An asynchronous, multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) bounded channel that operates at tachyonic speeds



An asynchronous, multi-producer, single-consumer (MPSC) bounded channel that operates at tachyonic speeds.

This library is an offshoot of Asynchronix, an ongoing effort at a high performance asynchronous computation framework for system simulation.

No laws of physics were broken in the making of this library.

Cargo Documentation License


This is a no-frills async channel which only claim to fame is to be extremely fast (see benchmarks), without taking any shortcuts on correctness and implementation quality. Its performance mainly results from its focus on the MPSC use-case and from a number of careful optimizations, among which:

  • aggressively optimized notification primitives for full-queue and empty-queue events (the latter is courtesy of diatomic-waker, a fast, spinlock-free alternative to atomic-waker),
  • no allocation after channel creation except for blocked sender notifications,
  • no spinlocks whatsoever, and no mutex in the hot path (the only mutex is a std::sync::mutex used for blocked senders notifications),
  • underlying queue optimized for single receiver.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

tachyonix = "0.2.0"


use tachyonix;
use futures_executor::{block_on, ThreadPool};

let pool = ThreadPool::new().unwrap();

let (s, mut r) = tachyonix::channel(3);

block_on( async move {
    pool.spawn_ok( async move {
        assert_eq!(s.send("Hello").await, Ok(()));
    assert_eq!(r.recv().await, Ok("Hello"));


The original raison d'être of this library was to provide a less idiosyncratic sibling to the channels developed for Asynchronix that could be easily benchmarked against other channel implementations. The experiment turned out better than anticipated so a slightly more fleshed out version was released for public consumption in the hope that others may find it useful. However, its API surface is intentionally kept small and it does not aspire to become much more than it is today. More importantly, it makes trade-offs that may or may not be acceptable depending on your use-case:

  • just like most other async channels except the MPSC channels in the tokio and futures crates, fairness for blocked senders is not enforced: while the first sender blocked on a full channel is indeed notified first, it may still be outrun if another sender happens to be scheduled before; if your application requires better fairness guarantees, you should use tokio's or futures's channels.
  • just like most other async channels except the MPSC channels in the futures crate, the effective capacity of the channel decreases with each "forgotten" blocked sender (i.e. blocked senders which, for some reason, were not polled to completion but were not dropped either) and the channel will eventually deadlock if the effective capacity drops to zero; if this can happen in your application, you should use futures's channels.
  • just like most other async channel with the exception of flume, its low-level primitives rely on unsafe (see dedicated section),
  • zero-capacity channels (a.k.a. rendez-vous channels) are not supported.


Despite the focus on performance, implementation quality and correctness are the highest priority.

The library comes with a decent battery of tests, in particular for all low-level (unsafe) concurrency primitives which are extensively tested with Loom, complemented with MIRI for integrations tests. As amazing as they are, however, Loom and MIRI cannot formally prove the absence of data races so soundness issues are possible. You should therefore exercise caution before using it in mission-critical software until it receives more testing in the wild.


Benchmarks overview

A custom benchmarking suite was implemented that can test a number of popular MPSC and MPMC channels with several executors (Tokio, async-std, smolscale and Asynchronix).

It contains at the moment 2 benchmarks:

  • pinball: an upgraded version of the classical pin-pong benchmark where messages ("balls") perform a random walk between 13 vertices ("pins") of a fully connected graph; it is parametrized by the total number of balls within the graph,
  • funnel: the most common MPSC benchmark where messages are sent in a tight loop from 13 senders to a unique receiver; it is parametrized by the channel capacity.

Each benchmark executes 61 instances of an elementary bench rig, which ensures that all executor threads are busy at nearly all times. The pinball benchmark is a relatively good proxy for performance in situations where channel receivers are often starved but senders are never blocked (i.e. the channel capacity is always sufficient).

Regardless of its popularity, the funnel benchmark is less realistic and less objective as it is sensitive not only to the absolute speed of enqueue, dequeue and notifications, but is also strongly affected by their relative speed and by other subtle details. Its extrapolation to real-life performance is rather debatable.

More information about these benchmarks can be found in the bench repo.

Benchmark results

Keep in mind that raw speed is not everything: every channel makes design choices and trade-offs (regarding e.g. unsafety, fairness, mpmc support, ...) which can have a significant impact on performance. Be sure to read the sections about limitations and safety.

The benchmarks were run on EC2 instances of comparable performance but different micro-architectures (Intel Ice Lake, AMD Zen 3, ARM Graviton 2). The reported performance is the mean number of messages per microsecond after averaging over 10 benchmark runs (higher is better).

The reported results were obtained with Tokio, which in practice was found significantly faster than either async-std or smolscale. Asynchronix is faster yet, but less relevant as a baseline as it is not meant for general-purpose async programming.

EC2 c6i.2xlarge

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EC2 c6a.2xlarge

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EC2 c6g.2xlarge

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This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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    By storing the Notifier inside the sender instead of in the send future, it is possible to exhibit a use-after-free in the following manner. Note that this requires use of mem::forget.

    // Fails with use-after-free on miri.
    use futures_executor::block_on;
    use std::future::{poll_fn, Future};
    use std::task::Poll;
    fn main() {
        let (s, mut r) = tachyonix::channel(1);
        let mut s_box = Box::new(s);
        let mut send_fut = Box::pin(s_box.send(10i32));
        assert!(block_on(poll_fn(|cx| Poll::Ready(send_fut.as_mut().poll(cx)))).is_pending());

    I believe that making notifier be a local variable in the send future should solve this issue. In that case, the memory containing the forgotten send_fut still remains valid since the memory containing it is leaked. This is how Tokio implements the same thing.

    opened by Darksonn 5
  • Always allocate notifiers for blocked senders

    Always allocate notifiers for blocked senders

    Previous versions of tachyonix would cache the notifiers and their associated waker in the sender. While in theory this spares both on allocation and waker cloning, it appears to prevent some optimizations and actually results in worse performance across nearly all benchmarks and benchmark parameters.

    So this is a "worse" version which appears to perform better and makes it possible to have the sender take self by shared reference rather than by mutable reference.

    Also, this commit removes the UnsafeCell around the waker, which was there only to enable tracking through loom but which turned out to have a non-negligible impact on performance.

    opened by sbarral 0
  • Fix notifier list

    Fix notifier list

    So this is my 3rd rewrite of a fix for issue #1. Hopefully 3rd time is the charm...

    What I tried

    First attempt

    I initially tried the approach which I suggested at the bottom of the issue: box the notifiers and make Sender ensure that the notifier is no longer in the list before it is deallocated. While I believe this was a valid approach, it made the WaitUntil future an unsafe leaky abstraction and made it necessary to mark pretty much everything around it as unsafe, making the code ugly and brittle.

    Second attempt

    I then decided to take advantage of structural pinning in the WaitUntil future and store the notifier inline, which is I guess the approach hinted at by @Darksonn. It looked great since no allocation was needed, and I even figured I could still cache the waker with an approach similar to what I use in this PR. The problem is the cognitive load necessary to make this sound and keep it sound as the code evolves. A good reading on this topic is Sabrina Jewson's pinned-aliasable crate and her ultimate tour-de-force, the pin-list crate.

    Third attempt

    After this sobering dive into pin-based intrusive lists, I decided to keep things simple and use the tried-and-true approach to intrusive list, using only boxed notifiers but this time passing them by value so that the WaitUntil future owns the boxed notifier until it is removed from the intrusive list (or forever if forgotten). On future completion, the boxed notifier returns by value to the sender to be cached with its waker, so the notifier is only ever boxed once unless the previous send was not polled to completion.

    What now?

    I will leave this PR sit here a couple of days in case anyone was willing to review it (many thanks in advance if anyone does!), and to give myself a little more time to think about it.

    The only interesting files to review are and (second commit). The others changes only relates to adding new tests that would catch this issue. They made the diff bigger than I'd like because I had to segregate tests that can legitimately leak memory and must run with -Zmiri-ignore-leaks.

    What after

    After this is merged, I will proceed with a small commit adding inlining hints, because for some reason this fix throws off rustc a little and impacts performance even though it shouldn't, but I have identified the culprit and this can be easily repaired.

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