphatensor-rs tldr; alphatensor matrix breakthrough algorithims + simd + rust. This repo contains the cutting edge matrix multiplication algorit
A snapshot of name squatting on crates.io
Machine-readable database of public packages on crates.io which meet an arbitrary, unwritten, sensible definition of name squatting: squatted.csv Form
An asynchronous, multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) bounded channel that operates at tachyonic speeds
tachyonix An asynchronous, multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) bounded channel that operates at tachyonic speeds. This library is an offshoot of As
A Solidity static analyzer to identify contract vulnerabilities and gas efficiencies.
solstat A Solidity static analyzer to identify contract vulnerabilities and gas efficiencies. .------. .------. .------. .------. .------. .------. .-
Alternative client for Substrate-based chains.
Lightweight Substrate and Polkadot client. Introduction smoldot is an alternative client of Substrate-based chains, including Polkadot. There exists t
Cuprate, an upcoming experimental, modern & secure monero node. Written in Rust
Cuprate an upcoming experimental, modern & secure monero node. Written in Rust (there is nothing working at the moment, stay tuned if you want to see
Core Fiberplane data models and methods for transforming them (templates, providers, markdown conversion)
fiberplane This repository is a monorepo for Rust code that is used throughout Fiberplane's product. Overview base64uuid - A utility for working with
A open port scanner.
opscan A open port scanner. Install With cargo cargo install --force opscan With docker docker run --rm -it sigoden/opscan opscan.nmap.org Binaries
Cookiecutter Rust Actix template for jumpstarting production-ready projects quickly.
Cookiecutter actix simple clean architecture This is a reusable Rust Cookiecutter template. The project is based on Actix web in combination with Dies
STARK 101 Workshop in Rust 🐺🦀
STARK101-rs 🦀 About This repository is based on the STARK 101 workshop, originally written in Python. A Rust tutorial for a basic STARK (Scalable Tra
Wrap a standalone FFmpeg binary in an intuitive Iterator interface. 🏍
FFmpeg Sidecar 🏍 Wrap a standalone FFmpeg binary in an intuitive Iterator interface. Motivation The core goal of this project is to provide a method