11126 Repositories
Diosic is an open source web-based music collection server and streamer
Diosic is an open source web-based music collection server and streamer. Mainly suitable for users who need to deploy on servers with low hardware specifications.
👩💻Type-checked JSX for Rust
This crate provides the html! macro for building fully type checked HTML documents inside your Rust code using roughly JSX compatible syntax.
This repo scans pypi, rubygems and hexpm for AWS keys
What is this? This is a project to try to detect any AWS access keys that are accidentally uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPi). New uploads ar
A superset of PHP with extended syntax and runtime capabilities.
PXP PXP is a superset of the PHP programming language that provides an extended set of syntax rules and language features to improve developer experie
Filter, Sort & Delete Duplicate Files Recursively
Deduplicator Find, Sort, Filter & Delete duplicate files Usage Usage: deduplicator [OPTIONS] [scan_dir_path] Arguments: [scan_dir_path] Run Dedupl
Generate Nix fetcher calls from repository URLs [maintainer=@figsoda]
nurl Generate Nix fetcher calls from repository URLs $ nurl https://github.com/nix-community/patsh v0.2.0 2/dev/null fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nix
Automatically commit all edits to a wip branch with GPT-3 commit messages
gwipt Automatic work-in-progress commits with descriptive commit messages generated by GPT-3 Codex Never again worry about the tension between "commit
cargo-generate template for Criterion benchmarks
Criterion Benchmark Template This is a cargo-generate template for quickly creating benchmarks using the Criterion benchmarking framework. Usage $ car
c the automagic de(c)ompressor
de(c)ompressor the de(c)ompressor operates on streams compression streams automagically. input streams are detected by magic numbers, output streams a
An artisanally made PSD Importer for Godot, written in Rust
PSD Importer for Godot Speed up your import workflow ✨ An artisanally made PSD Importer for Godot 3.5, written in Rust. ✨ Getting Started | 📚 Documen
Bongo Copy Cat wants to be involved in everything you do but instead just imitates you hitting your keyboard all day. After all it's just a cat.
Bongo Copy Cat Introduction Bongo Copy Cat wants to be involved in everything you do but instead just imitates you hitting your keyboard all day. Afte
A browser switcher/chooser written in Rust
bro Introduction One project in Rust that allows users to choose their web browser when clicking a link is bro. bro is a command-line utility that all
Rust adaptation of sindresorhus/is-interactive from NodeJS
is-interactive Rust adaptation of sindresorhus/is-interactive from NodeJS Check if stdout or stderr is interactive It checks that stedout or stderr is
Algebraic structures, higher-kinded types and other category theory bad ideas
Algar Algebric structures, higher-kinded types and other category theory bad ideas. Yes, you'll have generalized functors, applicatives, monads, trave
A helper bevy plugin to handle downloading OpenStreetMap-compliant slippy tiles
Bevy Slippy Tiles A helper bevy plugin to handle downloading OpenStreetMap-compliant slippy tiles. [DownloadSlippyTilesEvent] can be fired to request
🎨✨ Show off your soothing color palette
🎨 Show off your soothing color palette ✨ Palettes · install · contribute · Gratitute 🎨 Palettes Rust C Lua Ruby Go sh js 🚀 install Installing this
A launcher/menu program written in Rust for wlroots-based Wayland compositors
tehda tehda (ᴛᴀʏ-dah /ˈteɪ̯.dæ/ or /teh.da/; Finnish for "to do, perform, execute") is a launcher/menu program, like dmenu, rofi, or wofi, written in
A set of Rust libraries to interact with apple's private APIs and servers.
apple-private-apis A set of Rust libraries to interact with apple's private APIs and servers, made for use in SideInstaller. Library Description omnis
A fork of the abandoned ffmpeg-next crate which is a fork of the abandoned ffmpeg crate
This is a fork of the abandoned ffmpeg-next crate which is a fork of the abandoned ffmpeg crate. Currently supported FFmpeg versions: 4.x, 5.x. Build
Set of tools that make it easier for the operator to manage a TAPLE network.
⚠️ TAPLE is in early development and should not be used in production ⚠️ TAPLE Tools TAPLE (pronounced T+ 🍎 ['tapəl]) stands for Tracking (Autonomous
A fast & light weight Discord Client made with love using the Rust programming language.
LemonCord A fast & light-weight Discord Client written in Rust using the wry crate. Features Fast, light-weight, easy to use. 100% Open sourced. No su
Add image watermark for multiple file (jpeg, jpg, png, tiff, bmp,etc)
Rust image watermark Add image watermark CLI program for multiple image format (jpeg, jpg, png, tiff, bmp, etc.) manipulation, browser WASM build supp
CLI tool for deterministically building and verifying executable against on-chain programs or buffer accounts
Solana Verify CLI A command line tool to build and verify solana programs. Users can ensure that the hash of the on-chain program matches the hash of
store virtually unlimited, large files on discord by splitting them into small chunks
Discord Drive This repo hold an MVP implementation of an concept to store data on discord by dividing them into chunks of 7MB each, which are then upl
Who said python couldn't have nice errors?
potato Who said python couldn't have nice errors? Running git clone https://github.com/KittyBorgX/potato.git cd potato cargo build --release ./target/
Zinnia is a runtime for Filecoin Station modules. It provides a sandboxed environment to execute untrusted code on consumer-grade computers.
🌼 Zinnia Zinnia is a runtime for Filecoin Station modules. It provides a sandboxed environment to execute untrusted code on consumer-grade computers.
Command-line System Information Tool
A blazingly fast system fetch program to pair with onefetch View the complete ascii art collection at punfetch.dev Installation Install from crates.io
A command line tool for building and running custom web frameworks with Deno in mind.
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