11126 Repositories
Simple, lightweight, markdown-based notes app I might actually finish eventually
Jupiter A simple markdown & git-based notes app for Linux. Features Lightweight with minimal dependencies Git integration for syncing & versioning Sea
A simple to use rust package to generate or parse Twitter snowflake IDs,generate time sortable 64 bits unique ids for distributed systems
A simple to use rust package to generate or parse Twitter snowflake IDs,generate time sortable 64 bits unique ids for distributed systems (inspired from twitter snowflake)
MetagenOmic read Re-Assigner and abundance quantifier
Mora Mora is an read re-assigner that re-assigns query reads to a unique reference. Main steps of Mora: Calculate the expected abundance levels of the
Kernel density estimation in Rust.
kernel-density-estimation Kernel density estimation in Rust. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric method to estimate the probability de
Rsre it's tool to rename file/directory
, Rust renamer Rsre it's tool to rename file/directory Zero dependencies 👀 Requirements Rust Nightly Install With Cargo # Install nightly rust rustup
Open-source Fortnite launcher, built in Rust.
Instigator Instigator is a basic command-line Fortnite launcher I've been working on for the last day and a bit. It is extremely basic. It injects con
🍬 shell-candy is a library that wraps Rust's `std::process::Command`
🍬 shell-candy is a library that wraps Rust's `std::process::Command`, providing a functional mechanism for handling stdout/stderr streams of spawned tasks..
Rust implementation of Surging Object DiGraph (SODG)
This Rust library implements a Surging Object DiGraph (SODG) for reo virtual machine for EO programs. Here is how you can create a di-graph: use sodg:
Fake rest is a fake API generator using a config file to help you develop clients.
About Fake-Rest is a fake API generator using a config file to help you develop clients. It's EASY AS HELL. Usage It's very simple to use. just create
Template for multi-contract CosmWasm projects
CosmWasm Template Template for multi-contract CosmWasm projects How to Use Install cargo-make: cargo install --force cargo-make Run formatter: cargo m
This Repo Contains my Week Long Journey Trying to Learn Rust Programming Language 🦀.
the-rust-way This Repo Contains my Week Long Journey Trying to Learn Rust Programming Language 🦀 . 💪 Thanks to all Wonderful Contributors Thanks a l
Email test server for development, written in Rust
MailCrab Email test server for development, written in Rust. Inspired by MailHog and MailCatcher. MailCrab was created as an exercise in Rust, trying
An async Rust client for SurrealDB's RPC endpoint
An async Rust client for SurrealDB's RPC endpoint This crate serves as a temporary yet complete implementation of an async Rust client to connect to a
An experimental HTTP server in Rust that supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 over QUIC.
🚀 H123 An experimental HTTP server in Rust that supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 over QUIC. Warning This is an experimental project and not inte
Avalanche primitive types in Rust (experimental)
AvalancheGo Compatibility Crate Version(s) AvalancheGo Version(s) Protocol Version v0.0.134-155 v1.9.2,v1.9.3 19 v0.0.156-176 v1.9.4 20 v0.0.177-200 v
Lexer and parser collections.
laps Lexer and parser collections. With laps, you can build parsers by just defining ASTs and deriving Parse trait for them. Usage Add laps to your pr
A server software designed for fetching Minecraft and Minecraft-related metadata
Minecraft Metadata Server A server software designed for fetching Minecraft and Minecraft-related metadata (such as Forge, Fabric, Quilt and Liteloade
A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data. Used as a key dependency of the `barter-rs` project.
Barter-Data A high-performance WebSocket integration library for streaming public market data from leading cryptocurrency exchanges - batteries includ
The source code of the 'rg' crate. It is an intentional typo-squat that redirects folks to 'ripgrep'.
This is the rg crate that always fails to compile and suggests that folks run cargo install ripgrep instead. Namely, while rg is the command name of r
CosmWasm + zkVM RISC-V EFI template
cosmwasm-risc0-example CosmWasm + RISC-V zkVM gm example Overview CosmWasm RISC Zero This example exists to explore the patterns of use of CosmWasm an
Parallel iteration of FASTA/FASTQ files, for when sequence order doesn't matter but speed does
Rust-parallelfastx A truly parallel parser for FASTA/FASTQ files. Principle The input file is memory-mapped then virtually split into N chunks. Each c
Complete bindings to the raspicam C++ library
raspicam-rs Rust bindings to the amazing C++ raspicam library (with optional OpenCV utilities)! This is a followup to a Rust-based robotics project I
Minimalistic implementation of entity kinds for Bevy ECS.
Bevy 💖 Kindly This crate is a minimalistic implementation of Kinded Entities for Bevy game engine. In summary, it allows the user to define, construc
LIMITS is yet another fully open source, interoperable, decentralised real-time communication protocol!
LIMITS: Limit-IM does not have ITS LIMITS We are undergoing a major refactoring and technology stack adjustment to better accommodate clustered deploy
An asynchronous runtime compatible with WebAssembly and non-WebAssembly targets.
Promise x Tokio = Prokio An asynchronous runtime compatible with WebAssembly and non-WebAssembly targets. Rationale When designing components and libr
Generate rust structs & query functions from diesel schema files
dsync A utility to generate database structs and querying code from diesel schema files. Primarily built for create-rust-app. Currently, it's more adv
Print your git contributions in your terminal, blazingly fast
Takoyaki Blazingly fast git contribution graph in your terminal Features ✔️ Customizable ✔️ Plugins to support a bunch of cloud based git repositories
Generate a vanity address (`juno1wynd...`) to show your support for WYND DAO
WYND Generator When you generate a new mnemonic, it is very random (must be to be secure), and you cannot predict the address you will get. However, i