11126 Repositories
png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance.
png_defringe_rs png_defringe_rs is a port of Immorpher's PNG Defringe program written in Rust to achieve easier installation and faster performance. U
Some hacks and failed experiments surrounding nvidia's gamestream protocol and sunshine/moonlight implementations
Sunrise This repository contains a bunch of experiments surrounding the nvidia gamestream protocol and reimplementations in the form of sunshine and m
Command line tool to query the Oxford Dictionaries API.
oxd Oxd is a client library for the Oxford Dictionary API. It provides a series of structs modeling entries returned from the API, a function [get_ent
`rusty_regex` takes an input string and produces a `regex` string representing what was provided.
rusty_regex This project provides a binary that takes an input string, and preps it for regex usage, effectively replacing known generics and producin
Trento checks' ecosystem linting tool
Rashomon Validation engine for Trento Checks DSL. Usage $ tlint -h tlint 0.9.0 USAGE: tlint [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -f, --file FILE -h,
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Solana Contract 🦄
Tic Tac Toe Implemenattion of a Tic-Tac-Toe Game on Solana You can play the game here. Make sure you have Phantom installed and you are using Solana D
Dumping some code from ~May 2022. Intended to accompany blog post or something.
An example project where Rust code prints the length of an uploaded file. Run python3 -m http.server (or equivalent: https://gist.github.com/willurd/5
📦 Unpack deep archive files recursively over a file tree or a folder
deep-unpack Unpack deep archive files recursively over a file tree or a folder. Usage [dependencies] deep-unpack = { version = "0.1.2" } Usage fn main
collaboration project focusing on rust. Made for fun
Collaboration space for on rust project(s) setup Pull down the repo first then do the following steps cd into lil-devils cargo fetch cargo build cargo
A Rust-based tmux sessionizer
RUTS A Rust-based tmux sessionizer Installation Currently you can install this package by either compiling from source or from the AUR. AUR yay -S rut
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for optimized Stable Diffusion inference 🔮
pyke Diffusers is a modular Rust library for pretrained diffusion model inference to generate images, videos, or audio, using ONNX Runtime as a backen
Send Youtube videos as audio podcasts to your personal Pocket Casts files section.
yttopocketcasts Send Youtube videos as audio podcasts to your personal Pocket Casts files section. Quick Start Prerequisites: Docker and Make must be
API and logger for GBFS endpoints, noticeably Velib' in Paris
GBFS Watcher A daemon which logs Velib' stations statuses and provides a REST endpoint to access data. Velib' API is built over GBFS v1, so this API c
RSA dependency for rust, with cert verification
About Project End to End encryption (RSA) for multiple languages (cross-platform) with double encryption and double decryption methods Icon Item 🥳 Up
Extension to `thiserror` that helps reduce the amount of handwriting
justerror This macro piggybacks on thiserror crate and is supposed to reduce the amount of handwriting when you want errors in your app to be describe
Minecraft's command parsing library in Rust
brigadier-rs This crate is a parsing library for Minecraft commands inspired by Mojang's brigadier. It was developed for use with FalconMC but can be
Generate commands that add node_modules/.bin to PATH
npx-bin-helper Generate commands that add node_modules/.bin to PATH. Supports Linux, MacOS and Windows. Installation cargo install npx-bin-helper Usag
Safe API to embed an ECMAScript engine.
Kopi Kopi is a small abstraction to easily and safely embed an ECMAScript runtime inside a Rust based application. It uses the V8 execution engine to
Example Blog using Rust, Actix Web, HTMX, Mustache
Actix Blog An example blog built with Actix. It uses htmx and handlebar templates. Running To run the blog, you need to have a recent version of Rust
A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias
Runner 🤔 What is this? A cli tool that let's you map commands to a shorter alias. Run the mapped command using the ALIAS_NAME. runner ALIAS_NAME
A Minecraft downloader written in rust,
mcdl_core_rs A Minecraft downloader written in rust Changelog v0.1.4 Removed all deprecated functions. Features As of this moment in the initial relea
Linux ABI-compatible kernel written in Rust
Linux ABI-compatible kernel written in Rust 🖼️ Screenshot (v0.1.0-alpha.1) 📦 Build dependencies To compile GalaxyOS kernel and create basic OS ISO i
egui backend for D3D9.
egui-d3d9 egui backend for D3D9. Primarily intended for source games like CS:GO and GMod. It's not perfect by far, but it'll do. This is a rewrite of
👌 🦀 Bare bones WebFinger CLI in Rust
webfinger Bare bones Rust WebFinger client. cargo run --release acct:[email protected] Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s Running
A simplified version of a Redis server supporting SET/GET commands
This is a starting point for Rust solutions to the "Build Your Own Redis" Challenge. In this challenge, you'll build a toy Redis clone that's capable
Streaming I/O for Linux built on DMA Buffers
dmastorage High-performance I/O for Linux based on DMA Buffers ALPHA QUALITY SOFTWARE Warning DmaStorage is still just a concept and shouldn't be used
This is for aquestalk1 rust wrapper.
aquestalk-rs This is for aquestalk1 rust wrapper. 読み上げに使用する際 aquestalkを使ってDiscord読み上げbotなどを作成する場合aquestalkに問い合わせして、サーバー用ライセンスの購入が必須です。 Installation [d
Serverless setup for activity pub (using lambda+dynamodb) in Rust
Serverless ActivityPub About This is an experiment to have free/cheaper activitypub instances running on AWS (making use of free tiers as much as poss