CLI tool for deterministically building and verifying executable against on-chain programs or buffer accounts


Solana Verify CLI

A command line tool to build and verify solana programs. Users can ensure that the hash of the on-chain program matches the hash of the program of the given codebase.


In order for this CLI to work properly, you must have docker installed on your computer. Follow the steps here: to install Docker (based on your platform)

Once the installation is complete, make sure that the server has been started: (

To install the Solana Verify cli, run the following in your shell:

bash <(curl -sSf

Example Walkthrough

After installing the CLI, we can test the program verification against the following immutable mainnet program: 2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn

Check it out here:

Verification with Docker

Run the following command:

solana-verify verify-from-image -e examples/hello_world/target/deploy/ -i ellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest -p 2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn

This command loads up the image stored at ellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest, and verifies that the hash of the executable path in the container is the same as the hash of the on-chain program supplied to the command. Because the build was already uploaded to an image, there is no need for a full rebuild of the executable which takes an extremely long time.

The Dockerfile that creates the image ellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest can be found in ./examples/hello_world under this repo.

Below is the expected output:

Verifying image: "ellipsislabs/hello_world_verifiable_build:latest", on network "" against program ID 2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn
Executable path in container: "examples/hello_world/target/deploy/"

Executable hash: 08d91368d349c2b56c712422f6d274a1e8f1946ff2ecd1dc3efc3ebace52a760
Program hash: 08d91368d349c2b56c712422f6d274a1e8f1946ff2ecd1dc3efc3ebace52a760
Executable matches on-chain program data ✅

Manual Verification

To get the hash of an on-chain program, we can run the following with a given program ID:

solana-verify get-program-hash 2ZrriTQSVekoj414Ynysd48jyn4AX6ZF4TTJRqHfbJfn

Which will return the following hash:


By default, this command will strip any trailing zeros away from the program executable and run the sha256 algorithm against it to compute the hash.

To manually verify this program, one could run the following from the root of this repository, which builds a program from source code and computes a hash. This command takes a long time because it is building the binary in a Docker container

solana-verify build $PWD/examples/hello_world

Now we can check the resulting hash from the build.

solana-verify get-executable-hash ./examples/hello_world/target/deploy/

This will return the hash of the stripped executable, which should match the hash of the program data retrieved from the blockchain.


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    Update installer

    Fix install script to allow downloadable executable for MacOS.

    Add Github actions to automate building for multiple OSs.

    Next Steps:

    • test github action auto build
    • update install script to point to right versions
    opened by throwbackjams 0
  • add verify from repo url feature

    add verify from repo url feature

    Takes in:

    • URL to the github repo
    • path to the program (if not in the main repo)
    • ProgramID to compare against


    • Build hash
    • On-chain program hash
    • Bool on whether they match
    opened by throwbackjams 0
  • v0.1.8(Jan 31, 2023)

  • v0.1.7(Jan 31, 2023)

  • v0.1.6(Jan 31, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • Jxiao/verify with canonical hash by @jarry-xiao in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.5(Jan 31, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • update install script to point at latest auto build by @throwbackjams in
    • update to sha256 and print out hash after build by @jarry-xiao in

    New Contributors

    • @jarry-xiao made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    verifier-cli-linux(13.77 MB)
    verifier-cli-macos(7.54 MB)
  • v0.1.4(Jan 30, 2023)

    What's Changed

    • fix version syntax bug by @throwbackjams in
    • update upload artifact stage by @throwbackjams in
    • update artifact upload yaml by @throwbackjams in
    • use softprops for artifacts uploading in build.yml by @throwbackjams in
    • fix file upload path by @throwbackjams in
    • fix artifact path in build.yml by @throwbackjams in
    • update artifact paths and names by @throwbackjams in
    • update artifact name so mac and linux don't overwrite by @throwbackjams in
    • add asset path as envars by @throwbackjams in
    • fix envars syntax in build.yml by @throwbackjams in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    verifier-cli-linux(13.31 MB)
    verifier-cli-macos(7.13 MB)
  • v0.1.1(Jan 30, 2023)

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