This repo scans pypi, rubygems and hexpm for AWS keys


What is this?

This is a project to try to detect any AWS access keys that are accidentally uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPi).

New uploads are scanned periodically, and if a valid key is detected then it is added to this repository under the keys directory. This will then notify AWS (via Github secret scanning) which will cause AWS to secure your key.

What's wrong with adding IAM credentials into code?

It can lead to anyone using these to perform potentially malicious actions on your account. See the AWS best practices document for more details.

How does it work?

This is a proof-of-concept that uses github actions to run a rust tool every hour. The file has a pretty good overview of the process and how it all works.

What happens when my key is added?

AWS will notify you via an email and apply the QuarantineV2 IAM policy onto the leaked key.

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  • Scan for other key types?

    Scan for other key types?

    This is fantastic! It's a huge service to the community (and frankly, the world).

    How hard do you think it'd be to extend to cover other key types? I'm not quite sure what the next highest priority would be, but based on the number of key types Github's Secret Scanning supports, there's a lot of other stuff people accidentally ship :-(

    opened by alex 2
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